Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Well-Known Member
Martin / Zimmerman case

Blacks kill more blacks in this country than anyone. Again, leave it to the leftists bent with a social agenda to create something to suit their pathetic proven failed ideological agenda. If Zimmerman was black we'd have never have known about this one out of hundreds of shootings every damn day. So damn pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Martin / Zimmerman case

But not stupid to ignore the hundreds daily nationwide. No way to create news for the sake of an agenda apparently.


Staff member
Prosecutors decide whether and how to try cases every day. No reason public pressure (or lack thereof) shouldn't play a part.


Engorged Member
Blacks kill more blacks...so ignore this case? That's stupid.

They are stupid. Makes perfect sense. There is no "agenda" on the Right when they constantly mention black on black violence and incarceration percentages. More thinly veiled racism.


Well-Known Member
I see this case as convenient in re-igniting as distraction and to serve in such manner. That's all it's ever really be truth be told!


Strength through joy
Can't wait to see how witness #8 ( the girlfriend on Martin's phone ) handles herself.
She claimed to be in the hospital during his funeral but it has been proven to be a lie .
As for who was calling for help , that is still unclear .
And has anyone here seen the other video footage from Martin's phone that shows a man being attacked ?


golden ticket member
I was channel surfing and I saw a couple mins. of the girlfriend's testimony.
The lawyer asked her if "creepy ass cracker" was a racial slur. She said no. She said no 2 or 3 times to the same question. She's dumb as a stump!!
She's already lied twice under oath, so if I was a juror, I would discount what she has to say.

Yesterday I heard her say......I heard the grass. ?????????????????????? How do you hear grass over a phone??


nowhere special
I was channel surfing and I saw a couple mins. of the girlfriend's testimony.
The lawyer asked her if "creepy ass cracker" was a racial slur. She said no. She said no 2 or 3 times to the same question. She's dumb as a stump!!
She's already lied twice under oath, so if I was a juror, I would discount what she has to say.

Yesterday I heard her say......I heard the grass. ?????????????????????? How do you hear grass over a phone??

The "girlfriend" who claims she wasn't a girlfriend lied several times under oath and keeps changing her story. I watched her whole testimony yesterday and she was mumbling, rude, didn't care about being there or even the seriousness of the trial. Horrible witness but the states case is so weak they were forced to use her. The state charged Zimmerman with murder 2 to try to get him to plea bargain down to manslaughter. There just isn't enough evidence to justify a murder 2 conviction. Manslaughter is possibly what happened and would be much easier to prove but Zimmerman fought instead of caving in. And it very well may be self defense. Its very unclear what happened but since the burden of proof is on prosecution there shouldn't be a conviction. And as many keep repeating, if Zimmerman never got out of the car none of this would have happened. True but he had every right to leave his car. And the operator NEVER told Zimmerman not to leave his car (and had no legal right to tell him he couldn't). Operator said there is no need to do that when Zimmerman said he would follow but the operator also said to watch so it was conflicting instructions. The key factor is regardless of whether Zimmerman followed Martin or not is who started the fight. And the only witness to that was the "girlfriend" on the phone who is a very unreliable witness.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The "girlfriend" who claims she wasn't a girlfriend lied several times under oath and keeps changing her story. I watched her whole testimony yesterday and she was mumbling, rude, didn't care about being there or even the seriousness of the trial. Horrible witness but the states case is so weak they were forced to use her. The state charged Zimmerman with murder 2 to try to get him to plea bargain down to manslaughter. There just isn't enough evidence to justify a murder 2 conviction. Manslaughter is possibly what happened and would be much easier to prove but Zimmerman fought instead of caving in. And it very well may be self defense. Its very unclear what happened but since the burden of proof is on prosecution there shouldn't be a conviction. And as many keep repeating, if Zimmerman never got out of the car none of this would have happened. True but he had every right to leave his car. And the operator NEVER told Zimmerman not to leave his car (and had no legal right to tell him he couldn't). Operator said there is no need to do that when Zimmerman said he would follow but the operator also said to watch so it was conflicting instructions. The key factor is regardless of whether Zimmerman followed Martin or not is who started the fight. And the only witness to that was the "girlfriend" on the phone who is a very unreliable witness.

