Why Won't UPS Take Care Of It's Own?



"You divide us".....I had no intention to divide or lay blame.

Many posters are knocking UPS and no one else. I wish that, at times like this, the company and the Teamsters would issue a joint statement and come up with funds to help those in need. At the same time, they have the muscle, the people and the wherewithal to formulate a vehicle for people like us so we could all send in whatever we can afford, and we would know that our money would be put to use without any going to "overhead".

I am not pro or anti union. I have an immense amount of respect for people employed by UPS. I believe it is one of the greatest companies in the World and the people working at UPS are the best in the World, bar none.


You are right. I wish it would happen. Can you even imagine what good could be done if we were all on the same page?



I can only surmise that most of the people who have posted on this thread concerning Ups' failure to step up are hourly employees.

Management are salaried employees. The obvious distinction is that hourly employees are not compensated for days that they do not work.

Management has an enormous amount of latitude in their schedules to better handle a situation as a hurricane. Dependent upon one's tenure, work area and relationship with peers, entire days can be taken to handle a serious situation-without losing a dime in compensation or a day in vacation.

I think in a tenuous issue such as a hurricane, and the obvious tumult that follows- It may be best for you to keep your passive aggressive schtick to yourself.

It is definitely unappreciated.


local804: just because you haven't seen a UPSer personally benefit from the United Way doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

I have witnessed it - an hourly employee who was out on comp and there was a United Way funded agency that helped him get through the financial burden that his loss in wages caused.

You should find out WHY the United Way could not help in the situation you described. I know that each United Way supports non-profits in the areas they serve, and if the proper agency to help in the situation you described had not applied for United Way funding, then they could not help.

Learn a little about the United Way and your anger at UPS won't get in the way of good intentions and helping your community.


Interested the tone of the posts made it sound as if only non-management homes were damaged. Management folks in many cases during an event like this would have even less latitude then the driver to deal with these problems. The point i wanted to make is everyone was affected by this storm and that it was not selective in who it hit. The management person who is on the phone telling you to get to work probably had problems too yet he is at work and probably has been there for a while.


my father in law was a retired union electrician with a good pension. He planned his retirment very well. He could not plan on ALS. He had it for 5 years before he succumbed to its debilitating effects. In that time I saw many different agencies that helped our family through this crisis. We had a chance to meet the doctors and researchers who tirelessly work to find a cure for ALS. They are supported by united way. We met agencies who loaned you special equipment to use such as special 10,000 dollar wheel chairs conformable to his needs. That agency was supported by united way. The folks who would pick him up in a special van for his doctor appointments supported by united way. The folks that came to my mother in laws house to help with the in home care supported by united way. Yep I have no problem supporting the united way and if I'm a little aggressive in getting you to give up a tiny percentage of your earnings I hope you can understand why.


Management has an enormous amount of latitude in their schedules to better handle a situation as a hurricane.

I spy, with my little eye, someone ELSE without a clue.

How many years have you spent in management at UPS? Approximately. Approximately zero?

Next, as someone who spent the first 45 years of my life living on the Gulf coast at various places between Corpus Christi and Port St. Joe, I can assure you that hurricane damage and Ive been through several - is primarily an inconvenience. Not a disaster an inconvenience; a pain in the butt.

There are still a few of us around that were well into our teens before we ever lived anywhere with running water, electricity, telephones, tv, indoor toilets, refrigeration, or much of anything else. Its an inconvenience not having them but certainly does not constitute an emergency situation requiring a financial gift from your employer. Well, not if youre semi-competent and are somewhat enterprising anyway.

Poor-mouthing from people that are compensated VERY well is disturbing. Begging for help from the United Way (or employers or fellow employees for that matter) for dealing with an inconvenience is repulsive to me.

If you emerge from the rubble to find your house scattered over four counties and your wife dead from a piece of flying debris THATS the sort of thing emergency aid is for, IMO. You suddenly find yourself with no house, no car, no wife, and three crying kids with no mother thats when you seek aid. Not for water damage and no electricity. Thats the sort of thing an adult should be able to deal with on their own.

And as far as the United Way goes, maybe someone can take the time to explain to some of the bellyachers how donating to the United Way is helpful on a variety of levels. From you employers perspective, charitable donations help sales people get (and keep) large accounts among other things. Lack of charitable donations help your competition get (and keep) large accounts.

The militant crybaby-brigade in our district started their anti-UW, big-bad-UPS mantra some years back. There were several contributing issues and events, but the end result was the loss of a large number of big accounts over the last few years to the competition. Along with them - the loss of several hundred drivers. It couldnt possibly have happened to a nicer bunch. Unfortunately, most of those displaced werent the instigators, but theyll eventually shoot themselves in the foot (again) too.

Note that I didnt mention a loss of supervisors or managers. They get fed up and quit. They get reassigned. They get relocated. They get transferred or promoted. Keep that in mind. Keep LOL-ing when you brag about how youre not donating. Convince others to join you. Convince yourself that youre a know-all while youre losing your job(s).

Some people will join you. Others will observe your antics and notice that they are not only unhelpful to people in real need of aid (people in REAL need not someone with a $60K+ job that is temporarily inconvenienced), but unhelpful to your employer too. Theyll begin to connect you unconstructive attitudes and actions with the loss of jobs.

But go ahead - let the world know how lousy your employer is and how lousy the UW is. Be sure to mention what you're paid when you do. Include the benefits too. You'll find that they're going to move on to people with real problems.


tieguy: great example.....you would not have to be aggressive with me!


I give to the United Way but know many who dont because managment is too agressive.Too bad that sometimes the United Way sometimes feels as us being pushed to reach a cash goal set by managment instead of us helping our community. I think it would be a great idea for UPS to have an hourly or a managment person from every center go and help with a United Way charity and gain some insight on those who dont have it as we do. Then when United Way comes up that person could give a real life experience of dealing with the homeless,battered women or hospice care. Then people could see how a little can help alot.


