Worst Insurrection Ever


Well-Known Member
1,100 people charged and sentenced (including Proud Boys) up to 20 years. Yet not one of them have snitched and said it was the FBI, Democrats, BLM or Antifa. Nobody has turned over emails, texts or payment proof telling them to frame Republicans.

Over a 1000 people and not one has "told the real truth that it was paid actors".


Well-Known Member
The 1000+ government plants that have all kept silent and gladly accepted their penalties/jail time while not turning over their Communist overlords who wanted them to make Republicans look bad.
Perhaps but maybe they’re the same ones willingly going to jail for letting Trump secretly conspire, and tell them to do what he did acting as there general? or maybe both sides are full of crap and it was just a protest that some got out of hand, not an insurrection? Then was used for political purposes?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member
Lots of people did stupid :censored2: that day. Only one side instigated the violence. Only one side committed murder. Only one side got away with it.


Well-Known Member
Lots of people did stupid :censored2: that day. Only one side instigated the violence. Only one side committed murder. Only one side got away with it.
Jan. 6th came nowhere close to the levels of violence and destruction of the 2020 riots. There's plenty of video evidence of those riots while the Jan. 6th Commission only presented very selective clips of Jan. 6th violence while refusing to release most of it. Once again manipulating public opinion to their own ends to destroy Trump.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Lots of people did stupid :censored2: that day. Only one side instigated the violence. Only one side committed murder. Only one side got away with it.
She should have complied with the orders law enforcement gave her repeatedly and she disregarded.
Imagine if she’d actually been a leftist rioter wearing a turban and a backpack full of unknown contents while trying to climb through a window into the Speaker’s lobby.


Well-Known Member
1,100 people charged and sentenced (including Proud Boys) up to 20 years. Yet not one of them have snitched and said it was the FBI, Democrats, BLM or Antifa. Nobody has turned over emails, texts or payment proof telling them to frame Republicans.

Over a 1000 people and not one has "told the real truth that it was paid actors".
Saw today that one of the protesters that day was charged with trespassing. The DOJ added a terrorism enhancement to the trespassing charge making it possible to get twenty+ years in prison. He committed suicide shortly after they added the enhancement.

Why am I telling you this? The Jan. 6 Commission painted a picture of a huge, dangerous insurrection with the intent to harm politicians and overthrow the government. And they jealously guarded the 40,000 hrs of security footage. But McCarthy released much of it and now Johnson has released all of it. What the footage shows is anything but an insurrection. The guy who committed suicide? Entered after the initial breach, strolled around for 20 minutes, and left. All while Capitol police looked on casually.

The vaunted Jan. 6th Commission was willing to destroy lives to advance a narrative that would ruin Trump. Total lies, and the Democratic base enthusiastically enables it. The only thing that matters to Democrats is keeping power.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
1,100 people charged and sentenced (including Proud Boys) up to 20 years. Yet not one of them have snitched and said it was the FBI, Democrats, BLM or Antifa. Nobody has turned over emails, texts or payment proof telling them to frame Republicans.

Over a 1000 people and not one has "told the real truth that it was paid actors".
Bears repeating.

MAGA cannot except that people on their side gambled and lost.


Well-Known Member
Bears repeating.

MAGA cannot except that people on their side gambled and lost.
And you're willing to destroy the other side with lies if it means your party stays in power. It's not a game. You should support what's best for the country, not any one party. If another party arises that more closely reflects my values I will vote for it. I'm not married to the Republican Party but currently it is the most likely to carry out an agenda I agree with.
“Our nation is on a collision course with reality and a steadfast commitment to truth, even uncomfortable truths, is the only way forward,” he said. “Too many Republican leaders are lying to America, claiming that the 2020 election was stolen, describing Jan. 6 as an unguided tour of the Capitol and asserting that the ensuing prosecutions are a weaponization of our justice system. These insidious narratives breed widespread cynicism and erode Americans’ confidence in the rule of law.”

Ken Buck
Members of the House and Senate were evacuated from their respective chambers when the rioters forced their way into the building, knocking over barricades and forcing their way past police in an attempt to stop the counting of state electoral votes.

"When you come into the chambers, when you start opening members' desks, when you stand up in their balcony, to somehow put that in the same category as permitted protest is just a lie," Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota told reporters.

Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina called Carlson's claims "bulls**t."

"I was down there, and I saw maybe a few tourists, a few people who got caught up in things," he said. "But when you see police barricades breached, when you see police officers assaulted, all of that, or you had to be in close proximity to it, if you were just a tourist, you should have probably lined up at the Visitor Center and came in on an orderly basis. I just don't think it's helpful."

Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, the No. 2 Senate Republican, said that the events of Jan. 6 were "an attack on the Capitol."


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
“Our nation is on a collision course with reality and a steadfast commitment to truth, even uncomfortable truths, is the only way forward,” he said. “Too many Republican leaders are lying to America, claiming that the 2020 election was stolen, describing Jan. 6 as an unguided tour of the Capitol and asserting that the ensuing prosecutions are a weaponization of our justice system. These insidious narratives breed widespread cynicism and erode Americans’ confidence in the rule of law.”

Ken Buck
The winner of the narrative awards hands down goes to the dimocrats.
Wake up, or sleep in on Election Day.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Members of the House and Senate were evacuated from their respective chambers when the rioters forced their way into the building, knocking over barricades and forcing their way past police in an attempt to stop the counting of state electoral votes.

"When you come into the chambers, when you start opening members' desks, when you stand up in their balcony, to somehow put that in the same category as permitted protest is just a lie," Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota told reporters.

Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina called Carlson's claims "bulls**t."

"I was down there, and I saw maybe a few tourists, a few people who got caught up in things," he said. "But when you see police barricades breached, when you see police officers assaulted, all of that, or you had to be in close proximity to it, if you were just a tourist, you should have probably lined up at the Visitor Center and came in on an orderly basis. I just don't think it's helpful."

Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, the No. 2 Senate Republican, said that the events of Jan. 6 were "an attack on the Capitol."
Yeah, and AOC feared for her life and thought (probably hoped) she would be raped.