Will feeder position eventually stop drug testing ?


Well-Known Member
Cocaine and heroin come from a plant. Are you suggesting that cocaine and heroin users should be able to possess a firearm?

Are you in agreement that felons should lose their Constitutional rights? Just not drug users?

States do not have the authority to override the US Constitution. The US Constitution, and Federal law, overrides State laws and State Constitutions. While it may be legal in a particular state, it is still Federally illegal. And you can be arrested by Federal agents. It is highly unlikely, though, because the the Feds have repeatedly said they’re not going to bother with potheads in states that allow it, but that option is always there.

I am all for States rights. The US is a Federalist Government, born from the same Constitution that includes your 2nd Amendment rights you spoke of.

We can change the Constitution so that the States have more control, so that they can override the Federal Government. But at this time, the States cannot determine how an individual loses their 2nd Amendment rights. The Federal Government does.

Let's change the Constitution. You only need 2/3 of the House, 2/3 of the Senate and 3/4 of the States to agree to change it. Go for it.
youre getting caught up in semantics. I’m well aware of the laws. I’m saying I don’t agree with them, while all these so called conservatives defend it.

But you guys like to pick and choose your battles I guess. When it comes to second ammendment and state rights, it’s “it is what it is, that’s the law.” But when it comes to wearing a mask in a grocery store y’all are screaming and crying


Well-Known Member
Go live in Somalia if you want freedom without limits.
America! Land of the free!

Ok, so the 2nd ammendment already says “shall not be infringed”, but you guys don’t care about state rights and say federal law makes the rules…

So let’s just compromise and ban all guns. You guys won’t scream and cry like babies, right? It is what it is, the law is the law. Go to Somalia if you want freedom without limits


I don’t have anything to say
Why are your people afraid of accountability


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
America! Land of the free!

Ok, so the 2nd ammendment already says “shall not be infringed”, but you guys don’t care about state rights and say federal law makes the rules…

So let’s just compromise and ban all guns. You guys won’t scream and cry like babies, right? It is what it is, the law is the law. Go to Somalia if you want freedom without limits


Well-Known Member
So some people can drink responsibly and own a gun but you think you can’t smoke responsibly and own a gun

Alcohol isn’t federally illegal. Marijuana is unfortunately. So for now if you have a medical marijuana card you can’t legally purchase a gun, now if you don’t have a card and smoke, eat or whatever with pot just lie on the form. I’m sure tons of people do that.