I'm not anti-divorce either as I'm going through one right now. I guess I read the post wrong. I read it as if he didn't even think marriage should involve work at all, because love just happens. To me, he sounded as if he cared more about work than marriage. Sure, in the beginning it's all good, but give it a few years, a decade, then things aren't so squeaky clean. I still stand by my thoughts that all relationships take work.
I used to say I had a lot of regrets. Now, I think about it in a different way. I picked him for a reason and I stayed with him for a reason, so I can't say too many bad things. We had a lot of downs, but a hell of a lot of ups, so regrets is just a bad word. People always forget about the good times when going through a divorce. I could have done worse for a partner. I could have married an abuser, an addict or a handful of other criminals, so maybe I still came out a winner. Don't get me wrong, I still have a lot of anger and days when I call him everything in the book, but for the most part, try to be friendly.