Who won 1st Presidential debate? 06/27/24…….. Be honest 🇺🇸 🇺🇸!


Inordinately Right
His tariffs plan for one. Any person with a brain cell knows that if you put tariffs on countries like China, they will just pass that onto the consumer. It doesn’t work but Trump is trying to con the American people like it will benefit us.
tariffs have been a standard economic tool for literally millennia, yes it passes the cost on to the consumer, EVERYTHING DOES

tariffs aren't a purely efficient tool of capitalism, they're a national decision to promote the well-being of your citizenry over pure money

if the Founding Fathers could hear the parties fellating big banks and corporations it would make them puke, this is a Republic for the PEOPLE not the :censored2: :censored2:ing dollar
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Well-Known Member
As registered Independent not affiliated with either party what stood out to me was that neither individual should have the keys to the Situation Room or the codes to the US nuclear arsenal. One is an elderly gentleman whose mental sharpness is clearly in decline and whose party should not have allowed him to run in 2020 and the other a convicted felon who Fact Check caught lying at least 30 times last night and if elected and convicted on his remaining charges then pardons himself then the nation will have to prepare itself for a North Korean style family dictatorship

Neither one represents the future of their respective parties. So which party has the best stable of young and upcoming political talent? Most professional political observers I've read and listened to say it's the Democrats. Harris and Newsom you can forget about them. Instead they have Witmer (Michigan) and Beshear (Kentucky) but the one that has really caught a tailwind is Pa. Governor Josh Shapiro. A couple have even gone as far as to say that it's pretty much a forgone conclusion that Shapiro will be the 2028 Democratic presidential nominee..... We'll just have to wait and see.
You like to listen to yourself.


Legio patria nostra
Bumbling Biden will be inflicted with a sudden illness and he will have to bow out to focus on his health.
His handlers will prop him up behind their next best choice (LOL) as an Advisor and “mentor”. “ Let’s finish what we started”. LOL
They'll will push the “BOGO”, sympathy & TDS angles and the pathetic liberals will buy it because that’s their only hope.


nowhere special
Bumbling Biden will be inflicted with a sudden illness and he will have to bow out to focus on his health.
His handlers will prop him up behind their next best choice (LOL) as an Advisor and “mentor”. “ Let’s finish what we started”. LOL
They'll will push the “BOGO”, sympathy & TDS angles and the pathetic liberals will buy it because that’s their only hope.


Well-Known Member
As registered Independent not affiliated with either party what stood out to me was that neither individual should have the keys to the Situation Room or the codes to the US nuclear arsenal. One is an elderly gentleman whose mental sharpness is clearly in decline and whose party should not have allowed him to run in 2020 and the other a convicted felon who Fact Check caught lying at least 30 times last night and if elected and convicted on his remaining charges then pardons himself then the nation will have to prepare itself for a North Korean style family dictatorship

Neither one represents the future of their respective parties. So which party has the best stable of young and upcoming political talent? Most professional political observers I've read and listened to say it's the Democrats. Harris and Newsom you can forget about them. Instead they have Witmer (Michigan) and Beshear (Kentucky) but the one that has really caught a tailwind is Pa. Governor Josh Shapiro. A couple have even gone as far as to say that it's pretty much a forgone conclusion that Shapiro will be the 2028 Democratic presidential nominee..... We'll just have to wait and see.
If for some reason Biden is not the one on the ballot it's not going to matter what the voters or professional political observers say; the Democrat party will decide who will be on that ballot and the rest won't matter. The voters of both parties have said who they want to be our next president and that's what we should be voting for. In the overall picture of name calling and finger pointing the decision should be easy. The last 8 years we have all seen both of the candidates as our president. You were either satisfied more with one or the other. Or you could always not vote for either.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

Why are so many Dems so worried about Joe at the debate? He must of just had a bad night. Maybe just under the weather that night. We all know how mentally and physically fit Joe is. We have had countless people that are around Joe every day saying how hard he works, what great shape he is in and how mentally sharp he is. We have had MSM reporters that has been around Joe for years and they assured us how sharp Joe is so why the panic over 1 night? Or have we witness yet again a cover up from the supposedly “news“ sources? Is the man so unfit they can’t even lie it away anymore?


Well-Known Member
There is a lull from $ printing affecting the markets.
anti tariff proponents arguing cost increases was not proven in actual application.
in fairness to the issue as you point out there are many other factors that may apply including currency manipulation by china.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

The Republicans need to keep reminding these Dems that this was just 1 night. Biden is the man to run against that convicted felon Trump if they want to win. Republicans need to remind Dems of what they have been saying for the past 3+ years of how fit Joe is. Dems have seen Joe’s condition for the past 3+ years and it never changed their minds that Joe was doing a great job and Joe can win against horrible Trump. Democrats need to not let 1 bad night and MSM change their minds. Republicans are for Biden to run against Trump and So should they be.