Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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nowhere special
All that really matters in the case is who started the fight. Wandering around behind houses or following him are just about motives and state of mind. If Martin hit Zimmerman first then its probably self defense. If Zimmerman started it he is at least guilty of manslaughter but to be murder 2 he would need be be in a depraved state of mind which is why the prosecution has to get inside Zimmerman's mind to try to discern his motives. And he may be a cop wannabe but not really a school crossing guard wanna-be. The woman with police who was liaison to neighborhood watch tried to get Zimmerman to join her Citizen on Patrol program where he would get a car to drive ( with amber lights) and a mall cop like uniform but he refused.


Staff member
I watched part of the testimony of the 19 year old and agree that she has zero credibility and more attitude than she can handle.

Trayvon was a punk but he did not deserve to die at the hands of an overzealous, profiling, school crossing guard wanna-be, who will be found guilty simply to avoid the inevitable race riots which would occur if he were to be found innocent.
I'm not sure about that. I think most people were mainly upset that in Martin's death, Zimmerman simply walked. That's not justice. If he is found "not guilty" (which is different than innocent) then that is justice, just with a thug wanna be cop back on the street.


Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
I watched part of the testimony of the 19 year old and agree that she has zero credibility and more attitude than she can handle.

Trayvon was a punk but he did not deserve to die at the hands of an overzealous, profiling, school crossing guard wanna-be, who will be found guilty simply to avoid the inevitable race riots which would occur if he were to be found innocent.

I don't believe the jury's instructions will include to consider what a bunch of room temperature IQ mouth breathers will try to do if he is found innocent. They will have to consider the facts of the case at hand with the law as its written which my best bet is will result in a not guilty verdict. And to bbsam that does mean innocent.


Staff member
I doubt that a not guilty verdict will mean a long, peaceful, and fulfilling life for George, but that's another matter. Thugs don't get that kind of life.


Staff member
I doubt that a not guilty verdict will mean a long, peaceful, and fulfilling life for George, but that's another matter. Thugs don't get that kind of life.
Still beats being dead from your head being beat into the ground....


Well-Known Member
I doubt that a not guilty verdict will mean a long, peaceful, and fulfilling life for George, but that's another matter. Thugs don't get that kind of life.

You are correct, and if there is any level of justice in this world some thugs will learn the lesson Trayvon Martin did and that is don't mess with an armed victim.


Staff member
You are correct, and if there is any level of justice in this world some thugs will learn the lesson Trayvon Martin did and that is don't mess with an armed victim.
Sound like some already have him convicted and you have him acquitted.


nowhere special
The analysts who are usually only good for predicting things like rain today after stepping outside and getting wet are already speculating murder 2 conviction is out the window now, and the question is whether Zimmerman can be convicted on a lesser charge like manslaughter. That apparently would mostly but up to the judge to decide or or may be all or nothing with murder 2 conviction or acquittal . I was obvious before the trial started the state tried to over reach going for murder 2 but this is a political trial.


Well-Known Member
Sound like some already have him convicted and you have him acquitted.

The evidence is pretty overwhelming. When you remove those rose colored glasses on the race issue you will see Zimmerman is not in the wrong.

The analysts who are usually only good for predicting things like rain today after stepping outside and getting wet are already speculating murder 2 conviction is out the window now, and the question is whether Zimmerman can be convicted on a lesser charge like manslaughter. That apparently would mostly but up to the judge to decide or or may be all or nothing with murder 2 conviction or acquittal . I was obvious before the trial started the state tried to over reach going for murder 2 but this is a political trial.

In the Casey Anthony trial it was said that the prosecution did the same thing and overreached in the charges allowing her to get off. How come they couldn't charge her with a lesser crime, but still claim Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser crime?


Staff member
Every trial is a show and I wouldn't discount the jury's point of view. They may be seeing this completely differently. Remember the Michael Jackson trial? Nobody thought he would walk.


Well-Known Member
Martin / Zimmerman case

Special interest groups as well as partisan politicians, need and depend on the notion of hate, and racial discrimination be or actual or invented, I'm order to push their particular agenda.

Otherwise we'd never be having this discussion, and we'd have never have heard of this particular tragedy out of the thousands and thousands annually in this country. Period.


Staff member
That would make "self defense" awfully appealing if everyone just looked the other way.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman trained in boxing and kickboxing. If this true? Zimmerman is taught how to take a punch. When the fight went on the ground he was taught how to escape when someone in on you.



nowhere special
Zimmerman tried to learn MMA fighting but just going to classes a few times doesn't mean much. He was "clinically obese" (5' 7" 204 lbs at the time, now well over 300 after a year in hiding) and described as soft. Just because he tried doesn't mean he was any good at it.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman trained in boxing and kickboxing. If this true? Zimmerman is taught how to take a punch. When the fight went on the ground he was taught how to escape when someone in on you.

Thats funny....the dude looks like he couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. All the more reason to get a conceal carry permit. Especially if your convicted enough to "get involved" as the authorities have been promoting since 9-11-01. Especially neighborhood watch authorities.
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