Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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nowhere special
No evidence Zimmerman eyewitness qualified for Olympics, despite claim under oath

Witness for the prosecution .

I watched her testify. Very calm on the stand but I got the impression she wanted the attention. When they played her 911 tape she was screaming and crying and totally losing it, so when she is in that kind of emotional state her testimony is unreliable. She also changed her story about her window being open - on the stand she said she had already opened her window and on the 911 tape she asked if she should open her window.


nowhere special
I was just channel surfing and saw Nancy Grace demonstrate her usual journalistic standards. She was ranting about Zimmerman pursuing Martin carrying a gun with the SAFETY OFF! It was a DAO pistol with no safety. Of course to her the facts are irrelevant.


Got the T-Shirt


Staff member
That's just about the stupidest thing you've ever posted here. That is saying quite a bit too.

I was just asking if that's what you meant (notice the question mark).

PS, thanks for the insult, don't think I insulted you. Maybe you could post a little more civilly.


Staff member
I was just asking if that's what you meant (notice the question mark).

PS, thanks for the insult, don't think I insulted you. Maybe you could post a little more civilly.
That was truly a question? I would have bet money you were being a smartass. My bad.

P.S. Every now and then it's good to poke a moderator in the eye. I don't know why. It just is.


Well-Known Member
Treyvon was 17----hardly a man.

Zimmerman was an over-zealous neighborhood watch member.

He never planned to kill Treyvon and had he listened to the 911 operator Treyvon may still be alive today.
My first cage fight I was 18 just graduated high school 3 weeks prior. The guy I fought was 36. I won in 31 seconds. 17 isn't a child physically only mentally.


nowhere special
The Medical Examiner who testified today ( who was appointed by the special prosecutor yet is still supposed to be unbiased ) seemed to be obviously lying or shading facts to support the prosecution case. She tried to say Zimmerman's head only hit the concrete once and she could tell by looking at photographs without even examining him. And When confronted on cross examination she constantly tried to shade her answers even though she admitted she might be wrong ( not in those words of course). She even said she couldn't determine many things because of the poor photographs the defense counsel showed her ( but were the same exact photos she used to base her expert opinion on and never physically examined either Zimmerman or Martin's body).
Here is some of her past history which shows she is the bottom of the barrel as an expert witness:

More complaints on Medical Examiner Valerie Rao | News - Home


Strength through joy
It seems to me that this case is a joke .
The gov't witnesses are unreliable and probably subject to perjury charges .
If Zimmerman is found guilty , his lawyers will have a field day on appeal & win .
So much time will have pasted that no one will notice , nor care .
Even the money grabbing parents of Martin will have sucked the public dry .


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that this case is a joke .
The gov't witnesses are unreliable and probably subject to perjury charges .
If Zimmerman is found guilty , his lawyers will have a field day on appeal & win .
So much time will have pasted that no one will notice , nor care .
Even the money grabbing parents of Martin will have sucked the public dry .
And yet there is still a chance he will be found guilty..... just watch... even though the evidence isn't pointing that way so far....some have their mind made up already.... the race card has been played.... even though not sure what the race issue is.... hispanic vs. black? oh wait,, white/Hispanic right?


Engorged Member
It seems to me that this case is a joke .
The gov't witnesses are unreliable and probably subject to perjury charges .
If Zimmerman is found guilty , his lawyers will have a field day on appeal & win .
So much time will have pasted that no one will notice , nor care .
Even the money grabbing parents of Martin will have sucked the public dry .

Why are they "money grabbers"? Is it because they are black? Or maybe, just maybe, they loved their son. You know, they are actually PEOPLE..or does that even register with you?

I'm still waiting for the explanation of what "Jambo Bwana" means. Perhaps it translates out to "racist cracker". Maybe not. Let me know.


nowhere special
I think there is no chance of a murder 2 conviction but a good chance of a conviction of a lesser charge if that is allowed, just to try to satisfy everyone. And "money grabbers" because the Martin family wasted no time in suing the homeowners association even before there was any proof any crime was committed. And there is still no proof of any crime until the case is decided.


Staff member
There doesn't have to be a crime committed for the HOA to be found civilly liable.


Staff member
And yet there is still a chance he will be found guilty..... just watch... even though the evidence isn't pointing that way so far....some have their mind made up already.... the race card has been played.... even though not sure what the race issue is.... hispanic vs. black? oh wait,, white/Hispanic right?
You need to be fair on that. George Zimmerman himself on medical records self identified himself as "white". Or are you "playing the race card"?


Well-Known Member
Martin / Zimmerman case

Who cares if he's from @%#!!! MARS!!!

In lieu of the EVIDENCE the guy with the gun needed to defend himself apparently. The guy with a gun was entrusted by a home owners association in a neighborhood with a high crime rate. The suspicious acting person got killed boo hoo!
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