Will u vote yes or no on the new contract?

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New Member
The New Deal
Brass Tacks and Coffee
We had a meeting Sunday the 14th to go over the new contract proposal. It was brass tacks and coffee. With several hundred UPSers in attendance, Local 455 Business Agents (who are on the Teamsters Negotiating team) went over the new contract page by page. Here are the highlights (and a couple of lowlights).

First off, it's a 5 year agreement.
In Art. 1, supervisor working grievances will be paid at the double time rate, not time and a half as they are now. In Art. 6, no driver will be fired on the first offense if the information the discharge is based on was gathered solely from the GPS system. UPS will have GPS soon enough in our package cars as well as our DIADs, and while you can't get fired right off for what the GPS system reveals about you, it will tell the company where to look if you are screwing around out there, so watch out. In Art 10, language has been added that says the company must give you a list of all DR areas and non-DR areas on your route if you request that information.
Art 10 has also been amended to include a stipulation that the DIAD will be configured to prompt the driver when a COD requires certified funds. And if a driver is held responsible for a bad check and sues the consignee, the company will provide the necessary documentation to aid in the driver's lawsuit. I like the idea of the DIAD prompting you on a cash only COD. That's long overdue.
In Art. 14, Temporary Alternate Work assignments will be scheduled to begin not more than 2 hours before or 2 hours after your regularly scheduled shift. We have had a real bad problem here with TAW because it often meant working the midnight shift while you tried to get healed up from an injury. Many of us felt we could survive the injury or working the midnight, but we couldn't survive both at the same time.
Vacations checks will be made available for viewing on the Monday before you go on vacation, although they won't be paid until the Friday before vacation. That's new in Art. 17.
We've all heard about the raises, $4 over 5 years, but did you hear that they will be paid in two installments. You will get have your raise on Aug. 1 and the other half on Feb.1. If half the raise comes out to a fraction of a cent like 37 1/2 cents, the company has indicated they will pay the half cent, not round up.
Art. 34, the pension. UPS will set up a jointly trusted and administered single employer pension fund for all full timers in Central States and will withdraw from the Central States fund. The good parts of this are that they will restore the benefits to what we used to have such as 25-and-out and 30-and-out at any age. The magic age will still be 57 for full benefits. So, if you have less than 30 years and are less than 57 years of age, the pension will pay $500 a month less, just like it always did.
But...when you retire, your check will come from UPS until you reach the age of 65. This way you will not be subject to the very restrictive re-employment rules of the Central States fund. You will be able to work anywhere (except UPS) and as many hours as you want. Then after 65 years of age, your checks will come from Central States for the portion of your retirement that you earned before 2008. If Central States has reduced pension benefit amounts because of financial problems, UPS will guarantee your full pension amount for the rest of your life. However, for UPS employees already retired and receiving a Central States pension, if CS has to reduce monthly pension payments, then UPS will not pay up their pensions. They will go with whatever Central States offers. Health insurance for retirees will cost $200 a month per person, be made available at age 55 instead of 57, and that cost will be guaranteed for the life of the contract.
Health insurance will not be made available to part timers hiring in until after 1 year and their dependants will have to wait 18 months.
The 9.5 language in Art. 37 will not apply to us here in Denver because we have better language in the Supplement and the National language in this case will not supercede our supplement.
The starting wage as stated in Art. 41 for drivers in Denver will be $16.10 and progression to top scale will take 36 months instead of 30. The startng wage for part timers will remain $8.50.
In a memorandum of understanding, the company agrees to not solicit any other pension plans around the country to join the new UPS/Teamster pension that will be established.
The biggest change in the Central States Supplement is the breaking up of the option week into single days or a 2day-3day group. We will begin late next year to select our vacations in November for 2009, at which time you will select which way you want to take your option week. To cover these single-vacation-days, the company will use part timers. Most of the other changes in the Supplement were made to clean up and clarify some of the language.
All in all, this sounds on first reading like a good deal for current UPS employees, especially those nearing retirement. The raises are not as big as we have enjoyed in the past, but we are in danger of out distancing our competition in wages and that can come back to bite us in the behind and should be avoided. I would rather avoid it by organizing FedEx and getting them money similar to ours, but that's another story. I don't find too much here that is distasteful, the part time wages are disappointing, I wish the retiree insurance was less expensive, I wish the wage progression was faster. But I'm nearing retirement and I feel a lot more secure with the pension language in this proposal then I did with the changes Central States made in 2004. The re-employment rules change is huge to anyone thinking of retirement.
Continue to gather all the information you can on the proposals, talk to your Union, your fellow drivers, your stewards and your management team. I hope that everyone votes this time around, this is probably the most important contract I have ever seen at UPS and I've seen quite a few over the last 29 years. Ballots will be coming out soon, I think the IBT wants to have them returned and counted by Thanksgiving.

