brown bomber
brown bomber
provided you don't have a drunk dyslexic as a loader...then the system works
No offense taken on my part.UPS lifer,
You seem to make some pretty reasonable posts coming from an ex manager (excuse if I am wrong) I just wonder if you had the same views while you held your position at UPS. Maybe being out of the limelight or under the brown microscope gave you a different view of the company/union. No offense to Sat Driver, but the scabs are no good for the union and are concidered a weak link in a chain. Right to work state or not, but if your one of a thousand that cross the line, well something isnt right.(using the few that crossed in our local compared to the 4k membership approx)
UPS lifer,
You seem to make some pretty reasonable posts coming from an ex manager (excuse if I am wrong) I just wonder if you had the same views while you held your position at UPS. Maybe being out of the limelight or under the brown microscope gave you a different view of the company/union. No offense to Sat Driver, but the scabs are no good for the union and are concidered a weak link in a chain. Right to work state or not, but if your one of a thousand that cross the line, well something isnt right.(using the few that crossed in our local compared to the 4k membership approx)
Considering the DOL was originally set up by the PAS team using only a map I find your claim dishonest.
I could do that before PAS. 95% of the routes I know I learned that way.
IMO, The winner of a strike is the employee. The UPS union employee does not lose anything. Actually he gains. Let me explain. Folks its all what you compare it to. I will use this example. The numbers I'll use will just be for the sake of using numbers. Ok, Lets say a Teamster ft driver makes $60,000 a year. A Fedex non union driver makes $50,000 a year. A Dhl non union/some are union drivers make $30,000 a year. Keep that in mind. I than will take a UPS dirver that has worked 5 years before he goes on strike. Lets do a little math. $60,000(UPS) - $50,000(fedex) = $10,000. Take that $10,000 and times it by 5 giving you a total of $50,000. That would be your strike fund. Do you see my point? By being a unionized Company your wages are alot higher than the non union company. The difference in income is your strike fund. For without the union you would probably be making the same or less as the non-union employee. Thats how I look at it.
The problem with that. Is that most/ not all(Teamsters) adjust their lifestyle to match their level of income. Again, Teamsters the strike fund is allready given to us in the difference of our union wage to non union wage. The monies is incorporated in our wages prior to the years before the strike. Its all who you compare it to. The sad part is most didn't see it or plan for it that way.
Where else in America are you forced to join an association and send them money?
I agree with you, except that if it weren't for our union, fedex's wages wouldn't be $50,000.IMO, The winner of a strike is the employee. The UPS union employee does not lose anything. Actually he gains. Let me explain. Folks its all what you compare it to. I will use this example. The numbers I'll use will just be for the sake of using numbers. Ok, Lets say a Teamster ft driver makes $60,000 a year. A Fedex non union driver makes $50,000 a year. A Dhl non union/some are union drivers make $30,000 a year. Keep that in mind. I than will take a UPS dirver that has worked 5 years before he goes on strike. Lets do a little math. $60,000(UPS) - $50,000(fedex) = $10,000. Take that $10,000 and times it by 5 giving you a total of $50,000. That would be your strike fund. Do you see my point? By being a unionized Company your wages are alot higher than the non union company. The difference in income is your strike fund. For without the union you would probably be making the same or less as the non-union employee. Thats how I look at it.
Area43 -
I agree with you on the concept of the power of negotiation being a union member. To keep it simple... you get more because there is more at stake if you strike. There is a lot of power behind organized labor. NO DOUBT!
But strike is a 5 letter word! Tell me how much you get when your company does not have the volume (because a strike forced the volume to other carriers) and goes out of business or is relegated to being a third rate carrier???1
Area very well said. I still do not see th point to this post from the site? This thread is not relevant to the discussions on the contract that we were having. Now that the contract is out to be viewed, i have not noticed any way out there rumors on the contract. It seems alot of the rumors were dead on what this offer was. Now im sitting back and reading and rereading this contract like i hope the rest of you are.Sacrafices in the short term will benefit the worker in the long run. Even at the expense of the company becoming third rate carrier or goes out of business. I answered the question and IMO I believed I was correct. No offense Lifer but your many days in mgt might have skewed your judgement. Let me explain.
The history of the strike. Lets go back to the beginning. Lets talk about the great pay and bennies of the early 1900's(sarcasm). Lifer would you want to be working on one of those assembly lines. The 12 to 14 hour days. No or little breaks. Vacations, Ha. If you got hurt there was no comp. The fear of being fired was a daily occurence. Etc, Etc, Etc. Brutal to say the least. I believe you are starting to get my point. The worker had to choose being laid off(loss of volume) by striking the Company for its questionable practices or get terminated by a brutal way of managing. I ask you this. What way would you choose? Be fired or get laid off(because of strike). I would choose the strike. As you can see because of the strike. Its has set the standard for Pay and bennies for all workers. Union, Non Union and Salary. Better Safety conditions came out of it. Mim Wage laws. Overtime. 40 hr a work week. Yes, companies fell by the way side. Sacrafices were made by the workers in the short term present of the strike(duration) but in the many years to come we have reaped the rewards. So the winner of a strike is the Employee.
