Hose, dude you just can't live your life this way. Hose if I had to guess your age by reading your post, I would guess you were a bitter,angry 70 year old man. I say that in a respectfull and helpful way. Believe or not hose I have read alot of your post and you are a very bright individual. Work, yea its bad at times,but you have to look at any positives you can find. Lifer is right, dont you see hose, you set yourself up with this thread. Dont be a hypocrite. I grew up in a family of tuff love. My mother was stern but loving, My father and Grandpa were hard core pull yourself up by your

in boot straps, be glad you have food and shelter type old guys. Hose your not fooling anyone. Your miserable and I dont like to see you in that state of mind.
Let me break it down for you in a 24 hr period. First, we sleep for about a third of that, then we work for another third(more or less ft/pt). Then hose, you come on the bc site and spend another, maybe 1/6(estimated, only you know). Do you start to see my point. I feel you are consumed with anger and that anger is going to kill you quicker than smoking 2 paks a day. Hose have you ever meet those people that take the job home with them. They take it on vacation(mtn bike riding) with them. I believe that is why you ride recklessly the way you do. Maybe its to get rid or channel that anger out of you. I could be wrong, but Im sure you feel better after your done. Im saying this, not to be mean, but to help you out. I believe personally, in helping people. Its why God put us here on earth. I just picture you as a guy that dosent smile alot. Maybe Im wrong.
Hose, I guess its all up to you. Only you can make that decision. If you do make it. The road wont be easy. Hey just come on the bc site and will help you out. Sometimes I need help, its great to have someone to lean on. No matter how tuff and hard those walls are built. There is a real human bean, with emotions, feelings and most of all a heart. Well hose, I hope you dont get to upset with me. I just had to speak my peace on the matter. area 43 out. ps Hose I know your going on vacation, hope you will catch this post. take care ( :