And like most things repeated by flamethrowers, a fragment of the truth becomes the big story. Read that paragraph again and tell me what it really says. It says an excise tax of 40% applies to the portion of most employee sponsored health coverage that EXCEEDS--repeat, EXCEEDS--$10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for families a year. And that doesn't count dental and vision benefits. I have a family of six, and we used our insurance quite a bit. On my W2, on line 12, the amount was $11,428.57. That is a long way away from $27,500. And what the satellite driver also doesn't tell you, is that the family or individual DOES NOT pay the excise tax. The insurance company does. And, yes, perhaps costs will get passed on through higher premiums. But two things: first, companies don't need a tax to raise the cost of insurance to employees. Where has the outrage been, before Obamacare, when the health care industry consistently jacked up prices? Health care costs have been skyrocketing for years. We never seemed to hear much yacking from the right when that was happening. But when a Democratic President--a black one at that, EGADS!!--signed a form of universal coverage for all Americans, that's when the termites flew out of the plywood. Second, the 40% excise tax only affects the portion OVER the $10,200 and $27,500. Conservatives always used this slight of hand when discussing tax increases on the wealthy. For example, a theoretical tax increase on people making $250,000 only affects the amount OVER $250,000. But you never hear that little nugget. Big surprise, huh? So when Mr.Satellite says each driver must save $154 a week to cover the costs, he is either ignorant, or a liar. So which is it?