I'll let you in on a little southern secret. 150 years ago, we wanted to leave but the north had other ideas. BTW, strange that slavery ended without war across the planet except here but then that assumes the war was fought over slavery to begin with.
Anyhoo, the southern secret is that we learned a little trick from this fella named Osama bin Laden and now southerners like thirsty vampires are bleeding the northerners dry. To make it even better, the stupid yankees keep demanding their own pay more taxes which we bleed right out of your coffers right into our own pockets. So you see, 150 years ago it would have been in your best interest to have kicked us to the curb and be done with us but now it's too late. Our fangs are deeply embedded in your Carotid artery. So as your world in the north succombs to the death of the southern cause, you only have yourself to blame.
Once again, Imperial America is bitten by it's own unintended consequences!
Speaking of that era, reading earlier today in how
General Grant wanted to expel the jews!