Will u vote yes or no on the new contract?

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Well-Known Member
If there ever was a reason for a part timer to vote on a contract this is it. Assuming they want to make UPS their career, but still want to go full time, it is imperative to them to vote NO on this contract. As somebody said, they out-number full timers 3-1.
Speaking of full time and art. 22 I didn't see any language whatsoever as far as what present full timers are allowed to do as far as extra work, over time, super saturday, etc. Without language UPS can do whatever it wants because it is not in the contract.
Great info on the 22.3 workers! We are forced to work overtime but our 22.3 workers are mandated off in 8 or you are written up!!!How is that fair??


Well-Known Member
And now the news...

The Proposed New UPS Pension Plan

Get the Facts: The proposed tentative agreement would pull 44,000 full-timers out of the Central States Pension Plan and put them into a new UPS Plan. That was the company’s number one goal in bargaining.

If this agreement is approved, how will it affect the benefits of UPS Teamsters in the Central States Fund, now and in the future?

Here are some basic facts about the proposed new UPS plan.

Benefit Levels

The new plan would begin in January 2008. The company would not make any contributions to Central States after December 26, 2007.

Under the new plan, Normal Retirement Age would be 65. For a pension with less than 25 years, there will be a 6 percent reduction for each year under 65 at retirement.

The benefits for unreduced 25-and-out are $2000 per month; 25 years and age 57, $2500 per month; 30-and-out, $3000 per month; 35-and-out, $3500 per month. These are the same as the pre-2004 Central States benefit levels.

At Normal Retirement Age, a retiree will receive two checks: one from Central States, one from the UPS Plan.

The company agreed to fund the plan only “as required by applicable law.” This means the company is not obligated to make any specific contribution rate, but only to fund the plan to provide the benefit levels outlined above.

This is what the company is looking for. This provision will enable the company to save billions in reduced pension contributions and to keep a lid on future increases in benefits.

Pluses and Minuses

On the plus side, Teamsters can earn an unreduced 25- and 30-and out pension at any age. For a Teamster who retires very young such as age 50, this is a solid plus.

On the minus side, a Teamster who retires at an older age loses a lot. The accrual rate is lower than Central States will be in the coming years.

The accrual is the amount you can add to your monthly pension each year you work.

Accrual UPS Plan Central States

2008 $132 $142
2009 $132 $156
2010 $135 $169
2011 $147 $183
2012 $158.50 $196

The rates for the UPS Plan are taken from the proposed tentative agreement. The Central States accrual rates are what they would be if we stay in Central States, with the pension increases provided in the tentative agreement (45c first year, 65c following years)

As you can see, the accrual increases in the proposed UPS Plan are far below what they would be if we stay in Central States. If this plan is supposed to be for our benefit, why aren’t they higher than Central States?

In the UPS plan, these accruals are reduced by 6% for each year under 65. In the Central States plan, the 6% reduction is based on age 62.

Another problem with the new plan is that after 35 years, you don’t accrue anything more. That cheats the long-term employee.

There are also questions about this plan. What if you quit or lose your job at UPS and take another Teamster job? Will you lose those credits? Will UPS make a reciprocal agreement to protect you?
The Future

UPS management is not stupid. They are putting up $6.1 billion to break up Central States.

Over the long haul, they plan to save a lot more than that by paying lower contributions, holding down pension increases, and weakening our union.

A union has to be about the future. And our future is endangered when we let the company split apart our pension plan.

In a Memorandum of Understanding at the end of the contract, UPS promises it will not try to split any other plans for the next 10 years. Why would this be necessary if this is such a good deal for Central States Teamsters and our union?
(Courtesy of
To all the folks who told us to "wait and read the entire contract , then vote"....ok guys...we've read i know absolutely that this agreement truly sucks!! Will be voting NO!
In solidarity!!


Well-Known Member
Once again some intersting numbers: in 2001, m eskew 's total comp was $1.1 its $6.1 million...thats a 600% increase...i dont think ups stock has increased 600%??..has ups market share gone up 600%?? not! BUT HE GETS REWARDED HANDSOMELY, NO??
Has our pay gone up 600% since 2001...that would be the "best contract ever" now wouldnt it??