Area very well said. I still do not see th point to this post from the site? This thread is not relevant to the discussions on the contract that we were having. Now that the contract is out to be viewed, i have not noticed any way out there rumors on the contract. It seems alot of the rumors were dead on what this offer was. Now im sitting back and reading and rereading this contract like i hope the rest of you are.
I hope everyone here is aware that if we vote this contract down it DOES NOT mean that we will strike. So make an informed decision on how this contract affects you and the others around you, and dont just vote yes because this site has started a scare campaign on ups's behalf to intimidate you into voting for a sub-par contract.
Area i noticed your signature brother, you are aware that ups will save millions during this contract alone by opting out oc cs with 6.1 billion compared to the 1.4 billion per year they will pay into it by staying. Not trying to change your mind on your point of view, just do a little research and see that ups benefits the most by opting out.
Lifer im all for looking long term. I would sacrafice my hourly raises to invest it into my retirement pension for this contract, similiar to what the iam mechanics did to get their pensions to what they are now.705,
I noticed your last post to area43.
I could be wrong, but from what I have seen in the past, UPS looks at the contract process from the long term where as a lot of the employees that the contract affects look at what the contract gives them right now.
The company has to protect the long range goals and interests(more than a generation from now) while most employees are looking at less than one generation ahead...if that! My real feeling is that the majority of employees which includes our very valued part time folks, look at this contract as to how it affects them right now!
Union Officials have seen big companies go by the wayside and realize that they also need to look at the future of the company and the union and I feel they negotiate for the immediate and long range future.
Am I wrong?
I guess my point is that you and I do not want the company to make poor decisions. It could affect all of our futures. The company pays now but benefits in the future. This is a good investment in your future.
No offense taken on my part.
But, I will tell you that my reasons for quiting the teamsters and going back to work was not monetary. I had enough money set back to wait out a 6 month strike and not change a thing in my lifestyle.
I was lied to and being manipulated by an internal power play in the teamsters, to the detriment of Upser's.
My personal moral code does not allow me to support or condone such behavior.
My "scabbing" may be a weak link to the teamster mentality, but when I saw intentional harm being directed at the company that has always met it's promises to me, I chose my side.
This diatribe is not directed at you 804, it is just my way of trying to explain why I had to make a hard decision.
Scabs may not be good for the union. I have never endorsed or posted that anyone should scab and I never will.
I believe in unions, just not the teamsters.
I also believe, all states should be right to work states. Freedom of choice is a basic constitutional right.
Where else in America are you forced to join an association and send them money?
Red, this is the second false accusation you have made about this site. First you accused me of sending out anti union messages. Although that false statement was an obvious attempt to tarnish the reputation of this website I did not take any action against you because I trust that our community will be able to see it for what it is. I asked you to provide proof of that accusation or for anyone that had received any of those messages to step forward, and no one did, including you.So make an informed decision on how this contract affects you and the others around you, and dont just vote yes because this site has started a scare campaign on ups's behalf to intimidate you into voting for a sub-par contract.
Cheryl i call it like i see it. In the mesaging i meant thread starting. You stated you wanted to balence out the info on the contract talks evenly? But yet you post opinions on how the rank and file lose in a strike. I asked you what bearing 10 year old articles have on the current talks? You started 4 or 5 anti union or union bashing threads and none of them were relevenat to the contract debate or the so-called conspiracy to over throw the website with false contract rumors. Well now the contract is out and i have not seen any thing stated that was false. Anyone can google and come up with a million different opinions on the 97 strike, yet you choose to slam us the working men and woman and scare us into excepting what ever we are offered basically. If you want to even the playing surface on a certain topic stick to the topic. If you would have posted proof that the rumors were lies that would have been one thing but you went above and beyond to union bash!Red, this is the second false accusation you have made about this site. First you accused me of sending out anti union messages. Although that false statement was an obvious attempt to tarnish the reputation of this website I did not take any action against you because I trust that our community will be able to see it for what it is. I asked you to provide proof of that accusation or for anyone that had received any of those messages to step forward, and no one did, including you.
Now you accuse me of starting a scare campaign on ups's behalf... Please provide any evidence of this accusation. Don't make it another hit and run accusation like the last charge you made and then you never provided anything to substantiate your charge.
If you are going to claim that this "scare tactic" was the archived articles I posted then I will bring to your attention that prior to posting these articles I posted several links to archived discussions about what people wanted from the new contract, those could be regarded as pro union.
I have been very tolerant of your obvious hostility and insults toward me and false accusations against this website. Has anyone been unable to state their opinion here despite declaration of an anti brown cafe email campaign to "take the site down" because you and your friends don't want more than one viewpoint expressed here? My patience is running out... please stick to the topic at hand and stop trying to tear me down or move on to another website.