YAY Its official : )


just because I am not a fan does not mean I am all UPS by any means, and I for your info I read all info sent to me from union and ups and I think about it all before I vote on anything, but you only see it from one point of view and that is union which is not always the right way


sky1023 said:
Whew, Guys is me the New GUy :) Well I went to my 2nd interview this morning at 4 am. Just got a call from HR personel 1 hr ago, it is official: I am now a preloader for The BIg Brown GIant. Advices for me, anyone?????

Welcome aboard-------our founder Jim Casey is noted for saying "Determined people working together can accomplish anything"---get determined and stay determined!!

As soon as you can---use the great Health benefits package that you have--yes, it is the same as full time drivers!! Than as soon as you can start contributing at least 3% of your pay into your 401k Plan--UPS will match your 3% 100%---best deal in town!!

Be patient-----don't be late to work---do your job----and before you know it, you may be given a full time opportunity to drive!!It's a good company with Great people....don't listen to the small percentage of people who are not happy with doing the hard work that they agreed to do when they were hired!


Brown Blooded

sky1023 said:
Whew, Guys is me the New GUy :) Well I went to my 2nd interview this morning at 4 am. Just got a call from HR personel 1 hr ago, it is official: I am now a preloader for The BIg Brown GIant. Advices for me, anyone?????

Get to bed early and learn something about pre-load assist. Congrats and welcome to the team of 409,000 UPSers worldwide


UM no Preload assist here at this hub :(. Not for another 2 yrs. Well I got my assignment 2day. Im responsible for loading 2 cars, and yes, I am trying trying and trying hard 2 memorize these 2 loading charts. Well THanx Thanx for the advices : )


Well-Known Member
Wow, Trickpony. Having a bad day? Personally I would not stay with a company if I was so miserable. Like ja4079 I seem to have made it awhile without too many horror stories to tell. The union doesn't protect my job. I protect my job. Have always been able to work out problems with mgmnt. Maybe its attitude!?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I just have to say that those of you who have not had problems are working in a UPS environment as a large company should have. And God loves you.

I think those of us who show up everyday, do our jobs, dont harass others, work as a team player, dont get complaints, dont get follow ups, dont have wrecks, or get hurt, should all be treated that way. And we in turn should treat management with respect.

But it works both ways, and it takes two people to make a relationship, and just like in a marriage if you do not have mutual respect, someone ends up not being treated with such.

I wish it was that way everywhere, its not.

There are too many complaints far and wide on this worldwide board, and most of them seem to be legit. Im happy that their are happy employees, we make great money and have great benefits.......management gets the same great pay and benefits......but is it too much to ask to also be treated respectfully.

Yes Ive seen the union, save slackers jobs, Ive also seen them fix problems. Ive seen people at my building who are not in the teamsters union have no one available for advice when they call theirs. I cannot say that has ever happened to me, I can always find someone, or on here I can get advice. but I may not get the answer I wish for either. But there have been many times I have wanted to discuss things with a mgmt person, and the few who care are overworked, and dont have time, or their nose is so far inside their pc they do not have time, til there is a problem.. Why not just be available to the people you manage? There are problems that do not need to becomes worse, that the OMS is just not knowlegable enough to handle. It doesnt seem too much to spend 20 minutes before start time to be available to your employees, like it used to be, but I guess it is, since it hasnt been that way for a while.

So if you are one of the lucky ones, dont think the rest of us are deserving of abuse, because we cant sing the praises at the moment that you do. Its just not the case. Have a great 4th. Tooner