When the people who create the wealth with their sweat for this company want to be compensated for the hard work we do...we get hemming and hawing...competition...benefits...gas technologies...pension problems........Again, WHY DO WE TAKE THE HIT??
2006 Profits were up by 8.6% ... 2005 profits were up 16%!!! Remember this is all AFTER expenses!!!!! So when profits are up, the fat cats get rewarded( no hemming etc...Mikey likes it , NO?) and we get the crumbs?? Take a stand folks...we've been insulted..BIG TIME!

It's a joke what Eskew makes, but some people actually compare his salary with other CEO's and say he's making peanuts. UNBELIEVABLE!!


Well-Known Member
It's a joke what Eskew makes, but some people actually compare his salary with other CEO's and say he's making peanuts. UNBELIEVABLE!!

Who's salary can you compair it to. Noboby said he made peanuts. He's not the highest paid ceo and not the lowest paid ceo. If you have issue with his salary take it up with the board.
hoffa JR and hall,have coerced with ups to sell this contract or better stated jam this contract down the throats of the dues paying members.The ibt & ups intentionally did this during the union meeting break period (June thru sept.).Every new article is a cocession.JAMES HOFFA SR. IS ROLLING IN HIS GRAVE.WHAT A SELL OUT.I can't believe that the ibt is now in the business of getting out of "MULTIPLE EMPLOYER PENSION PLANS". JAMES HOFFA SR. started Central States pension Fund and james hoffa JR & hall gave it away with a wink of an eye.IF you haven't seen the full contract go to "MAKE UPS DELIVER"
hoffa JR and hall,have coerced with ups to sell this contract or better stated jam this contract down the throats of the dues paying members.The ibt & ups intentionally did this during the union meeting break period (June thru sept.).Every new article is a cocession.JAMES HOFFA SR. IS ROLLING IN HIS GRAVE.WHAT A SELL OUT.I can't believe that the ibt is now in the business of getting out of "MULTIPLE EMPLOYER PENSION PLANS". JAMES HOFFA SR. started Central States pension Fund and james hoffa JR & hall gave it away with a wink of an eye.IF you haven't seen the full contract go to "MAKE UPS DELIVER"


Well-Known Member
Just been at Local 804's General Membership Meeting this Sunday morning...WOW...there is a rebellion going on in our local...the executive board just gets back from DC after unanamously agreeing to this abortion of a contract with Hoffa and scumpany...and tries to peddle it to the rank-and-file!!!...As though we havent read reports on the contract or actually READ IT OURSELVES ON ONLINE...they think we are ignorant ... Yet I and the rest of our local who attended had to sit through a rambling, unorganized recap of whats in the contract...AND THEN WE HAD OUR SAY....i'm working on getting some of it on YOU TUBE (stay tuned)...EVERY SINGLE MEMBER THAT CAME TO THE MIC SHOWED THEIR ANGER AND FRUSTRATION...One of the biggest applause lines was when one member said: "Don't sell out the new guys! Ina a few years they are gonna be sitting here with us demanding to know why WE sold them out!"

Here's a prediction: LOCAL 804 WILL VOTE THIS CONTRACT DOWN! WE ARE 8,000 VOTING MEMBERS STRONG!! For all those who agree, start a campaign to vote this contract down in your own locals...IT CAN BE DONE!...STAY STRONG AND PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!


You people saying no info is available yet just don't know where to look. Do any of you have union reps? Here's what I know straight from the Unions mouth. The raises are split in 2, .35 cents in August, and .35 cents in FEb. and they don't get much higher then that the entire contract. Our part time pension goes up only $5 a month starting in 2008. The full timers are even getting burned on this one. The 25 and out pension only pays $2000 a month if you are not 57 yrs old. That blows. Their pension was $100 a year more for every year the work. Now their pension like the part-timers maxes out at 35 years. If you started driving at 20 and had 35 years in the company, and were now 55 and ready to retire, you would eithe take a reduced pension, or work 2 more years with now added benefit, or retire and not collect anything until you are 57. That blows. Most of the crappy things we are hearing involve new hires, but the real deal involving the rest of us has not yet been seen. And if it was so spectacular, and they wanted our yes vote so bad, why isn't our great union posting all of these amazing features on the teamster website for all of us to read and be proud of. Because I think we are in trouble. Be sure you all read all of the fine print.