If Central States has reduced pension benefit amounts because of financial problems, UPS will guarantee your full pension amount for the rest of your life.

Are you certain about that part? It seems to be the exact opposite of what we've seen in the posted contract.

The ability to break up our option week would be outstanding..... :thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
I do believe that the company offer needs to be scrutinized. It is obvious that the company is looking down the road. Before any of you vote, think about what the future is going to bring us. Management has always held the position that "Hooray for me, Screw everyone else". They're dangling those gold plated carrots in front of our noses with the hope that we will sell out our part time and future brothers and sisters. They are hoping that we are as greedy as they are. This contract so far says nothing about working conditions. I've driven package car for the last 20 years and I'll tell you I feel like a whipped mule. The jobs at UPS will wear you down. Are we going to have to endure more vague and meaningless wordage in our new contract. Example is article 37 section 1 of our present contract which states-- [evil]The employer will treat employees with dignity and respect at all times, which shall include, but not be limited to, giving due consideration to the age and physical condition of the employee[/evil] This statement has absolutely no teeth. Will my worn out knees, back and feet receive the consolation of a reduced work load. Absolutely not. This shows that the union took no consideration regarding our needs. By including this in the contract they merely tried to cover the bases. By basically selling central states we will be divided like never before. Remember the phrase "divide and conquer". Will the union care about us as much after they get their billions?
for the floor, more to come.
Well said!!!


Well-Known Member
Funny how all these new jr members are coming out of the woodwork and crawling out from under their rocks to launch a crusade to vote this contract down. Remember, the Teamsters had a priorty agenda of importance going into negotiations and felt they achieved this according to what we the members have previously expressed to them. Obviously, evey issue is not attainable, there must be give and take. To think to ask veteran and senior employees to vote no over new hires starting pay, half year raises and senority probation periods IMO is not convincing enough. To think that we would recover volume as easily from the last strike is naive. Our competition are bigger and better than 6 yrs ago ,if we go on strike over these particular issues and lose volume, forget about hiring new hires, those who have been working a short period of time would probably get layed off, many people would get bumped to lower positions, full time job aquisitions would cease, feeder jobs would dry up, our stock would plumet,etc...without a strong thriving Co there won't be a strong contract five yrs from now. Be careful what you ask for. Instead, ask yourself are these reasons detrimental enough to walk away from my job and lifestyle.

Dude!! D. LOL Hey great post. I absolutely agree . I did a little diggin in the ol archives. Remember Senior Geek. I just want to share one of his quotes in a early thread of mine. Here it goes. First, I wonder what ever happened to him. Ok, The Geek quote, "I'd say your are highly educated in UPS methods, practices and policies. That particular education won't be worth much money at another company, but it gives your work value for UPS". So UPSers what do you make of that quote. I will be brutally honest with you and myself. I am a pkg car driver of 19.5 years. We are nothing more than delivery boys. Yes, thats right I said it. We are compensated fairly. Stop your complaining. If you want more money go find another job. Folks, it's simple 6.1 billion dollars. What is so hard to understand about that? That must be factored into the 5 year contract.

Pension and Health that was the main issue's on UPSer's minds. UPS and the Teamsters gave them to you. First the CS pension issue. That has now been addressed with the 6.1 billion dollar buy out. Having said that let me quote hall, "We launched early negotiations for the national contract a year ago after members made it clear that they wanted the union to focus on their PENSIONS and HEALTH care for retirees and active workers," said Hall, "This tentative agreement provides more funding for pensions and members' health care than any other UPS contract in HISTORY". Folks, hall was there through out the whole neg. process. Is he not telling the truth? Is he a liar? Why would he make such a comment, knowing very well he could be exposed? Ken, I believe made that comment based on the 6.1 billion. So, in a sense UPS has already spent a hefty chunk of chain for shoring up the pension for some 44,000 ft Teamsters and the five years haven't even started yet. Great day!!!


