why hate off the street hires ?


Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm then let him find a job somewhere else where seniority isn't a huge factor in jobs
Maybe you should follow your own advice brotha. He's not a scab, just simply applied to an open position to the public, such as yourself. Take it up with the teamsters if it bothers you that much.


I'm not sure how the feeder hiring is done where you guys are from, but I'm from a hub that gives every p/c driver and almost every part timer a chance to get into feeders before hiring from the street. If no one wants it, what should the company do, force the bottom part timer to feeders?

When I hired into feeders from the street, everyone had their chance before me. So I don't feel bad at all for starting at the top of the food chain. Especially with 20 years tractor trailer experience.

So to all the complainers on here... GET OVER IT!!!

Poop Head

Judge me.
So to all the complainers on here... GET OVER IT!!!


Extra Large Package
They are having a hard time now trying to fill vacant positions from the inside. Increasing the ratio to 10:1 will make it nearly impossible.

My loader is a perfect example. The kid works very hard and does an excellent job. He drove last Peak and was supposed to be a Saturday air driver until they kept dicking him around by scheduling him and then sending him home or not scheduling him at all. He has bills to pay and recently got a FT job delivering produce, effectively putting his UPS driving career on hold, at least for the time being.

I look around at the PTers in the morning and know that there are very few of them who would have a decent shot at qualifying.
I talked to someone who's brother is a UPS yard jockey in the Midwest (I won't say what city). Anyway, he said his brother at UPS told him they're cutting back on jobs and he's afraid he's going to get laid off himself. I was surprised to hear that, so I'm wondering if anyone else sees a decline in work like this guy claims.


Well-Known Member
I talked to someone who's brother is a UPS yard jockey in the Midwest (I won't say what city). Anyway, he said his brother at UPS told him they're cutting back on jobs and he's afraid he's going to get laid off himself. I was surprised to hear that, so I'm wondering if anyone else sees a decline in work like this guy claims.

His source appears to be misinformed.


Inordinately Right
I'm not sure how the feeder hiring is done where you guys are from, but I'm from a hub that gives every p/c driver and almost every part timer a chance to get into feeders before hiring from the street. If no one wants it, what should the company do, force the bottom part timer to feeders?
Open it to people in other locations who put in their time.


Never bought my own handtruck
Around here, if someone driving package for 13 years bids feeder, he jumps to whatever spot his seniority date grants him on that feeder list. So if an off street hire worked here for 5 years and someone with 15 with the company bids to feeder he would leapfrog everyone with a lower seniority date. Is it not that way everywhere else?


Well-Known Member
Around here, if someone driving package for 13 years bids feeder, he jumps to whatever spot his seniority date grants him on that feeder list. So if an off street hire worked here for 5 years and someone with 15 with the company bids to feeder he would leapfrog everyone with a lower seniority date. Is it not that way everywhere else?

It's that way here but in larger facilities they have separate lists.


Never bought my own handtruck
That's the way it is here , driver with 20 years goes after a driver with 10 years , the 10 year driver has more seniority in feeder but only I feeder
Wow, I feel lucky then. We have a building seniority list. Lots of guys below me have gone out, but if and when I go, I will still be above them. Just out of curiosity, which way do you think it should be?


Wow, I feel lucky then. We have a building seniority list. Lots of guys below me have gone out, but if and when I go, I will still be above them. Just out of curiosity, which way do you think it should be?
I like it this way , you have the same choice as I do and decide you want to do it later so I should be Penalize because of your choice later in life

Kinda like first come first serve


Never bought my own handtruck
I like it this way , you have the same choice as I do and decide you want to do it later so I should be Penalize because of your choice later in life

Kinda like first come first serve
But I chose to be a package driver while you were making other choices earlier than that.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Either you respect seniority or not. Its like the runner in packages wanting favors like better vacation pics over the the beat up old man/woman. Respect for time served end of story.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Around here, if someone driving package for 13 years bids feeder, he jumps to whatever spot his seniority date grants him on that feeder list. So if an off street hire worked here for 5 years and someone with 15 with the company bids to feeder he would leapfrog everyone with a lower seniority date. Is it not that way everywhere else?
Here too !!
The way it should be !!!