Will feeder position eventually stop drug testing ?


Well-Known Member
What was the outcome of that incident?
Contract said you can choose to take a blood test instead of a piss instead, which shows a way better picture of the last time you smoked. Still not good for medical users because if you smoke every night after work it will probably show up in a blood test the next day, even when you’re not under the influence. Since the last time I smoked was over the weekend however, and I rarely ever smoke to begin with, blood test showed I was clean. Filed grievance for harassment, supe got moved to other side of the building last I heard and I never saw him nor heard from him since.

Was scary for a minute, I heard the tests weren’t accurate so I was freakin out waiting, but it ended up showin the truth in my situation. Sucks for the medical users and just enjoyers after work


Got the T-Shirt
Contract said you can choose to take a blood test instead of a piss instead, which shows a way better picture of the last time you smoked.

That's not what the language says.... Are you high ?


Note: (Reasonable Cause)

"At the time the urine specimen is collected, the employee may opt to also give a blood sample. If the employee takes this option, the blood sample must confirm positive presence for the substance confirmed in the urine test."



Well-Known Member
“Drug user” “addict” for for a weekend weed smoker LOL what a dork
Technically, you were a drug “user” when you went to the party. It was in no way for medical reasons. Whether or not you’re an abuser is a different story. I also agree the federal government has no business having that rule, and making criminals out of people, but that’s what they do. Your best bet is to follow those rules until they’re changed. Otherwise, you risk your job, and even your freedom or at the very least risk, a bunch of unnecessary legal issues, The federal government and even UPS can make your life hell if you get their attention.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Technically, you were a drug “user” when you went to the party. It was in no way for medical reasons. Whether or not you’re an abuser is a different story. I also agree the federal government has no business having that rule, and making criminals out of people, but that’s what they do. Your best bet is to follow those rules until they’re changed. Otherwise, you risk your job, and even your freedom or at the very least risk, a bunch of unnecessary legal issues, The federal government and even UPS can make your life hell if you get their attention.
He’s a typical spoiled child that was never told no. But why he’d scream, it’s not fair he’d cry. Eff em.


Well-Known Member
He’s a typical spoiled child that was never told no. But why he’d scream, it’s not fair he’d cry. Eff em.
Some people do not believe the rules apply to them. Like it or not our job can be taken away If you don’t follow the rules you agreed to when you accepted the job. I don’t like the rule, but I do like getting a paycheck and it’s just not worth it to me.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Some people do not believe the rules apply to them. Like it or not our job can be taken away If you don’t follow the rules you agreed to when you accepted the job. I don’t like the rule, but I do like getting a paycheck and it’s just not worth it to me.
He’s probably non binary too.


Well-Known Member
Some people do not believe the rules apply to them. Like it or not our job can be taken away If you don’t follow the rules you agreed to when you accepted the job. I don’t like the rule, but I do like getting a paycheck and it’s just not worth it to me.

Please tell me what rule I broke? I’m smoking weed in a legal state, outside of work, the contract says nothing about smoking weed outside of work, just not being under the influence at work, which I was not.

Some of you guys are really weird, unionguy keeps bringing up politics for some strange reason, crybaby got bullied by a stoner in a school or something. Guys, I freakin smoked pot at a party and you’re calling me a dead beat loser

You’re calling me a drug user for smoking weed. Do you say the same thing about people who drink alcohol? You do realize alcohol is a drug also right?
That's not what the language says.... Are you high ?


Note: (Reasonable Cause)

"At the time the urine specimen is collected, the employee may opt to also give a blood sample. If the employee takes this option, the blood sample must confirm positive presence for the substance confirmed in the urine test."

I’m confused, what did I say that was wrong?


Well-Known Member
Please tell me what rule I broke? I’m smoking weed in a legal state, outside of work, the contract says nothing about smoking weed outside of work, just not being under the influence at work, which I was not.

Some of you guys are really weird, unionguy keeps bringing up politics for some strange reason, crybaby got bullied by a stoner in a school or something. Guys, I freakin smoked pot at a party and you’re calling me a dead beat loser

You’re calling me a drug user for smoking weed. Do you say the same thing about people who drink alcohol? You do realize alcohol is a drug also right?

I’m confused, what did I say that was wrong?
You need to educate yourself. Your ignorance is astounding. And calling people “weird” who are giving you good advice is immature. Even the new contract with a little more leniency spells it out. You’re risking your job. That’s a choice.


Well-Known Member
You need to educate yourself. Your ignorance is astounding. And calling people “weird” who are giving you good advice is immature. Even the new contract with a little more leniency spells it out. You’re risking your job. That’s a choice.
Please explain to me how I’m wrong then, because I believe you are the one who is wrong. What rule did I break?

Also, I have received no good advice from anybody I called weird


Well-Known Member
Please explain to me how I’m wrong then, because I believe you are the one who is wrong. What rule did I break?

Also, I have received no good advice from anybody I called weird
If illegal drugs are in your system and you’re required to take a fitness for duty test and fail your ups career is over. Understand? No one accused you of being under the influence at work.