Well-Known Member
Suffolk County Police
Nassau County Police
Long Island RailRoad
Town of Hemspead Dept of public works
Suffolk County Water
Hempstead Police
Garden City Police
Port Washington Police
Hampton Bays Police
Electric union
Plumbers union
Welders union
Every Sanitary District on Long Island(guessing about 30)

Having just a HS diploma really didnt mean much 20 years ago either Brownie. Thats a pretty good point that alot of drivers should just be happy they work for UPS because they just have HS diplomas. Many years ago, UPS allowed FT drivers to obtain degrees and they would foot a part of the bill.MY question is if you work 9am to an average 7-9pm, when in Gods name would you go back to school. Leave the apple and orange diploma comparison to someone who cares.

804, Well there you have it. 804, you want more money. A better life. Pension and Health. Start putting your app into one of those jobs listed. One other thing tell me in details about your Sep Plan. I have a few questions that maybe you can answer. It appears by the way you describe your Sep that it is pure Hell. First question. Did UPS stop or decrease its weekly pension contributions into the Sep? I assume it was a joint board making the decisions on where the(UPS) monies were invested. Example 5 Teamsters and 5 Company UPSer's. When was the Sep formed? Why is it in trouble? Bad investments, perphaps. If it was bad investments. Who should be responsible? UPS/Teamsters. I have to ask you this. In the Cs Mep. Who was responsible for its failure? It had a Teamsters/UPS board that directed the pension monies to a particular firm that handled all investments. Shouldn't they, the investment firm be held accountable? Why not? Or maybe the economy in general should be accountable? How about those banks that gave out all those bad housing loans? Why not go after them? Come on, Lets use some common sense here folks. Pension, Its not a sure thing. It will change as the market changes.

Its funny how everyone thats against this contract wants to attack UPS on the billions it makes. Well, let me ask you this. Do you have a Teamster UPS 401k? Don't you like how its gone up ? Companies are making billions. Thats GREAT NEWS. Not Bad News. More money in your pocket. More money in your Sep and Mep. Hey, but wait. Those companies on wall street are all Evil. LOL

804, not to give you a hard time. LOL Why don't you go after the investment firm? Im sure that is where the Teamsters and UPS gives your monies too to be invested. Im in the Teamsters/UPS 401k. Citigroup, I believe handles my investments. Should I go after them? Or do I blame myself?

To sum it all up. Its the market that may very well be the blame for your defunct plan. Nasdaq and Wall Street. It can be brutal and unpredictable to say the least. Don't put it all on UPS. Vote Yes on the contract to ensure a strong healthy UPS for the future.


Well-Known Member
Still no information on any supplemental lanuage and no clear pension formula with this new UPS/teamster pension plan to make a decision yet. The need for both the company and the union to make their deadlines may force us to decide without them fully answering our questions. Just too much to risk considering how the last contract was handled. Get ALL THE FACTS IN WRITING before mailing out your ballots.:thumbup1:


New Member
oh hell no!!!! the people who were on this committee were older ready to retire individuals who really do not care about the part-timers, the 2 pay rates for combo people, the fact that grounds are being picked up by air drivers for regular pay, the contract is way too long because UPS business is always changing always implementing new ideas ex. tsp, sdp, the fact that the existing combo positions will longer exist once the spot is vacated. this contract isn't just for the central states, everyone will lose regardless of the how this is dressed up.
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Both can not be true:#1 Quote:
Originally Posted by outthedoor
If Central States has reduced pension benefit amounts because of financial problems, UPS will guarantee your full pension amount for the rest of your life.
Are you certain about that part? It seems to be the exact opposite of what we've seen in the posted contract.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #2
Originally Posted by Tackleberry
Hi. I could be wrong, but the way I'm reading this -

"The UPS/IBT Plan will recognize full-time service in the CS Plan for determining eligibility for the benefits in this section and will offset at Normal Retirement Age the benefits accrued from the CS Plan commencing at Normal Retirement Age."

