Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Well-Known Member
Martin / Zimmerman case

And for getting involved he's now being tried, convicted and hung in the court of public biased opinion. Sheesh.


Well-Known Member
Martin / Zimmerman case

As he should have and did. But for whatever the reasons he met up with Martin again. Should have would have and coils haves are all over this bs agenda driven PR case! Making a "fair and impartial" trial impossible.


Well-Known Member
Maybe. Maybe not.


Relax---I am putting you statement in a different context. With the above statement you have in a nutshell summed up this terrible tragic occurrence.

Maybe--Maybe not is definitely a statement that would conclude reasonable doubt.


Well-Known Member
Martin / Zimmerman case

I think it's obvious, both men were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Regardless - one man felt the need to do his assigned job as a neighborhood watch member of an HOA in a neighborhood with a high crime rate. The other man seemed to be acting I a suspicious manner....one thing leads to another and now both end up feeling the need to defend ones self from the other.

Martin sadly came out on the bad end of a bad situation. It's yet to be proven according to what little evidence there is that Zimmerman planned to kill anyone purposefully or not.


Well-Known Member
Martin / Zimmerman case

And if said evidence doesn't get the verdict a lot of people want...that sadly won't stop ignorant racists from rioting. As usual.


Well-Known Member
Treyvon was 17----hardly a man.

Zimmerman was an over-zealous neighborhood watch member.

He never planned to kill Treyvon and had he listened to the 911 operator Treyvon may still be alive today.


nowhere special
The media are already starting the blame game and saying things like the prosecution blundered when really they are doing the best they can with a weak case that never should have gone to trial. And defending Rachel Jeantel saying how they believe her and how truthful she sounds, while blaming the defense for attacking her. That is what cross examination is about. They also showed a clip out of context when Don West ( defense lawyer) was asking her if she had any trouble understanding English. That was his response to the prosecution trying to make an issue of it to justify her constantly changing testimony on direct examination by saying she was Haitian and English was not her primary language. She was born in Miami and has lived in US her whole life and attended US schools ever since kindergarten. Her mother is from Haiti but Rachel Jeantel grew up speaking English, Spanish, and Creole ( English to her father ). She is a 19 year old ( adult but media tried to act like she is a child/young girl) who is functionally illiterate and from all appearances as dumb as a post. She even had a lot about her intimate Martin text messages on her Twitter account and even suggestive photos of herself ( yuck!) that she didn't even delete until after her first day of testimony.


Well-Known Member
Martin / Zimmerman case

The "lack of evidence" (rolls eyes) got OJ off.

Lets see if an even greater lack thereof does the same for Zimmerman. I wouldn't bet on it.


Strength through joy
According to some writers she is using Black English , what ever that is .
I feel its just another example to make her testimony seem plausible .


Strength through joy
I'm waiting for the medical reports to be entered into the record .
Especially the bullet trajectory .
That should show just who was on top when the gun was discharged .


nowhere special
I heard the pattern of powder burns shows that the pistol was in contact with Martins jacket but there was space between the jacket and Martin's skin which is consistent with him being on top. Still not entered into evidence yet though.


Staff member
As bad as the prosecution has been, I wouldn't rule out a conviction. What I am really wondering is the gray area in the law. Martin could have been on top and Zimmerman may have been the one yelling for help and still deadly force in self defense may not be warranted. How does the law read? Someone with even a little MMA training surely had other options. The gun (at the moment) may have been the easy out.


nowhere special
What they said under Florida law if Zimmerman was the aggressor he couldn't claim self defense unless he tried to call it off and back away and was not allowed to. If Martin threw the first punch Zimmerman just needed to be in fear for his life or severe bodily harm. Zimmerman's injuries look bad but weren't life threatening in hindsight but at the time Martin was beating the crap out of him so if he believed his life was in danger that would be sufficient. Zimmerman should have tried to get away before shooting Martin but he was pinned down and had already screamed for help ( as a witness testified) so it looks like he has a very strong case for self defense. The issue is media complaining he took a gun to a fistfight and many people are against anyone having a gun. He legally carried that pistol ( as prosecutor said in opening statement "a fully loaded semiautomatic pistol!" - as if fully loaded made a difference), and the pistol was in a holster before the fight. Not as if Zimmerman was running around waving the pistol.


Staff member
As bad as the prosecution has been, I wouldn't rule out a conviction. What I am really wondering is the gray area in the law. Martin could have been on top and Zimmerman may have been the one yelling for help and still deadly force in self defense may not be warranted. How does the law read? Someone with even a little MMA training surely had other options. The gun (at the moment) may have been the easy out.

As some young thug was beating his head against the ground, that "easy out" probably saved his life.


Staff member
As some young thug was beating his head against the ground, that "easy out" probably saved his life.
Oh, please. I've seen more vicious beatings in bar parking lots where bloodied drunks get in their cars and drive off.
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