Your best worst jokes..


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Starting the car for the long trip back into the city, Thorn and Bill said their final good-byes to their good friend, Curly David.

"Thanks for puttin' us up for the weekend, pal," said Thorn.

"The food was great, the booze and dope were superb, and I really enjoyed friendg your wife."

Shortly after hitting the road, Bill turned to Thorn and said, "I hope you weren't serious about enjoying friendg his wife!"

"No, I wasn't serious. She was lousy."


golden ticket member
Watery eyes after sex ...

Two black guys were in a bar talking, and one says to the other,
"You ever notice after you have sex with a white woman that your eyes burn, your nose burns and you get all teary-eyed?”

The second black guy says, "Yeah, all the time.”

The first one asked, "Why is that?”

The second says, "I'm pretty sure it's the pepper spray."