UPS will use count the years you've accrued with CS toward your total and will then reduce the amount you will receive from CS from the UPS plan. (two checks)

and this-

"If the benefit paid from the CS Plan is reduced as permitted or required by law, the amount of such reduction shall not be included in this offset."

seems to mean that if, for some reason CS cannot pay the full amount it owes you, then UPS is not required to make up the difference. For instance, if the Feds or CS decide that CS won't be able to pay everyone the agreed upon retirement amount, I suppose they could reduce it- if the current law permits the reduction. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I think DenverBrown has false information. The wording of the contract is more authoritive. I wish UPS was going to guarantee the CS pension. This, I believe is a rumor intentionally spread by UPS and the union to bolster support for the contract. Both sides have said it to me. When you attend your informational meetings ask them if UPS will guarantee your pension benifit if CS falters.Then ask them where it is in the contract. It is a big lie and they think if they say it enough times you will believe it. Vote the way you want but don't be mislead.


Well-Known Member

Section 1. The Union recognizes that the Employer is in direct competition with the United States
Postal Service and other firms engaging in the distribution of express letter, parcel express, parcel
delivery, and freight, both air and surface. In order to meet that competition and thereby protect and, if
possible, increase the number of bargaining unit jobs, it is agreed that any provisions in this Agreement
to the contrary notwithstanding, the Employer:

(a) may use substitute means of transportation (such as airplane, helicopter, ship or T.O.friend.C.) in its
operations; provided, however, that no feeder driver with more than three (3) years of seniority in the
feeder driver classification in the employ of the Employer, as of August 1, 1997, will be laid off or
displaced from a feeder classification as a result of a run being placed on the rail. However, the
Employer shall not be required to remove loads from the rail to provide work for employees whose
ground loads were eliminated or temporarily discontinued. Any claimed abuse of this Section by any of
the Local Unions shall be subject to immediate review by the National Grievance Committee.

Merchandise that has been tendered by United Parcel Service to the railroad and moved by T.O.friend.C. will
not subsequently be moved by the railroad, on the ground, to its final destination. Any exception to the
above language will be in cases of an emergency or cases where the railroad must ground the
merchandise early to meet the Company's service commitment. In these cases, every effort will be made
to use UPS employees.

In order to expand the work opportunities for members of the bargaining unit, the Employer will
consider removing additional loads from the railroad or the other substitute means of
transportation specified in this Article. When the Employer removes loads on other than a
temporary basis, it shall notify the Union of the number of new runs to be created as a result of
moving such loads on the ground. The Employer and Union shall agree on the most expeditious
method to obtain additional personnel and/or equipment, if necessary, for the new runs to be
operated by bargaining unit members. If the equipment or employees are not available, the
Employer may use subcontractors for a reasonable start-up period, not to exceed thirty (30) days.
The subcontracting can exceed thirty (30) days with the Union’s agreement if there are problems
obtaining additional personnel or equipment. Agreement under this paragraph will not be
unreasonably denied by the Union. All feeder positions created as a result of returning loads to the
ground shall be counted toward the Employer’s obligation to create full time jobs under Article
22.3 of this Agreement.

Bargaining unit employees will move scheduled T.O.friend.C. loads from the rail yards to UPS locations
except during peak season.

During peak season, the Employer will make every reasonable effort, in accordance with the
appropriate Supplement, Rider or Addendum, to use current UPS employees and hire a sufficient
number of employees to handle peak volume. After doing so, the Employer may use alternate means of
transporting packages during peak season and will utilize union carriers whenever possible. Plans to
utilize outside carriers will be reviewed and agreed with the Local Union. Such agreement will not be
unreasonably withheld.

(b) may drop loaded or empty trailers at locations designated by it, its customers or consignees for
customer or consignee loading or unloading. It is understood that customers and consignees will not
move trailers for loading and/or unloading other than on their premises. It is further understood that
dropping and picking up these trailers shall be done by members of the bargaining unit.

(c) All loading and unloading of dropped shipments at UPS locations will be done by UPS bargaining
unit employees.

