Well-Known Member
705red really knows his stuff. I still stand by Sandy 100% and wish her the best. She has an open invitation , along with the other two, to come speak at our local. I know she will show, I hope the others do.
I don't think so for several reasons. One Sandy Pope started running in a grass roots camapign and it had snowballed big time where everyone is starting to know her name. Second a third person is running on another slate so this will offset the votes that Hoffa would normally get. Remember the third person running used to work for Hoffa, and he quit, apparently disgusted with Hoff's shenanigans. What does that tell you about Hoffa.Remember Tom L that guy never had a chance and he ran three times. Sandy Pope will suffer the same fate.
Then I suggest you not vote at all, since you obviously have no idea what Hoffa is doing. No alternative? Are youI voted "no" as there is no viable alternative at this time.
How ignorant.I don't think so for several reasons. One Sandy Pope started running in a grass roots camapign and it had snowballed big time where everyone is starting to know her name. Second a third person is running on another slate so this will offset the votes that Hoffa would normally get. Remember the third person running used to work for Hoffa, and he quit, apparently disgusted with Hoff's shenanigans. What does that tell you about Hoffa.
I swear if Hoffa wins, there are a lot of people who voted, basically following like sheep, or the voting was rigged in Hoffa's favor.
If Sandy Pope loses by a small margain, I would demand a recount.
Then I suggest you not vote at all, since you obviously have no idea what Hoffa is doing. No alternative? Are youkidding me?
Why would he be any different? If anything, he has stood there and allowed Hoffa to inflate his ego on our backs.I mentioned the names Sandy Pope and Fred Gregare at my center the other day and I got a collective "huh?" in return. Hoffa will win based on name recognition alone. I then hope that he will step aside and let hall run the show.
Why would he be any different? If anything, he has stood there and allowed Hoffa to inflate his ego on our backs.
I understand he negotiates, and that it really doesn't matter, but he has allowed Hoffa to be Hoffa.Who do you think negotiates out contracts? Hoffa? hall is the chief negotiater. Hoffa simply signs off on the agreement.I wish there was someone else who could step forward and take control of the Teamsters but there simply isn't. Besides, it doesn't really matter how we vote in Plattsburgh or Black River--it is the metropolitan areas that decide.
I understand he negotiates, and that it really doesn't matter, but he has allowed Hoffa to be Hoffa.
Of course he is. But, he doesn't care because he knows he has it in the bag. If he didn't, then he might worry.Funny how this poll seems to have an overwhelming majority voting Hoffa out. Of course this isn't a "random poll" but I wonder if Hoffa is watching?
Confronting him at any point along the way would have been political suicide.
Of course he is. But, he doesn't care because he knows he has it in the bag. If he didn't, then he might worry.
I see that happening. I don't think Hoffa has any thoughts of finishing another 5 year term.I mentioned the names Sandy Pope and Fred Gregare at my center the other day and I got a collective "huh?" in return. Hoffa will win based on name recognition alone. I then hope that he will step aside and let hall run the show.
Sandy has already extended an invitation for Hall to work in her administration if she should happen to win.Why would he be any different? If anything, he has stood there and allowed Hoffa to inflate his ego on our backs.
Sandy has already extended an invitation for Hall to work in her administration if she should happen to win.
Good point.Should be the other way around
unless i missed something,gregare said he tried to talk hoffa out of the c.s pension buyout.did you hear his nomination speech?he said it would be a tsunami wiating to happen.