Well-Known Member
Just been at Local 804's General Membership Meeting this Sunday morning...WOW...there is a rebellion going on in our local...the executive board just gets back from DC after unanamously agreeing to this abortion of a contract with Hoffa and scumpany...and tries to peddle it to the rank-and-file!!!...As though we havent read reports on the contract or actually READ IT OURSELVES ON ONLINE...they think we are ignorant ... Yet I and the rest of our local who attended had to sit through a rambling, unorganized recap of whats in the contract...AND THEN WE HAD OUR SAY....i'm working on getting some of it on YOU TUBE (stay tuned)...EVERY SINGLE MEMBER THAT CAME TO THE MIC SHOWED THEIR ANGER AND FRUSTRATION...One of the biggest applause lines was when one member said: "Don't sell out the new guys! Ina a few years they are gonna be sitting here with us demanding to know why WE sold them out!"

Here's a prediction: LOCAL 804 WILL VOTE THIS CONTRACT DOWN! WE ARE 8,000 VOTING MEMBERS STRONG!! For all those who agree, start a campaign to vote this contract down in your own locals...IT CAN BE DONE!...STAY STRONG AND PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!

Keep those yes votes coming...Don't get agitated!!:laugh:

Here's another prediction..The contract will pass and all this negative hype will soon be over!! Go UPS/Go Union!!:thumbup1:


United Parcel Survivor
Keep those yes votes coming...Don't get agitated!!:laugh:

Here's another prediction..The contract will pass and all this negative hype will soon be over!! Go UPS/Go Union!!:thumbup1:

you are right, it will pass because most people i spoke to doesn't even know there is a new contract coming.:ohmy: i called my local asking them about it, the answer was "what new contract? we are still on the old one!" I see that's how they will get it to "pass".


Well-Known Member
So much of the negativity is posted by people with, what is in my opinion, an obvious agenda. For the record, I don't think UPS, The Teamsters, TDU or any other relevant organization wakes up and says "Hey, what can we do for Damok today?" The company has a mandate to maximize shareholder profit, The Union's vested interest is staying in power, TDU wants power back and all of this is really *(or at least should be) secondary. My opinions of course, but it seems that honest, open, frank and CIVIL discussions are the way to go. People registering here then posting (on either side) vitriol and more exclamation points than you can shake a stick at are silly.

State your opinions and feelings about the information in front of us, hopefully with an eye towards what you believe to best for your Union brothers and sisters or, as the case may be, fellow workers and the company over the long haul. Have respect for the people that dwell here when you post. Listen to counter arguments with an open mind and respond in kind. Obviously not everyone feels the same way about this contract or about the company or about the union but for Pete's sake have some semblance of decorum and act like adults.

Now I will get down off my soapbox and go have a beer - cheers! :D
A Mandatory Financial Statement Should Be Made Available Via Bylaw Change In Ibt Constitution.

Lets See How Many Share Of Ups Hoffa And hall Have Of Ups Stock


Well-Known Member
Keep those yes votes coming...Don't get agitated!!:laugh:

Here's another prediction..The contract will pass and all this negative hype will soon be over!! Go UPS/Go Union!!:thumbup1:

With more rollbacks than Walmart, I can bet the house this wont pass here. I just hope they get the ballots out so we can send thier asses back to the table on a local level.

Brazen, you are aware we get to vote on this on a local level also, right?
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Well-Known Member
You guys can have your rebellion but be careful how far you push UPS. Your company plays hardball very well. -Rocky

It is not a rebellion Rocky, it is mearly contract negotiation time. If you recall, our local seems to be on the short end of the stick lately. Maybe its Hoffas way of getting back at Ron Careys boys, dont know, dont care. You cant please all of the people all of the time but this is too far gone.


Well-Known Member

Question for ya, and I'm just curious, no hidden setups or anything like that, I'm not here to instigate or agitate. I don't play that game. Just trying to get a grasp of how far apart the local up in your neck of the woods is from the tentative agreement.

I've been reading to posts on here, I understand where your coming from in your concerns. In your opinion, is there anything good about the tentative agreement your local likes about it, or is it something you feel should be sent back and have the whole thing re-negotiated from scratch? Is there anything that can be built on that has already been negotiated.

Personally, I do feel there could be several areas that needs more attention.