Women Drivers


What the hell is YOUPS??
We only have one female driver here, but we have a couple guys here who have names that could be used for either males or females. We call them our "quota hires". :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Not to change the subject, but we have one guy who must be about 4' 10". He's a great guy, but I don't know how the hell he gets stuff off the very back of the 5000 and 7000 shelf. We kid him about carrying a swimming pool ladder with him ( he's a swing driver). I sure would pay to have a camera on him getting an envelope with a hin number of 5990!:laugh:


What the hell is YOUPS??
Our driver trainer here isn't much taller than that. Myself and he walked into sears during my training (I'm 6'7") and the guy took one look at us and asked "what the hell is this? bring your son to work day?":lol:

Now we're completely off topic, I'm sorry


Well-Known Member
I have found that it is too difficult to shift and steer the package car while balancing the chip on my shoulder..so I leave it at home. :w00t:


Well-Known Member
Nobody twisted your arms to come work for Ups...so no special treatment. Equal pay ....equal treatment. Your just another name and s.s. #. If you carry your own wieght, there's no problem. If your a slacker, well you deserve to be chastised just like any other guy. Although it seems most of you ladies on this thread run circles around most guys. I never realized we look at our jobs as a race,so work safe. One of you put it well,"just work at a steady pace". Most of you ladies have plenty of senority to start being "curious" of what us guys or gals think. As long as your good at your job "who cares" what other people think of you. One piece of advise "treat others the way they treat you".


Well-Known Member
Please remember that this RACE is a marathon. Just how many women drivers make it to the finish line (full retirement). :crying:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
There are many good thoughts brought up on this thread.
Dont we all wonder what others think of us from time to time?
Lobofan I love that line...........
Cezanne it would be really interesting to know that answer.
Cachsux, thats exactly how we should feel.
It seems tho, that some people think that the women have to be shown to be better, to be counted as good.
I think thats a myth, at least where I have been. In this job, you cant be that much better than another, and if you are you will burn out, or fall down sooner. Which is where diesel96, is totally right. Steady pace, will maybe get you through to the end.
I thank God I was lucky enough to get a chance to make money better than the average woman. But it does come with a price as it does to the males, also.

Ill never have nice nails. I cant wear makeup to work, thankfully I dont need it :tongue_smI dont get to wear fine jewels to work, which isnt a problem I dont have any:laugh:
And one advantage is I never have to wonder what I will wear to work the next day........
I do wonder how Im viewed. There will always be a part of me that wishes I were a fly on the wall at times, but basically I think I do Ok or I would be gone.
Everyonceinawhile, I view the reports, and there is someone worse, usually, and always someone better.

I came to work here for the money and the best quote I ever heard was from the manager I had when I went to the new center. You are here to make money, not friends, Screw them if they dont like you. And after that it all seemed to piece together nicely. It was good advice.


Well-Known Member
This might seem strange but I have found people were surprised a lot of times when I refer to my husband.. It's like yes I do have short hair (its very hot and humid in florida) and I do what some seem to think is a man's job but no I am not lesbian. I don't know if others have experienced this. But it has happened to me more than once. Anyone else ever have that problem. And no I have no problem with gay people I just find it odd what people assume.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yes I think its a common misconception.
Although my hair is long, because I refuse to change it, but have been leaning that way.............
Its just the women in a mens job thing, they think you want to be masculine, they may think you are a dyke, no offense.
It didnt help that I had been single 22 yrs, and not a boyfriend in sight.......
Its just a common thought. And looking back, Ive seen more than a few who were, mgmt, and hourly. They fit the profile... and IMHO, and thats all, I think UPS likes that, especially in mgmt, not to say the fine people on here who are mgmt, are, but, by and large you would have no offspring, or significant other to demand your time, you belong to UPS. You would have no Strings to keep you from moving, no family to consider, no kids to uproot, tell you to move from Omaha to Atlanta, in a heartbeat you are gone. But now that they are supposedly paying for benefits for civil unions, maybe a pronounced celibate would be best?


Well-Known Member
I kinda thought the ratio of straight women to gay women was about 1:2. At least in the centers I have worked in. I have no issue with this, it is a tough job and I don't see many "girly girls" as drivers. At least not many that last longer than 10 years. Sometimes I wish I had more testerone and muscles like you guys. LOL, Tooner, about the comment about nails. The only time I have any nails of any kind is on vacation. And the first day back at work, they are gone.


