Exactly! It was hard when I got my first helper. I had a rough time letting go of some of the responsibility of making sure everything happened right and to my standards.
Eventually I was able to let the helper head up driveways without me watching through the window to make sure they were going to the right house and leaving stuff in the right place, however I never was able to give up the control of letting the helper use the helper board except for a handful of signature required packages.
Sometimes stops completed in the helper board didn't come out of my board and in one case there was a signature obtained in the helper board that not only never came out of my board, but it never showed in the system as completed. Because it was an iphone I had them pull up the tracking number the next day and sure enough it never showed being delivered. I went back the next day, had them pull the box out of the recycling bin and sheeted it again.
I went through 4 or 5 helpers last peak. Some were lazy. Some were out of shape. I had two really good ones. One of which quit because he got another job; One quit Christmas Eve day. One guy thought he was captain of the boat and was going to tell me how it was going to be. I blew a u-turn and drove him back to his car and ran the rest of the night with no helper. Another guy got moody every time it rained, slowed down after lunch, etc.