Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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golden ticket member
I wished people would rather donate funds to victums, such as those in the theatre or now in the church.
Seen a news article that some don't have health insurance, and those bills are in 6 figures and more that they own.

But, No, your "stand your ground" guy, he gets 6 figures donated !
You didn't read it......the donations are for the parents of the victim, Trayvon.
It wasn't even about Zimmerman.

My biggest point is, why in the hell did they quit their jobs?


Für Meno :)
You didn't read it......the donations are for the parents of the victim, Trayvon.
It wasn't even about Zimmerman.

My biggest point is, why in the hell did they quit their jobs?

I don't know.
What would you do if you had to deal with a sudden killing of a young 17 yr old daughter or son ?
Making unexpected funeral arrangements and many court attendings and other legal matters, like lawyers, etc.

I'm not sure if anyone could just continue to work and do all this extraordinary stuff on the side.
Probably not a UPS driver, since once he/she gets home all offices, courts, funeral homes, etc are closed for the day.

And, I haven't even touched on the mental capacability, yet, after such a tragedy.


golden ticket member
I don't know.
What would you do if you had to deal with a sudden killing of a young 17 yr old daughter or son ?
Making unexpected funeral arrangements and many court attendings and other legal matters, like lawyers, etc.

I'm not sure if anyone could just continue to work and do all this extraordinary stuff on the side.
Probably not a UPS driver, since once he/she gets home all offices, courts, funeral homes, etc are closed for the day.

And, I haven't even touched on the mental capacability, yet, after such a tragedy.

I would bury my kid and get back to work to pay for the funeral. That's what normal people do.
Life goes on.


Für Meno :)
I would bury my kid and get back to work to pay for the funeral. That's what normal people do.
Life goes on.

So, your daughter gets shot or, raped and murdered, and you won't bother to proceed with getting a lawyer or even attending courts.
Now, I really know how cold you are !

Do you know how many take time off just for searching after missing daughters ?
I guess you sure wouldn't ! - Life goes on , right ?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I don't know.
What would you do if you had to deal with a sudden killing of a young 17 yr old daughter or son ?
Making unexpected funeral arrangements and many court attendings and other legal matters, like lawyers, etc.

I'm not sure if anyone could just continue to work and do all this extraordinary stuff on the side.
Probably not a UPS driver, since once he/she gets home all offices, courts, funeral homes, etc are closed for the day.

And, I haven't even touched on the mental capacability, yet, after such a tragedy.

Medical leave/stress leave/ FMLA. You wouldnt have to quit your job.


golden ticket member
So, your daughter gets shot or, raped and murdered, and you won't bother to proceed with getting a lawyer or even attending courts.
Now, I really know how cold you are !

Do you know how many take time off just for searching after missing daughters ?
I guess you sure wouldn't ! - Life goes on , right ?
Yeah, I'm a heartless bitch!!


Für Meno :)
Medical leave/stress leave/ FMLA. You wouldnt have to quit your job.

Yeah, it's nice to pretend that everyone has a union job.
What about non-union jobs ?
Once a replacement is found, you're basically out the door for good.
And most won't even let an absence of such a long time (this case will take a year or more).


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Yeah, it's nice to pretend that everyone has a union job.
What about non-union jobs ?
Once a replacement is found, you're basically out the door for good.
And most won't even let an absence of such a long time (this case will take a year or more).

You used to have a union job.


Für Meno :)
You used to have a union job.

I worked over 30 years in union jobs, 16 of them with teamsters alone.
I'll post a pic next Monday with the $12.000 to $25.000 cash I'll have after 2 days of working on a Sat and Sun. And that's after paying my staff roughly $1000.

I don't need a union, because I never got paid that much by a union in my lifetime !
And lucky me, lives in Canada - I have no healthcare insurance expenstures, and no mortgage or rent to pay, either :)


golden ticket member
I worked over 30 years in union jobs, 16 of them with teamsters alone.
I'll post a pic next Monday with the $12.000 to $25.000 cash I'll have after 2 days of working on a Sat and Sun. And that's after paying my staff roughly $1000.

I don't need a union, because I never got paid that much by a union in my lifetime !
And lucky me, lives in Canada - I have no healthcare insurance expenstures, and no mortgage or rent to pay, either :)

Yeah, go ahead, expose yourself for a robbery. Door still unlocked?


golden ticket member
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — George Zimmerman is suing NBC, claiming he was defamed when the network edited his 911 call to police after the shooting of Trayvon Martin to make it sound like he was racist.

The former neighborhood watch volunteer filed the lawsuit seeking an undisclosed amount of money on Thursday in Seminole County, outside Orlando.

The lawsuit claims NBC edited his phone call to a dispatcher last February. Zimmerman describes following Martin in the gated community where he lived, just moments before he fatally shot the 17-year-old teen during a confrontation.

NBC spokeswoman Kathy Kelly-Brown didn’t immediately return a phone call. Three employees of NBC or an NBC-owned television station lost their jobs because of the changes.

Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder but has pleaded not guilty, claiming self-defense.


golden ticket member
Yeah, she's all about the "fair trial".........NOT !!! She wants to be judge, jury and executioner!!

Florida Congresswoman Proposes Congressional Resolution To Honor Trayvon Martin, Calls His Death “Murder” And “Racial Profiling”

Fair trial? Innocent until proven guilty? Not so much in the mind of Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson.

The Congresswoman has announced this week that she is introducing a Congressional Resolution to Honor Trayvon Martin and Seek End to Racial Profiling. The resolution also calls for repeal of Stand Your Ground laws:
“Today, Trayvon Martin would have celebrated his 18th birthday. We all know the tragic circumstances surrounding his murder: Trayvon was racially profiled, chased, made to fight for his life, and ultimately murdered.

Yet we as a nation have yet to take substantive action to stop such a heartbreaking incident from happening again. Enough is enough: We as a nation have buried too many young black boys. Let’s set Congress on course to address the underlying causes behind the crisis that Trayvon’s death symbolizes.

Let’s take action to stop racial profiling and give our people a chance to succeed
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golden ticket member
I wonder if they’ll kick a few bucks to Al Sharpton and his racist shakedown racket as tribute.
Via Fox News:

Trayvon Martin’s parents have settled a wrongful death claim for an amount believed to be more than $1 million against a Florida homeowners association where their teen son was killed, Fox News confirms.

Trayvon was shot and killed by Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012.

Zimmerman has been charged with second-degree murder, but he says he fired in self defense after the 17-year-old attacked him.

In paperwork made public, both parties specified that they would keep the settlement amount confidential, The Orlando Sentinel reported.

“It is understood and agreed that the payment made herein is not to be construed as an admission of any liability by or on behalf of the releasing parties; but instead the monies being paid hereunder is consideration for avoiding litigation, the uncertainties stemming from litigation as well as to protect and secure the good name and good will of the released parties,” the settlement said.


golden ticket member
A "hoodie" march at 9 AM.......seriously?

Why are they honoring Ted Kaczinski in Sanford Florida ???


golden ticket member
They have called for 500 possible jurors to be questioned. That'll seem like forever before they get 6 people and alternates.
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