Been driving in Texas for 25+ years. Am 51 years old. Have done shopping malls to extended country routes. Have never been treated with anything but respect because I do the job, do it well, do it all. As long as you don't ask for special treatment---ie. "I can't deliver that 150 pounder!"...."I can't handle that pick up, it's too many heavy boxes"---everyone treats me like any other driver. We have about 20 women out of 275. I have NEVER felt discriminated against. Many come to me for help if they feel they are being shafted by mgt or having trouble with customers. I know the contract and will get in mgt's face for how they are being treated. Respect is earned, not given. As far as the "marathon" to retirement: NO MATTER WHAT, I WILL MAKE IT TO FULL RETIREMENT! I AM STUBBORN---EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Are you still in package cars??? If so what kind of route?? I am 48 with 21 years in and wonder at times if I will make it... Or at least make it without being harrassed by management over my times.. I do my best every day and that is never good enough anymore.


I know what you mean upslady. I was a driver for 6 years and I had the same problem. I too, have short hair and people would assume I was gay. I am not really the girly girl type and I am married with several kids and it would blow my mind when people would get a confused look when I mentioned it. It seemed as though it was mostly the snotty receptionists behind their desks that would act as if I was beneath them because I did hard labor. Overall, I feel I was well respected by everyone I worked around and never had any issues that I am aware of from any of the guy drivers. I've since moved into management and I have been well respected, outside of one ignorant ex-co-worker who claimed I would get promoted quickly only because I was a woman and not due to my hard work or ability to perform the job. You will always have people trying to put you down in one way, shape or form but gotta learn to overlook the stupidity and move on.


Are you still in package cars??? If so what kind of route?? I am 48 with 21 years in and wonder at times if I will make it... Or at least make it without being harrassed by management over my times.. I do my best every day and that is never good enough anymore.
Still in package cars! Have been in the same neighborhood for 20 years----mostly resi in an upcsale area. Have a bricked P-7----they love to order! Average 1 1/2 hours over after EDD came to town. Used to run an hour under pre-EDD. I tell them I do my best---that's all they need to hear. They ride with me-no problem. I am safe, uninjured and accident free. They leave me alone. Look---I cannot COUNT the # of Sups I have gone thru----they come and go, you will still be there!


Well-Known Member
I am glad to hear that they leave you alone.. My center manager just loves to stick pins in you and see you squirm.. He makes life miserable.. I give it my all everyday and need to quit looking at the report since that just makes me feel inferior. Oh well one can only keep doing everything the right way and not take short cuts and hope you make it to the end.:)


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I am glad to hear that they leave you alone.. My center manager just loves to stick pins in you and see you squirm.. He makes life miserable.. I give it my all everyday and need to quit looking at the report since that just makes me feel inferior. Oh well one can only keep doing everything the right way and not take short cuts and hope you make it to the end.:)
Is that your horse in the avatar? I had an Arabian mare, which it reminds me of. Is it an Arabian?
Some wise person, or a bunch of them on here told me to quit looking at the reports. I have. If center manager looks crotchety in the am, I steer clear. Ive had a ride, and they cant tell me how to go faster. The guys who run it run a buck over also. Time study not possible at this time. I cant deal with the stres of getting yelled at anymore. So I just do my best, and reply, ride with me.

Or I get out my bag of salt, and tell my sups, your car looks like crap/runs like crap, do you want me to take it home for you over the weekend, and wash it/change your spark plugs, etc. One has a sweet corvette, and it sounds and starts like a 4 cyl Pinto, such a shame. That usually also shuts them up......as now they are on the defense about something they dont have a clue how to fix either.


Well-Known Member
Yes that is a picture of my Arabian AJ he is a 7 year old gelding just full of himself. And that is another thing that makes my center manager mad he told me it is irresponsible of me to ride horses since I could get hurt.. I told him I could get hurt doing anything and it might as well be doing something I enjoyed.. Of course I did break my shoulder a few months after that and have hit the ground many times since. I am dong endurance riding with him and green rider and green horse means black and blue at times. Since you are familar with arabians you know they are very cat like.. Very agile unlike quarter horses or other breeds. I also have a mare Abby but she is more of a lawn ornament since it is very hard to find time to ride two horses.

Ms Spoken

Well-Known Member
Why is it that my center manager feels the need to watch my every move when I hook up to a TP60? The only time I pull one is when UPS cuts my route. Every time he wants to know if I need help. (NO) and then watches every step I make. After I'm done he then comes up and says good job and every time I tell him that this is nothing compared to our 32ft camper that I pull and set up. Light bulb moment !!! this trailer will follow you no matter where you pull it. Just let me do my JOB!:w00t:

Sorry had to vent


Well-Known Member
I have to say the "dyke" assumption gets a little old.. I've been married for 16 years and have two great kids..but since I don't wear my ring to work ( ive lost several diamonds by banging it on things) I get the "oh so you aren't a dyke look" whenever I mention my husband or family...

I learned a while back though that "its none of my business what other people think about me"