YEAR later 22.3 jobs


Well-Known Member
seems to me the jobs in existence will stay but dont count on all 20,000.The most troubling thing is that if company is not filling vacant 22.3 jobs which seems to be the case,how long before all the 22.3 jobs have a big bullseye on there backs.what is truly ironic is that package car drivers fought tooth and nail to get a 22.3 job now looks like they would have been better of on the road than in the combo jobs.


Decisions of the National grievance Committee should be available next week. In the meantime here's the Dockets and Decisions from 2009:

From TDU: "The decisions from the October meeting of the National Grievance panel in San Diego are now available online. This was the final national panel for 2009 and the results for UPS Teamsters on the critical issues of excessive overtime and full-time combo job elimination were grim.

Seventeen locals brought cases to the panel charging UPS with eliminating full-time combo jobs and refusing to put those jobs up for bid in violation of Article 22.3 of the contract. Every single one of the cases was postponed.

Sixty-five 9.5 violation cases were brought to the panel— totaling 25 percent of the 36 page docket. Outside of Oakland Local 70, the panel ruled in favor of working Teamsters on a 9.5 issue in just one case.

In 16 cases coming out of Local 70— the company was ordered to comply with 9.5 language. These cases involved instances where UPS was settling 9.5 violations but never fixing the underlying problem of the affected drivers’ load."

National Grievance Panel Decisions, October 2009:
National Grievance Panel Docket, October 2009:

National Grievance Panel Decisions, June 2009:
National Grievance Panel Docket, June 2009:
Joint National Air Comittee Docket, June 2009:

National Grievance Panel Decisions, February 2009:
National Grievance Panel Docket, February 2009:

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
As far as postponments I believe only one is allowed. The meeting are over in Florida from last week. It will be interesting to see the results.

Red Dawn

Well-Known Member
The combos at dfw have been "dissolved" according to ups. Our night sort was moved to Louisville. This took out 80 of 120 combo workers. Ups took out the rest of combos just because they could. Replacing them with part time employees. Ups is forcing combos to work a split shift, sunrise or preload and twilight shift. We still have a noonday shift but they will NOT let any combos work on it. Despite article 48 we were not allow to displace any two part timers but the other way around. We have had 2 members put in hospital after 10 months of lack of sleep and working conditions. Several others are under doc. supervision. Doc has stated to first one out that their is nothing wrong other than pure exhaustion due to lack of sleep. We also have had members fall asleep at the wheel coming home from work. Ups management had said they were hoping that the summer heat would force combos to quit. This would explain on the twilight ramp combos were forced to do reloads out on ramp away from building. No fans and no water fountains on ramp. O and no light to see in trailer when sun went down. Yes this was brought up to management, union, safety committee...etc. I could go on and on about the things management is doing and the lack of our local. But you can just go back to threads posted all last year.

This tread is not so much about the 20,000 jobs but the ones we have been working sense 2000 and now being replaced by part timers. And the lack of action by our local. Have to wounder why they not taking action. And give run around BS to members. I heard that at last meeting they basically said the same thing as before and never gave straight answerer why NONE of the hundreds of grievances filed have been taken to national in over a year.


Package Car Whipping Boy
I really don't get this. From a union economic stand point getting rid of any full time jobs does not help the union at all. Why any local would support the elimination of a combo job to allow part timers to replace it. part timers do not pay into most full time pensions. How can a local allow a company to get rid of people paying into a pension, then probably turn around and say the pension fund is low. Unless the local leadership is taking bribs from UPS(which they probably are), or are completely incompetent this makes absolutely no logical sense for the economic stability for the union.


Browncafe Steward
Thelus we in 705 are unigue to say the least. We have 1100 22.3 jobs fo our area and our area only. So say that a 22.3 quits in Palatine, that job in reality could be posted in Addison for replacement. The union (now under Steve) keeps track of how many 22.3 jobs are currently bid or vacant.

Under the NMA UPS is playing a shell game with these jobs, they are eliminating from one ara and "alledgedly" moving them across ocuntry in ti a differnet local, maybe one whos pension contributions are less or medical plans are more affordable saving UPS money. There needs to be stronger language maiintaining these jobs within these locals and it needs to be harder for UPS to up and move them. Does the IBT even have any idea if all 20,000 jobs are filled?


Well-Known Member
all this just doesnt make sense at all,first off if these jobs are being moved why arent the guys allowed to follow the work.i guess what it all boils down to is this,if ups started geting rid of full time package car jobs the union would be all over it.all this blah,blah,blah,the jobs are being moved the jobs are disolved the jobs are this the jobs are that wouldnt fly if we were talking about package car,so why are we any different our dues are just as good.Just the fact that these jobs had to go to the national panel is absurd,this stuff should have been settled on the local level.

