There are many good thoughts brought up on this thread.
Dont we all wonder what others think of us from time to time?
Lobofan I love that line...........
Cezanne it would be really interesting to know that answer.
Cachsux, thats exactly how we should feel.
It seems tho, that some people think that the women have to be shown to be better, to be counted as good.
I think thats a myth, at least where I have been. In this job, you cant be that much better than another, and if you are you will burn out, or fall down sooner. Which is where diesel96, is totally right. Steady pace, will maybe get you through to the end.
I thank God I was lucky enough to get a chance to make money better than the average woman. But it does come with a price as it does to the males, also.
Ill never have nice nails. I cant wear makeup to work, thankfully I dont need it

I dont get to wear fine jewels to work, which isnt a problem I dont have any

And one advantage is I never have to wonder what I will wear to work the next day........
I do wonder how Im viewed. There will always be a part of me that wishes I were a fly on the wall at times, but basically I think I do Ok or I would be gone.
Everyonceinawhile, I view the reports, and there is someone worse, usually, and always someone better.
I came to work here for the money and the best quote I ever heard was from the manager I had when I went to the new center. You are here to make money, not friends, Screw them if they dont like you. And after that it all seemed to piece together nicely. It was good advice.