wkmac.....I don't know for sure what they were doing on FOX (cause I was channel surfing), but they did a countdown to zero before announcing that Hillary won N.Y......doesn't that mean they were waiting for the polls to close 9 PM N.Y. time ?? It was 6 PM CA. time when I saw that.
I thought your polls closed at 7 pm on the west coast, am I right or wrong in understanding that? All the talk around here is Huckabee and his wins and how this effects Romney. The media is saying the Huck's win was from the Christian vote but from what I'm hearing that faction was fairly evenly split among Mac, Huck and Rom. What is being said off media is in Georgia and maybe Alabama, it could have been the Fairtax. It is strong around here but can't say one way or the other. Seems interesting if it is the case.
You know back in the fall, McCain was all but dead, Rudy was unbeatable, Huckabee was almost considered 3rd tier and Thompson who had just entered was about to be the Conservative White Knight. 6 plus months later, McCain is the bigdog, Rudy and Fred are gone and some speculate Huckabee is positioning for the VP with Big Mac. It's amazing how quick things turn and in the case of Fred Thompson, when he announced, I thought it was all over even though I didn't support the guy. Just thought he'd steamroll the conservative/christian base to the front of the pack.
As for the democrats, Hillary seemed all but crowned and then Obama started to emerge. I thought Edwards would be the one to grab the hardcore democrat base to threaten Hill but Obama has played a master game of politics to run this thing down to the wire.
Barring some revelation of unknown, McCain is the guy on the repub. side but the democrats is a whole other story. Look like a 15 round title fight with a judges decision at the convention. Boy will that be fun to watch as all the special interest groups that make up the core of the party base position to get their candidate in. What will emerge as bodies are flung under the bus and sacrificed on the alter of political advantage. Keep an open ear folks as the dirty laundry will come out when we get to that point.