Its hilarious that you concern yourself with zimmermans rights and show no compassion for Martins rights. Blah blah blah.. zimmerman had the right to do this, zimmerman had the right to do that, zimmerman had the right to get out of his car....

But NOT ONCE , do you admit that Trayvon Martin had the RIGHT to be LEFT ALONE.

Trayvon had the expressed freedom to travel this country freely and without interference. Trayvon had the right to walk where ever he wanted to without being considered a "suspect" without proof. Trayvon has the right of the presumtion of innocence as a free american. Trayvon also had the right to self preservation. Trayvon had the right to defend HIMSELF from a "stranger" who was unauthorized to apprehend him and block his travels. Trayvon had the right to make whatever fateful judgements he made when zimmerman presented his weapon to him.

YOU are incorrect on many grounds. First, zimmerman was TOLD not to follow him and then given a "directive" to instead, meet the police at the mailboxes. A "directive" that zimmerman ignored. Whether or not the police dispatcher has the right to order him around isnt the point. The point is, Zimmerman had NO RIGHT to interfere with Martin from the jump.

Being BLACK isnt a crime, unless you are a racist. Being BLACK isnt probable cause to suspect a crime is about to be committed.

This is the falacy of your argument.

You might want to re think your position.

Remember, the night of shooting, the LEAD detective CHARGED Zimmerman with a felony murder charge, and it was the local DA who rejected the charge and that action was later overturned by the feds and the state.

Better get your facts in order bro.




nowhere special
Its hilarious that you concern yourself with zimmermans rights and show no compassion for Martins rights. Blah blah blah.. zimmerman had the right to do this, zimmerman had the right to do that, zimmerman had the right to get out of his car....

But NOT ONCE , do you admit that Trayvon Martin had the RIGHT to be LEFT ALONE.

Trayvon had the expressed freedom to travel this country freely and without interference. Trayvon had the right to walk where ever he wanted to without being considered a "suspect" without proof. Trayvon has the right of the presumtion of innocence as a free american. Trayvon also had the right to self preservation. Trayvon had the right to defend HIMSELF from a "stranger" who was unauthorized to apprehend him and block his travels. Trayvon had the right to make whatever fateful judgements he made when zimmerman presented his weapon to him.

YOU are incorrect on many grounds. First, zimmerman was TOLD not to follow him and then given a "directive" to instead, meet the police at the mailboxes. A "directive" that zimmerman ignored. Whether or not the police dispatcher has the right to order him around isnt the point. The point is, Zimmerman had NO RIGHT to interfere with Martin from the jump.

Being BLACK isnt a crime, unless you are a racist. Being BLACK isnt probable cause to suspect a crime is about to be committed.

This is the falacy of your argument.

You might want to re think your position.

Remember, the night of shooting, the LEAD detective CHARGED Zimmerman with a felony murder charge, and it was the local DA who rejected the charge and that action was later overturned by the feds and the state.

Better get your facts in order bro.



Again you are a wealth of misinformation. You need to learn the facts of the case instead of listening to people like Nancy Grace. And the racist was Martin who called Zimmerman a creepy @ss cracker.


nowhere special
Is "creepy ass cracker" enough to justify Zimmerman's (who, by the way, is guilty as hell) actions?

Are you an eye witness? Or just assuming he is guilty? How about waiting to hear the evidence. I have been watching it in court and exactly what happened is still very unclear. It IS clear that many of the reports shown in news are inaccurate or distortions. So far I would say it looks like its about 50/50 whether Zimmerman should be found guilty. And it is still in the prosecution phase so it should be weighted more heavily against Zimmerman at this point because the defense has not even started presenting its case. I think the state really blundered when it went for murder 2 which is much harder to prove than manslaughter.


Well-Known Member
Is "creepy ass cracker" enough to justify Zimmerman's (who, by the way, is guilty as hell) actions?

I swear, just who are the "racists" hear when a man is already tried and convicted as guilty in the court of public opinion!? Agree or disagree with the actions of "the killer" here.... NO ONE knows what exactly happened. What is known....is that a liberally bias media RELENTLESSLY paints Martin as some innocent little kid who was just out for a stroll....still the young naive 13 year old in the pick they bombard you racists with.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying he's innocent, but that star witness was horrible! I couldn't understand anything she was saying. It reminded me of jabba the hutt.