Red Dawn

Well-Known Member
the trick is that the combos at dfw are still have title of full time so the local still get's it's money. That is why they have fought to keep us on two shifts and not one.

But we have lost our combo pay. one of the members that was running for office last fall found langue in back of contract book (letter of under standing) that gives us our money back after 6 months. They didn't win and when we turned our greivance in on pay local was madddd!?!?!? You would think they would be happy. Don't know if it's because we got safted by local, or that it was because they didn't find it.


Well-Known Member
the trick is that the combos at dfw are still have title of full time so the local still get's it's money. That is why they have fought to keep us on two shifts and not one.

But we have lost our combo pay. one of the members that was running for office last fall found langue in back of contract book (letter of under standing) that gives us our money back after 6 months. They didn't win and when we turned our greivance in on pay local was madddd!?!?!? You would think they would be happy. Don't know if it's because we got safted by local, or that it was because they didn't find it.

I dont understand if you are still classified fulltime why would you loss your combo pay?in my building allmost all combos have been there so many years if you took away combo pay it wouldnt hurt them anyway it might even help some because they would be making more at a part time if im understanding this you have lost your combo pay but are still classified fulltime,are you still getting your 40 hrs,this is really weird.are you getting paid what your part time rate would have been by this time?

browned out

Well-Known Member
It is unacceptable. UPS has how many tens or hundreds of thousands of part-time jobs yet they can't keep up this minuscule number of 22.3 jobs. Honesty and integrity apply to to management and the workforce in reverse ratios.

Red Dawn

Well-Known Member
Ups tells us and union must of agreed, that because we have more than an hour inbetween our shifts that we are not combo. But laid off combos, Ariticl 48 say we should be able to displace any two part timers but ups will only let us displace on morning and evening shifts not noonday. This is how they took our combo pay, and most at our hub took on avarge $5 per hour pay cut. If your in southern region look at letter of understanding on pg 245. This states that AFTER 6 months of lay off but we are doing same job (inside inside) job we should be paid at combo rate. Our local was not happy about member that was running against them last fall found it and not them and when he tried to turn them in the local bashed him and was not happy about the greviences. HMMM makes one wounder. Now our local is trying to tell use that the words after 6 months reallys means that we should only get combo pay for First 6 months of lay off. If they sign off on this, then we will know for shure that we were sold out. This will effect all members in the southern region. O and none of our grev. have made it to pannel. It's only been 13+ months and still counting.


Well-Known Member
Ups tells us and union must of agreed, that because we have more than an hour inbetween our shifts that we are not combo. But laid off combos, Ariticl 48 say we should be able to displace any two part timers but ups will only let us displace on morning and evening shifts not noonday. This is how they took our combo pay, and most at our hub took on avarge $5 per hour pay cut. If your in southern region look at letter of understanding on pg 245. This states that AFTER 6 months of lay off but we are doing same job (inside inside) job we should be paid at combo rate. Our local was not happy about member that was running against them last fall found it and not them and when he tried to turn them in the local bashed him and was not happy about the greviences. HMMM makes one wounder. Now our local is trying to tell use that the words after 6 months reallys means that we should only get combo pay for First 6 months of lay off. If they sign off on this, then we will know for shure that we were sold out. This will effect all members in the southern region. O and none of our grev. have made it to pannel. It's only been 13+ months and still counting.
Sorry man. I hope you win in the end somehow.


Browncafe Steward
Ups tells us and union must of agreed, that because we have more than an hour inbetween our shifts that we are not combo. But laid off combos, Ariticl 48 say we should be able to displace any two part timers but ups will only let us displace on morning and evening shifts not noonday. This is how they took our combo pay, and most at our hub took on avarge $5 per hour pay cut. If your in southern region look at letter of understanding on pg 245. This states that AFTER 6 months of lay off but we are doing same job (inside inside) job we should be paid at combo rate. Our local was not happy about member that was running against them last fall found it and not them and when he tried to turn them in the local bashed him and was not happy about the greviences. HMMM makes one wounder. Now our local is trying to tell use that the words after 6 months reallys means that we should only get combo pay for First 6 months of lay off. If they sign off on this, then we will know for shure that we were sold out. This will effect all members in the southern region. O and none of our grev. have made it to pannel. It's only been 13+ months and still counting.

I hear what you are saying about not being able to work consecutive shifts when laid off. UPS has done that here also saying that the employees need to take a 1 hour lunch, but the language says they displace the junior part timer in the building. In all actuallity not one part timer has been displaced. They just have not hired as many and the 22.3s are still working one of their original jobs. Its bs and has been grieved here. Our local has outsorced a firm to expediate the arbitrations for 22.3s, we have around 300 in 705. First one is next month and a ton in may and june.

