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Rudy Giuliani's priest has been accused in grand jury proceedings of molesting several children and covering up the molestation of others. Giuliani would not disavow him on the campaign trail and still works with him.
Mitt Romney was part of a church that did not view black Americans as equals and actively discriminated against them. He stayed with that church all the way into his early thirties, until they were finally forced to change their policies to come into compliance with civil rights legislation. Romney never disavowed his church back then or now. He said he was proud of the faith of his fathers. Jerry Falwell said America had 9/11 coming because we tolerated gays, feminists and liberals. It was our fault. Our chickens had come home to roost, if you will. John McCain proudly received his support and even spoke at his university's commencement.
And don't forget Rev. John Hagee, who called the Catholic Church the "Great Whore," or the Rev. Rod Parsley, who believes America was founded to destroy Islam (he's also John McCain's spiritual guide). Why aren't people outraged over their outlandish statements? Is it because they're white? Or maybe it's because they approve of their discriminating messages against gay Americans and Muslims. If the way the Republicans and the media handled this isn't racist, then what is it? Maybe it's simply that those who run and support the Republican Party and the media can't handle the truth.Mitt Romney was part of a church that did not view black Americans as equals and actively discriminated against them. He stayed with that church all the way into his early thirties, until they were finally forced to change their policies to come into compliance with civil rights legislation. Romney never disavowed his church back then or now. He said he was proud of the faith of his fathers. Jerry Falwell said America had 9/11 coming because we tolerated gays, feminists and liberals. It was our fault. Our chickens had come home to roost, if you will. John McCain proudly received his support and even spoke at his university's commencement.
You can spin this how you like, but the fact remains that if he were white he would be labeled a racist. You are just trying to propagate a double standard just like reverend Wright propagates racism. He preaches to his church attendees that the evil white man holds them down each and everyday, which is essentially BS.
The comic strip below says it all. But I know, it's all make believe isn't it.
Based on your reply I'm assuming you agree that the government created AIDS to thin out the black populations in this country. It appears you are just as clueless as reverend Wright and Barak Obama.
Google search AIDS clueless, in fact google search most of the things Rev Wright said of his 9/11 sermon and you will realize he was dead on. Or are you afraid the truth hurts.
Also The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
av8torntn said:How does it prove that? That is one heck of a connection you are trying to make. You would have me believe that B. Hussein Obama's mentor of 20 years who is a racist and that does not matter. You would have me believe that one of his good friends and supporters who admitted to terrorist activities does not mean anything. None of this has anything to do with his character, but when new people register to vote before a presidential election just like they do every cycle this is somehow proof that B. Hussein Obama has good character. What? Are you serious?
And your B HUSSIEN references do not insinuate racial tones ?
Your cherry picking views of Rev Wright and your paranoid beliefs that somehow Barack is directly connected to people involved with terrorist activities, and you want informed people to take you serious ?
New people do register before every election cylce, but you can't dispute the record numbers like this year in the Democratic party. And yes Barack is one of the reasons for many of those new registered voters.
They have the results of those polls as almost a dead tie, no matter which match-up occurs. Here's why.
Imagine there are 300 people going to be polled and 100 are supporters of Barack and 100 are supporters of Hillary and 100 are supporters of McCain. When they are asked who they support in the match-ups they will see 50% for Barack and John McCain and the same for Hillary. But what isn't taken into account is the sheer numbers of new Democrats registering to vote. In this case there are 200 voting for a Democrat and only 100 voting for McCain. Do the math.