He was a traitor. He was put down by the military. They made it look like he was sick.watch both videos.Nobody is. But he was a good dude mostly.

John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Amy Klobuchar in Ukraine - December 31, 2016
Week of Dec 28, 2016 https://www.klobuchar.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2016/12/klobuchar-mccain-graham-in-ukraine-baltic-states-and-georgia-to-reinforce-support-for-nato-with-focus-on-cybersecurit Tip

Look how wrinkled that flag is, and then find out what a wrinkled flag signifies in the military.
A wrinkled American flag draped over a coffin may be a sign of disrespect. When a United States flag is placed over a deceased veteran's casket, it's done to honor their service to the country. The flag is positioned with the blue field at the head of the casket and over the veteran's left shoulder, and the "field of stars" covering the head. The flag is kept in place during the burial ceremony. After the ceremony, the flag is folded into a symbolic triangle and given to the next of kin as a keepsake.