YEAR later 22.3 jobs


Well-Known Member
Red can you explain what hard and hard means please?

22.3 jobs are basically two part time jobs joined with a lunch in between.
Various combinations could exist:

"hard/hard" would suggest two hard, difficult, physically intensive part time jobs joined by a lunch in the middle.
"easy/easy" might be clerk/porter.
"hard/hard" might be unload/load.

These are just examples.

Red Dawn

Well-Known Member
we are asking for inside/inside pay!!!!!!!! no go, Even with the letter of under standing!!!!!!!!! we have the language, we have contract, but only getting part time pay. Unions is to fight for us but looks like they are leaving us out to dry


Browncafe Steward
Red can you explain what hard and hard means please?

we are asking for inside/inside pay!!!!!!!! no go, Even with the letter of under standing!!!!!!!!! we have the language, we have contract, but only getting part time pay. Unions is to fight for us but looks like they are leaving us out to dry

Fethrs, exactly what Trick said. UPS pushed the issue that its too hard to have an employee work 8 hours loading/unloading/sorting etc. This way they got around article 22.2 which speaks on inside fulltime employees who make driver pay. We have argued ofr our laid off 22.3s that are doing this split shifting of hard/hard that they should receive drivers pay for their lay off.

705 has brought in extra attorneys to expediate the 22.3 lay off arbitrations and we start hearing them this month. Hopefully the national panel will start deadlocking yours so that you can start yours toward the arbitration process.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update Red, we have meetings this week, one with union the other with management. I will know my new status by Thurs or Fri.


Browncafe Steward
Take a split shift if its offered, you still receive pension paymets. We were lucky here, last contract we put in language that any laid off full timer would keep their current pay rate, so any of our displaced 22.3s are still making the same money, but their lives are torn apart by split shifting. I have a feeling that all of our 22.3s will be back by late summer, this local is spending a boat load of money on behalf of these workers, and right fully so!

We file for everything here, if an eam drivver delivers a next day, grievance on behalf of the laid off 22.3 air drivers, exception drivers working, part timers doing the same work that was done by previous 22.3s. We are prepared without giving away too much info hear to prove our cases to teh arbitrators. Also each case is being arbitrated seperately so UPS can pay each arbitrator when we win plus the attorney fees that UPS will have to spen, thats nearly 300 arbitrations coming up.



I know you don't like my posts of late. I do want you to know that one of Local 25s BA told me personally that any "hard-hard" 22.3 job , you cannot grieve and "if you don't like it, your seniority next bid will take you wherever it goes" word for word.

So it obviously varies from region to region.


Browncafe Steward
I guess depeding on language it could vary. I will let you know how everything turns out here, I will be personally involved in the 30 or so arbitrations out of my building.


I guess depeding on language it could vary. I will let you know how everything turns out here, I will be personally involved in the 30 or so arbitrations out of my building.

Thanks, good luck, myself and probably many others are very interested in hearing the outcome.


Well-Known Member
Take a split shift if its offered, you still receive pension paymets. We were lucky here, last contract we put in language that any laid off full timer would keep their current pay rate, so any of our displaced 22.3s are still making the same money, but their lives are torn apart by split shifting. I have a feeling that all of our 22.3s will be back by late summer, this local is spending a boat load of money on behalf of .
Red I know we don't have that language in our local but I would like to see it. If I spliet shift I go back to pt pay at 14 years..not sure what the different rate is yet but it wont be the same. Looks like my combo job is gone and the local is not even going to panel with it.


Browncafe Steward
Fethrs, I would insist on filing a grievance. If its refused or denied at panel I would file charges against UPS and your local with the NLRB. What does it say in your article 22? This is where it will speak on how many jobs must be maintained. If your case deos not get deadlocked at panel it cannot be arbitrated unless they refer it to a similar grievance thats already going to arbitration.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you and every other laid off 22.3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
i dont know much about 22.3 jobs i had a few questions

a "22.3 job" just means u work 2 part time jobs but are considered a full time employee and are paid as such correct?

like where i work i know we have like maybe 20 or more people that work the twilight shift from 5-9:30 and come back and work midnight shift from 10:30-2:00 or something close to that

i understand that UPS is never going to create any more of these types of jobs again? only part time jobs, and the only full time jobs being - package driver or feeder driver?

but when these guys retire (many of them are quite old) will their job be filled?


Red I know we don't have that language in our local but I would like to see it. If I spliet shift I go back to pt pay at 14 years..not sure what the different rate is yet but it wont be the same. Looks like my combo job is gone and the local is not even going to panel with it.

Thats bad news, sorry. What happened to your combo job?

Here in NE our supplement says "8 hours consecutive" or something like that, which is probably the saving grace regarding elimination or split shift/ paycut. However any jobs vacated (over 20? so far) are disappearing here. Again sorry to hear about your job situation.


Well-Known Member
i dont know much about 22.3 jobs i had a few questions

a "22.3 job" just means u work 2 part time jobs but are considered a full time employee and are paid as such correct? CORRECT

i understand that UPS is never going to create any more of these types of jobs again? only part time jobs, and the only full time jobs being - package driver or feeder driver? YES

but when these guys retire (many of them are quite old) will their job be filled?
NO, they are in the process of eliminating the combo jobs


Browncafe Steward
fethrs when you are sat down and talked to they must give you an answer right than and there if its a lay off or elimination. Keep pushing Sister!

Red Dawn

Well-Known Member
we got a letter from our district mgr saying our jobs have been dissolved. Mind you both of my shifts are still running full speed. They have replaced combos on both shifts with part timers. yes, you read this right. replaced by part timers that have no more than 4yrs w/the company. pushing out comos that have 17+yr with the company wiitch 10-11yrs full time. still no pay or job


we got a letter from our district mgr saying our jobs have been dissolved. Mind you both of my shifts are still running full speed. They have replaced combos on both shifts with part timers. yes, you read this right. replaced by part timers that have no more than 4yrs w/the company. pushing out comos that have 17+yr with the company wiitch 10-11yrs full time. still no pay or job

Myself and many others will be joining you as P/T'er again soon enough. Heck, my combo job is 7 hours preloading 1 hour air driving as it is. Embarrasing, local won't even go to bat. Not much of a "combo".


Well-Known Member
Myself and many others will be joining you as P/T'er again soon enough. Heck, my combo job is 7 hours preloading 1 hour air driving as it is. Embarrasing, local won't even go to bat. Not much of a "combo".

The union for some reason wont fight for these jobs.To me it seems like the union and the company have agreed that the combo jobs were a mistake from the start and are leting the company cut what they want.I dont know if we will see all the combo jobs cut out are not,for now it seems like the union just stands aside and hopes they dont axe all of them.I dont know if this is a huge suprise to me or not because when i first got my combo i thought man they are gonna pay us this much money and guarnte me 40 hrs for doing something i was already doing,it seemed to good to be true and i guess maybe it really was.