Well-Known Member
The "girlfriend" who claims she wasn't a girlfriend lied several times under oath and keeps changing her story. I watched her whole testimony yesterday and she was mumbling, rude, didn't care about being there or even the seriousness of the trial. Horrible witness but the states case is so weak they were forced to use her. The state charged Zimmerman with murder 2 to try to get him to plea bargain down to manslaughter. There just isn't enough evidence to justify a murder 2 conviction. Manslaughter is possibly what happened and would be much easier to prove but Zimmerman fought instead of caving in. And it very well may be self defense. Its very unclear what happened but since the burden of proof is on prosecution there shouldn't be a conviction. And as many keep repeating, if Zimmerman never got out of the car none of this would have happened. True but he had every right to leave his car. And the operator NEVER told Zimmerman not to leave his car (and had no legal right to tell him he couldn't). Operator said there is no need to do that when Zimmerman said he would follow but the operator also said to watch so it was conflicting instructions. The key factor is regardless of whether Zimmerman followed Martin or not is who started the fight. And the only witness to that was the "girlfriend" on the phone who is a very unreliable witness.

Its hilarious that you concern yourself with zimmermans rights and show no compassion for Martins rights. Blah blah blah.. zimmerman had the right to do this, zimmerman had the right to do that, zimmerman had the right to get out of his car....

But NOT ONCE , do you admit that Trayvon Martin had the RIGHT to be LEFT ALONE.

Trayvon had the expressed freedom to travel this country freely and without interference. Trayvon had the right to walk where ever he wanted to without being considered a "suspect" without proof. Trayvon has the right of the presumtion of innocence as a free american. Trayvon also had the right to self preservation. Trayvon had the right to defend HIMSELF from a "stranger" who was unauthorized to apprehend him and block his travels. Trayvon had the right to make whatever fateful judgements he made when zimmerman presented his weapon to him.

YOU are incorrect on many grounds. First, zimmerman was TOLD not to follow him and then given a "directive" to instead, meet the police at the mailboxes. A "directive" that zimmerman ignored. Whether or not the police dispatcher has the right to order him around isnt the point. The point is, Zimmerman had NO RIGHT to interfere with Martin from the jump.

Being BLACK isnt a crime, unless you are a racist. Being BLACK isnt probable cause to suspect a crime is about to be committed.

This is the falacy of your argument.

You might want to re think your position.

Remember, the night of shooting, the LEAD detective CHARGED Zimmerman with a felony murder charge, and it was the local DA who rejected the charge and that action was later overturned by the feds and the state.

Better get your facts in order bro.



So you are saying that Zimmerman is guilty because he shot and killed (rightfully so I might add) a black aggressor? All indicators point to Trayvon's lifestyle as being one consistent to a street thug in training and as best I can tell he decided to hone his violence skills on an armed victim. He played with fire and got burned and the only reason we are discussing this now is because Zimmerman's assailant was a black juvenile. If he had been any other race we would not even be aware this had occurred.


nowhere special
A lot of what happened we will never know but to me Martins actions seemed more suspicious than just an iced tea and skittles run to 7-11. Why was he still wandering around behind the apartments 35-40 minutes after he was at the store when it only took him 10-15 min to get there? And why was the confrontation at the opposite end of the apartments from where his father's girlfriend lived ( where he was staying because his mom kicked him out of her house because he was causing too much trouble). It seems to me he may have been wandering around looking for something loose he could steal. No proof but his activities WERE suspicious. And why did Martin run away from Zimmerman when he had supposedly already gotten home but was still wandering around? And the first words said were Martin confronting Zimmerman asking why he was following him. Still much is unknown about that night but all the attention is focused on Zimmerman and not Martin because "Martin is not on trial"


Well-Known Member
I watched part of the testimony of the 19 year old and agree that she has zero credibility and more attitude than she can handle.

Trayvon was a punk but he did not deserve to die at the hands of an overzealous, profiling, school crossing guard wanna-be, who will be found guilty simply to avoid the inevitable race riots which would occur if he were to be found innocent.
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