Upstae, Sandy believes that the current people there are more than capable of doing the right thing. Her problem as well as many of ours is that the decisions made at the top handcuff the VP's etc. She is taking on only Hoffa as well as endorsing the others on his slate. This way she can gather votes from their supporters. Many people want their local leaders to saty in their position and would like to see the union get on the right track so she is hoping that this election will take days to count and hoping that people spilt their ballots in doing so.
Fred Gegare and Tom Keegle have both left the Hoffa camp because Hoffa is listening to hired outsiders rather than listening to Teamsters that were elected by us to represent us. Hall was great when he came here and backed us on our contract talks, he did a great job in 97, he fought and won the arbitration 22.3 issue when UPS failed to place and create those jobs. So something is going on in order to handcuff him from fighting this issue now. IMO