Well-Known Member
This campaign season IMO has been pretty wild. I mean, a year ago McCain was should we say "dead meat" and Rudy seemed the shoe in. Hillary was all but crowned queen and after the democrat sweep in the 06' Congressional elections, some pundits all but declared a democrat WH for Hillary in Jan. 09'.
Now we have everyone gone but McCain and he seems to be gaining ground and if the election were today against either democrat, I think McCain would win. A few weeks ago Obama was pounded by the Clinton camp via the "Pastor" scandal and Hillary seemed to surge and put the whole process back into open question with Obama slipping. Now Hillary pounded her own mouth with her own "war tales" and she's slipping fast again.
In this, McCain is growing in numbers and support and it's a long way to Nov. but he sure has to feel good right now having dispatched all the other repub. contenders. But here's where it gets interesting.
I've been seeing over the last few weeks a number of reports that the democrat party either at convention or prior too, making Al Gore the nominee and either Hillary or Obama the 2nd banana. It seems farfetched in one sense but as crazy as this election cycle has been, I'm not so sure it's as crazy as one might think and among democrat party loyalist I'm not sure how that would go over.
One could argue that the republicans shot themselves in the foot once in power as they became more and more like the democrats that they ran and railed against but who would have thought that the stupidity of the democrat party could in the end come November almost give the keys to the Kingdom back to the republicans. The next 7 months will most likely put someone in the WH that I don't like or rather agree with but lack of excitement getting there won't be a problem if the last year has been any measure!

Now we have everyone gone but McCain and he seems to be gaining ground and if the election were today against either democrat, I think McCain would win. A few weeks ago Obama was pounded by the Clinton camp via the "Pastor" scandal and Hillary seemed to surge and put the whole process back into open question with Obama slipping. Now Hillary pounded her own mouth with her own "war tales" and she's slipping fast again.
In this, McCain is growing in numbers and support and it's a long way to Nov. but he sure has to feel good right now having dispatched all the other repub. contenders. But here's where it gets interesting.
I've been seeing over the last few weeks a number of reports that the democrat party either at convention or prior too, making Al Gore the nominee and either Hillary or Obama the 2nd banana. It seems farfetched in one sense but as crazy as this election cycle has been, I'm not so sure it's as crazy as one might think and among democrat party loyalist I'm not sure how that would go over.
One could argue that the republicans shot themselves in the foot once in power as they became more and more like the democrats that they ran and railed against but who would have thought that the stupidity of the democrat party could in the end come November almost give the keys to the Kingdom back to the republicans. The next 7 months will most likely put someone in the WH that I don't like or rather agree with but lack of excitement getting there won't be a problem if the last year has been any measure!