Will feeder position eventually stop drug testing ?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Self medicating for their mental illnesses. Lots of alcoholics do the same thing. Sad.
Medical marijuana is unregulated. It doesn’t require a prescription and it’s abused. No doctor would give you a script for a drug with unlimited refills. The medical cards are a joke. I’m not saying pot doesn’t have some value medically, but no where near what the pot heads claim. In fact there are serious side effects for those that smoke a lot. But the pot heads can justify their addiction.


Feeders should be allowed to use medical marijuana but should have a probation period where they have to smoke weed 3 months straight everyday then pass a driver test .
✊🧔‍♂️ Lol


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Feeders should be allowed to use medical marijuana but should have a probation period where they have to smoke weed 3 months straight everyday then pass a driver test .
✊🧔‍♂️ Lol


Well-Known Member
Don’t do illegal drugs and you can own all the guns you want.
So conservatives are constantly pointing out the “second ammendment shall not be infringed” and are all about “state rights” and smaller federal government and personal liberties… but are totally cool with a grown adult having their 2nd ammendment taken away for smoking a joint in a state that voted to legalize…


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
So conservatives are constantly pointing out the “second ammendment shall not be infringed” and are all about “state rights” and smaller federal government and personal liberties… but are totally cool with a grown adult having their 2nd ammendment taken away for smoking a joint in a state that voted to legalize…
It’s still illegal federally. No choice.