I felt bad about the united way drive this year as some guy came in to give a presentation and no mgmt was around at start time, he stood there looking dismayed because he was told he had 3 minutes and there were 10 of us there. Many feel negative about UW but since he was there, I felt I should gve him attention. Even tho mgmt left him hanging in the wind.........


If you can only remember the faults and shortcomings of the head of the United Way several years ago versus the good the organization does as a whole, then we can tell you have certainly been at UPS for awhile. It's not your fault though, we know the company has spent a lot of time, money and resources to have trained you in this. I like for the United Way to achieve its goals, I also like for UPS to achieve its goal and I like to decide which agency within the United Way receives my contribution. I would suggest that you look closely into your local United Way and maybe then contribute and designate that The American Red Cross receives those funds. Then everyone is a winner, we all feel good about being united with a winning team and those in need will feel better when funds are available to assist them and their needs. Maybe the company should just contribute the money to United Way directly that they spend on trying to raise funds at work. They spend money on items to raffle, carnival activities, food and beverage not to mention what it costs, usually in overtime wages, just to have us come in a little early for a United Way presentation. That way no one would have to feel they are being pressured to share anything with anyone else.
Sleep well ..


Good post 8up. We all know the United Way is a worthy cause. So are many other organizations.
I give to United Way mainly because of pressure
put on us here to do so. I received a call at home while on vacation from the center because my pledge card was not in and we were not reaching our goal. What I donate does not put me in the poor house, but I do resent the pressure put on us to do so. My charity of choice is Best Friends Animal Society located in Kanab Utah. I know many will say animals are not as important, but it's my money, and my choice. Therefore I give to both. One because I am compelled to, the other because I feel pressured to. If there are any animal lovers amongst you check out bestfriends.org It's as worthy cause also.


Good Grief Fred,

Sounds like somebody needs a nap. Sleep well.....


I agree with Fred.

It's high time to step up to the plate when it comes to the heavy-handed shameless tactics that Ups employs to collect UW funds. In the interest of a huge corporate donation, Ups routinely pressures it's employees, especially new management, to kick into UW. Every year the video comes out, the lapel pins go on display, and the opressive nature of the Big Brown machine leans heavy on it's own in every district.

Boiled to it's core the truth is always a very solid thing. Ups uses the same fear and intimidation tactics to shill for UW that
they use EVERYDAY in the hub and on the road.

Intimidate, talk about consequences in the absence of a donation and stonewall when legitamite discourse arises(hurricane aid for employees)concerning it's own . All of this and the temerity to continually remind us of how good we have it.

Well, I am with Fred-it's time to stand up and call the bluff. What is the difference to United Way if we donate on our own accord? The monies will not be used any differently and one can still be proud to donate to a very worthwhile cause. I say tell Ups to pound sand and make a legitimate donation to United Way in your own name. What monies may be lost in Ups not possibly matching your donation, will be made up by those employees who have chosen not to donate in the first place.

But why go through the whole charade with Big Brown every year-only to feel crappy about your donations because of the sickening tactics that Ups uses to extract United Way monies.

Fred said it best, "Let's let the world know how lousy our employer is" Especially when it comes to pressuring us for these donations.

I know what you are thinking-it's rough work iconoclasm, but it's the ONLY way to get to the truth.


"Not a disaster an inconvenience; a pain in the butt."


2 million people, including grocery stores, gas stations, hospitals, doctors offices and the city water supply without power is a little more than a pain in the butt. Trees in your den or childs bedroom could qualify as a problem too. Chest high water shouldnt be the norm in ones home.

By the way, Ill donate my cash and labor to whatever organization I choose. I dont donate for a tax break or matching funds. I donate because its the right thing to do.


Their are hundreds if not thousands of organizations that help as much if not more than the united way. As an organization, it does NOT help anyone, it only collects money,and then distributes that money as it sees fit to other "helping organizations" that actually perform the help.

The reason I dont is this. If I want the volunteer fire department to get $1000 from me, and I contribute $1000, why should they only get $840 instead? The united way has overhead that takes roughly 16% off the top for expenses. Why not just give it 100% to where you want your money to go?

Then there are many other "helping" organizations that do not get any funding from the United way because they are tied to a religious denomination. And 100% of those funds are used to help the target of that need.

So while I do not support the united way with my funds, there are many others that I do. IT is a shame that many people that never give to anyone else but themselves, have all these excuses for not supporting someone.



Interested, you agree with Fred? Might should read Fred's again. It doesn't seem that you agree with any of his statements to me. jmho



That's quite an assumption you make when you say the UPS matching funds will be made up by those who didn't contribute in the first place. What evidence do you have to support that statement?

What if you're wrong and the UW receives less than they would have had the employees contributed thru UPS?

I would guess it doesn't matter to you if some charities are underfunded, after all, you told UPS to pound sand.

Your name says it all. The only thing you're interested in is yourself.


"The reason I dont is this. If I want the volunteer fire department to get $1000 from me, and I contribute $1000, why should they only get $840 instead? The united way has overhead that takes roughly 16% off the top for expenses. Why not just give it 100% to where you want your money to go"

Danny what you forget is your favorite agency would also have the 16 percent overhead if they were doing all their own fund raising drives. Chances are also good that thier fund raising drive would not have the high profile high visibility of the United way and would not do as well. Chances are also good that your favorite charity would not be as effective at serving thier community if they had to dedicate more of thier people and resources to fund raising activities. This is why a united way is so benificial to these organizations. Why do you think these agencies solicit funds from the united way if they know they are losing 16 percent for administrative costs?