Let me ask you, in your 2 t jobs are you working hard and hard? if so you should file a 22.2 asking for inside pay rate which is the same as package car pay.

Red Dawn

Well-Known Member
we have filed on our pay using the letter of understanding of article 40. Which after 6 months we should be paided at combo rate (inside/inside) just this week online some members show a check cut for only 6 months back pay, but NO change to pay. Still showing part time pay for Displaced combos working two shifts. NO one has gotten the checks yet and mgr. says they don't know who has them. They say it could be in someones house mail or that the union may have had the checks sent to the hall. Have not heard anything from local yet. If they agreed to only give us the first 6months of pay instead of what the contract says then i think we will have a problem.

As for the split shift, the problem is that we combos are not being allowed to displace or bid on noonday shift. Bid sheet are not being posted, and when they do post jobs they only let part timers take jobs.


we have filed on our pay using the letter of understanding of article 40. Which after 6 months we should be paided at combo rate (inside/inside) just this week online some members show a check cut for only 6 months back pay, but NO change to pay. Still showing part time pay for Displaced combos working two shifts. NO one has gotten the checks yet and mgr. says they don't know who has them. They say it could be in someones house mail or that the union may have had the checks sent to the hall. Have not heard anything from local yet. If they agreed to only give us the first 6months of pay instead of what the contract says then i think we will have a problem.

As for the split shift, the problem is that we combos are not being allowed to displace or bid on noonday shift. Bid sheet are not being posted, and when they do post jobs they only let part timers take jobs.

What are the 22.3s doing for two shifts on AM and pm?

I fully understand why UPS does not want 22.3 on the day shift. In 2003, in our hub, they forced most 22.3 to twi-mid or mid-pre because staffing on those shifts is by far the most shaky - turnover, book-offs, etc.

The 22.3 jobs in your building that were razed into split shift combos should be moved elsewhere, for two consecutive shifts worth of work. There should be a separate negotiation for the jobs to be moved elsewhere that could satisfy this. The employees follow the work and are compensated fairly for the move if they so choose, in a fantasy world anyhow. :funny:

Red Dawn

Well-Known Member
What are the 22.3s doing for two shifts on AM and pm?

I fully understand why UPS does not want 22.3 on the day shift. In 2003, in our hub, they forced most 22.3 to twi-mid or mid-pre because staffing on those shifts is by far the most shaky - turnover, book-offs, etc.

The 22.3 jobs in your building that were razed into split shift combos should be moved elsewhere, for two consecutive shifts worth of work. There should be a separate negotiation for the jobs to be moved elsewhere that could satisfy this. The employees follow the work and are compensated fairly for the move if they so choose, in a fantasy world anyhow. :funny:

Lay off language is clear. I full time employee is laid off he/she can displace ANY two Jr employees if available. Staffing has no been a major issue in years. Mrgs have been heard saying that they figured putting us on a split shift and not allowing noon day as an opp. then we would quite or to worn out to do it and go back to part time. They were right, we made it till ends of year till we had our first combo sent to hospital. Doc said due to extreme exhaustion and lack of sleep was cause. Another one in Jan. A few more ok to work but under doc sup. We also had 2 that i m aware of that fell asleep at the wheel coming hm from work.

Not one of our 22.3 issues have gone to panel yet. Looks like we need an outsider to step in.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Lay off language is clear. I full time employee is laid off he/she can displace ANY two Jr employees if available. Staffing has no been a major issue in years. Mrgs have been heard saying that they figured putting us on a split shift and not allowing noon day as an opp. then we would quite or to worn out to do it and go back to part time. They were right, we made it till ends of year till we had our first combo sent to hospital. Doc said due to extreme exhaustion and lack of sleep was cause. Another one in Jan. A few more ok to work but under doc sup. We also had 2 that i m aware of that fell asleep at the wheel coming hm from work.

Not one of our 22.3 issues have gone to panel yet. Looks like we need an outsider to step in.

Isn't it obvious? The IBT has made a secret handshake deal behind closed doors with corporate. They don't care about 22.3 jobs nor those that occupied them. There is no other explanation.

Red Dawn

Well-Known Member
yea, hearing union is only giving the back pay for the frist 6 months and no change in our pay. pg 245 says they can take or money for the first 6 months but AFTER 6 months we should get our combo pay back. Told everyone this will be the test to see if our union sold us out! I guess we got our answer, but luckly we live in country with more than one opp. Never quit


Well-Known Member
Except there is no language in the Contract allowing us to return to part-time, so it's die or quit. I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of either. I have too many hardworking years invested, and my only sin seems to be wanting a fulltime job that isn't Package or Feeders.

I agree, time for outside help.