Who's in...???


Well-Known Member
I wear my misloader of the month and least best employee ones with pride

One of those shirts would go beautifully with what I already have....

My old UPS Safety manager was a kick in the pants. He was very fresh and inventive and once put together a seminar for new supervisors on the ways of UPS. His theme was that as a company, we have superior history in the transportation industry and that we make our way out into the world to provide an excellent service while also making a profit.

To stress his talking points, he had some "props" created, which were three UPS hats in the all too familiar Pullman brown with Gold Lettering that read...

"Mine is longer than yours" (Company history...)

"I do it in public"..... (Providing the service, of course..)

"I do it for money".... (Company profits..)

I talked him out of all of every one of those hats on the condition that I would never wear them in public. (Sucker!!!!!!) Yes, I will be ordering many T Shirts!!! :thumbup1:
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Logic? Who needs logic?
I dont intend to actually make and or sell any product that contains the ups logo.Anyone that does is subject to the laws protecting its use.Lobo is also copyrighted by D.C. comics inc. and any infringement of his image is subject to the wrath of Lobo himself.So any one of you friggin bastiches that tries it is in for a big surprise!!!!!!

now that's nice...no fair teasing...but, that is an awesome picture.