Word is 70 hours and Sunday delivery


Well-Known Member
So everybody I talk to is saying 70 hours and a Monday through Sunday delivery... holy crap fellas. Obviously all the high seniority guys don't give a damn, because it won't be them working 70 or Saturdays and Sundays. But for all the lower seniority guys and swing drivers.. looks like we're in for hell. Lube up fellas.
We still have an open letter from Hoffa hanging on our union bulletin board condemning Ups for using the 70 hr rule during peak.
If it is allowed under this new agreement, i feel he doesn’t truly care about us and I for one will vote NO! And also vote against him in any election he is in!


Well-Known Member


Blind every day
If 70 hours makes its way into this contract.. I am signing the feeder list first chance I get. Not worth destroying our bodies for this company.


Well-Known Member
We still have an open letter from Hoffa hanging on our union bulletin board condemning Ups for using the 70 hr rule during peak.
If it is allowed under this new agreement, i feel he doesn’t truly care about us and I for one will vote NO! And also vote against him in any election he is in!
Sooooo you voted for him last election?


Well-Known Member
If 70 hours makes its way into this contract.. I am signing the feeder list first chance I get. Not worth destroying our bodies for this company.

You better sign up then because it's not going away. The fact that it's now double time AFTER 60 hrs is enough proof that the company will use the 70hr rule when they want to.

The 70/8 rule is not in the contract it's a DOT rule. It has nothing to do with the union.


Well-Known Member
The union needs to protect us from the company abusing us.

It’s a DOT thing but we should be fighting to get language added to the contract.

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
We still have an open letter from Hoffa hanging on our union bulletin board condemning Ups for using the 70 hr rule during peak.
If it is allowed under this new agreement, i feel he doesn’t truly care about us and I for one will vote NO! And also vote against him in any election he is in!
I have voted against him every time. You should have voted against him last time. I don’t know why people support him. However, it is an election, and you can vote for whom ever you want.