
So let me get this straight Agitater3, you take this one sentence out of context of the entire post and discussion, then attempt to use it as a springboard to declare Satellite 10 times smarter and 1/100 of a BSer?
I respect Satellite but realize that his past thoughtfulness and your combined perception of his intelligence does not negate the fact that Dracula debunked his position within the discussion using the resources provided.
Seems pretty smart to me?
Also seems that you declare anybody with a conflicting viewpoint to that of your own as "grouptinkers".
When you are dealing with employees that are united under a collective bargaining agreement, I would expect a degree of "groupthink".
I know Bubblehead outside of this forum and can say that I'm very glad that we have teamsters as educated and smart as him. He can speak for me any day. He's your grandpa that you say " men aren't what they used to be" like you think & know in your heart about that guy you know was a cut above.


Senior Member
So when Mr. Satellite says each driver must save $154 a week to cover the costs, he is either ignorant, or a liar. So which is it?
Liar, not hardly.
Ignorant, maybe.
My line 12 was $20k+.
I can see why you use Dracula as your avatar.
Bloodsuckers drain the life blood out of others, to feed their brood.
$154 will feel cheap in 2018.
The reason I am in my position today is because I learned the lies of yesterday.
Even in my dotage, of 60yrs, I still know how to plan for the future
I wish the best to you, and all that put their trust into the present administration.



Nine Lives
So when Mr.Satellite says each driver must save $154 a week to cover the costs, he is either ignorant, or a liar. So which is it?

So let me get this straight Agitater3, you take this one sentence out of context of the entire post and discussion, then attempt to use it as a springboard to declare Satellite 10 times smarter and 1/100 of a BSer?
I respect Satellite but realize that his past thoughtfulness and your combined perception of his intelligence does not negate the fact that Dracula debunked his position within the discussion using the resources provided.
Seems pretty smart to me?
Also seems that you declare anybody with a conflicting viewpoint to that of your own as "grouptinkers".
When you are dealing with employees that are united under a collective bargaining agreement, I would expect a degree of "groupthink".

Yes, it was this one sentence that I reacted to.
​I have deduced from Dracula's posts since he joined less than 6 months ago that he has little or no credibility while Sat does.
I don't know what they were even discussing but Dracula calling Sat ignorant or a liar was over the top.

I'm not sure what "grouptinkers" are but yes collective bargaining does have a certain inherent degree of groupthink. :wink2:


My Senior Picture
So when Mr.Satellite says each driver must save $154 a week to cover the costs, he is either ignorant, or a liar. So which is it?

Yes, it was this one sentence that I reacted to.
​I have deduced from Dracula's posts since he joined less than 6 months ago that he has little or no credibility while Sat does.
I don't know what they were even discussing but Dracula calling Sat ignorant or a liar was over the top.

I'm not sure what "grouptinkers" are but yes collective bargaining does have a certain inherent degree of groupthink. :wink2:

​The term ignorant, while counter intuitive to the person accused, is not necessarily an insult.
Liar???...that's another story.
Politics can insight that type of reaction.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Over the top? I guess that depends on where you're looking from. Neither was a direct insult, but simply a statement of what I read in his remarks.

Satellite clearly has his facts wrong, so then, why?

A. He doesn't understand or interpreted the facts wrong (ignorance), or,

B. He knows the facts, but chooses to twist the meaning to further his political viewpoint (lying).

If you want to view that as an attack, then sure, sidestep the facts and feel entitled to your own opinions. But your not entitled to your own facts.

And Hoaxter, while it's true, I've only been around your precious Brown Cafe for a short period of time, I have been with this company, in three separate job classifications, for nearly 30 years. So if you would be so kind, please let me know when I will be eligible for some (or maybe just a little) credibility. Obviously, I haven't earned it yet.