Section 2. A Joint UPS/IBT Competition Committee shall be created with an equal number of
Employer and Union representatives. The Committee shall meet upon written request by either
party for the purpose of discussing and evaluating proposals which, if adopted by the Committee,
could create additional bargaining unit jobs, enable the Employer to more effectively compete
with other companies, implement new services and products, or change existing services. Nothing
within this provision or Agreement shall require the Employer to offer or maintain any particular
service or product.

Section 3. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Agreement or any Supplement, Rider or
Addendum, only the Local Union with jurisdiction in the geographic area in which a
subcontracted feeder movement originates or the Teamsters United Parcel Service National
Negotiating Committee in its own name shall have the right to file or pursue a grievance alleging
that the movement is a contractual violation.

thanks jimmie & kenny for watching out for the new feeder drivers!:mad:
now everyone go toe the apwa websight and join up , so we can get rid of these numskulls for bringing back a contract like this after 9 months of negotiating with ups ! click on package division for a vote authorization card and make ups employees their own union!:thumbup1:

Brown Dog

Brown since 81
something else to not like about new contract language. 8 hr requests must now be given 5 days in advance instead of 2. If a family concern comes up with less than 5 days to go, Sorry Charlie


Well-Known Member
804, Well there you have it. 804, you want more money. A better life. Pension and Health. Start putting your app into one of those jobs listed.

If I was 19 and didnt have my life involved with a company and a family at this moment, I would be the first person willing to make a change for the better. I guess no one at UPS should want more money or better pensions or health and welfare. Lets stop all this hogwash I talk about across the board then, management included. Does anyone at any job not want better? lets be serious. The police have a 19-34 age limit to hiring, looks like I passed that a while ago. The typical answer is go find another job, I would prefer to make mine better, wouldnt you?

804, not to give you a hard time. LOL Why don't you go after the investment firm? Im sure that is where the Teamsters and UPS gives your monies too to be invested. Im in the Teamsters/UPS 401k. Citigroup, I believe handles my investments. Should I go after them? Or do I blame myself?
Investment firms are not responsible for investments and not 1 willl ever take that responsibility. If you deal with Citigroup, I am sure you just answered your question re: liability.

Well, you kinda missed my point 804. I was really debating putting that high school diploma reference in there and that's what you focused on. Twenty years ago a degree certainly did not have the impact it does today and anyone can tell you if you're looking for a good job the degree will help tremendously.

UPS still foots the bill for tuition reimbursement (another nice benefit) for part-timers and full-timers if you or anyone ever decides they want to make more of themselves. You have to make the time to attend classes, nights, weekends, etc..

You have to qualify through an application and there is only a select area that you can attend.

Since you listed those other jobs I'll comment....Most all of them require anywhere from 2-5years of training and being a police officer is a noble profession but it is a heck of a lot more dangerous then that of a UPS Driver.
More UPS personel have died working in NJ last year than the police. I will not argue the fact that it might be a dangerous job but why does UPS have 2x the nation average in injuries and DEATH for employees working. 2-5 years training?

your 100% wrong, there is a ged required for the majority of the jobs I listed. Suffolk had a test in April and you could google the requirements if you like. The 94k pay not including overtime and holiday pay is pretty sweet, I am sure you will agree.

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Well-Known Member
I noticed you didn't say a word about the thousands of good teamsters and UPSers in the Central States who will be much better off better off with their retirement fund in tact!!:wink:

I am so sorry I didnt say a word about the CS pension in a vote "Yes or no" thread.

Brown Dog

Brown since 81
Wow, that's nice language in the central states addendum- optional week can be broken up into days or 2 or 3 day vacations. I'd vote for that in 710:tongue_sm


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry I didnt say a word about the CS pension in a vote "Yes or no" thread.

Should I start another thread so you can say you don't care about the retirement of our union bros in the Central States and that they can go and pound sand because you want a few more pennies???:wink:

More UPS personel have died working in NJ last year than the police. I will not argue the fact that it might be a dangerous job but why does UPS have 2x the nation average in injuries and DEATH for employees working. 2-5 years training?

I was unaware of that statistic...Can you share your source of information please??

Maybe we should offer bullet proof vests and firearms for our drivers in N.J.:laugh:

Now you're making me sad reminding me that one of my favorite shows is over...The Soprano's, I'll betcha Tony would protect our union bros in New Jersey!!:thumbup1:
