Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Staff member
Hannity interview wasn't under oath. Prosecution is about to rest and all I am hearing from the talking heads who were just demanding Zimmerman's blood is lesser charges. There has been no defense yet and people are already backing away from murder charges. At this point the prosecution has had their say so it should be a low point for the defense. I think the defense could rest now and walk way with an acquittal because the prosecution's case is so weak.There is no way the prosecution proved murder 2 so the only question is whether they will convict on a lesser charge.

Hannity interview wasn't under oath? It was admitted into evidence.


nowhere special
Hannity interview wasn't under oath? It was admitted into evidence.

Yes, by prosecution but defense will be allowed to pick it apart in defense phase. The prosecution called most of defense evidence to try to minimize their impact.


Well-Known Member
Hannity interview wasn't under oath. Prosecution is about to rest and all I am hearing from the talking heads who were just demanding Zimmerman's blood is lesser charges. There has been no defense yet and people are already backing away from murder charges. At this point the prosecution has had their say so it should be a low point for the defense. I think the defense could rest now and walk way with an acquittal because the prosecution's case is so weak.There is no way the prosecution proved murder 2 so the only question is whether they will convict on a lesser charge.
All charges must be brought forward before the trial, so what charge could they get him on. Just curios because manslaughter won't work. He wasn't charged with manslaughter.


Well-Known Member
I think the lead investigator in this case was right. Pursing manslaughter charges. His testimony was of truth during trial.


Well-Known Member
Proved Z lied to Hannity.


Proved he knew what story to tell to get off on self defense.

The eye witness testimony along with Zimmerman's own injuries shows this is no story, this is the cold, hard truth.

That when he got out of the car, it wasn't to look for a street number that wasn't there.

I have yet to see the prosecution prove this.

That Zimmerman's wounds were not.nearly as life threatening as he suggested.

I'm not sure anyone stated Zimmerman's injuries were life threatening. They most certainly could have been so or atleast much worse if Zimmerman didn't have the good forethought to carry and eventually use his legally carried weapon for his own self defense.

That he refused medical care when asked at police station.

He was treated at the scene and I imagine was offered a ride to the hospital, but again this is irrelevant since Zimmerman did dispatch his assailant using deadly force as he was entitled too.

That his state of "fear" is questionable with a loaded and ready to fire hand gun at the ready.

I can tell you live in a state where people are not allowed to carry firearms or simply don't associate with many people who do. I know where my gun is at all times, and whether its in storage or on my person it is always fully loaded, cocked, and ready to fire with a round in the chamber. This may seem extreme to someone like yourself who doesn't understand self defense with deadly force, but if it comes down to needing that weapon you may not have time to rack the slide and hit your target before your target gets you. In a stressful life or death situation you simply don't need the added complexity of having to cock your weapon before using it. This is nothing to fault Zimmerman over as its simply good practice.

That Trayvon had every right to be where he was when he was.

I don't see anyone disputing this. Trayvon had every right to be where he was. The right he did NOT have was the right to attack Zimmerman as he did the night he was killed. If he had just gone back to the apartment he was staying in and not try to attack someone unnecessarily we wouldn't be having this conversation because Trayvon Martin would be alive right now.


golden ticket member
The reason Z. was in fear for his life is because supposedly T. Martin said something like "you die tonight."


Staff member
The reason Z. was in fear for his life is because supposedly T. Martin said something like "you die tonight."
That's where Zimmerman's prior law enforcement fascination comes into play. He knows what the threshold is for self defense and we are now left with only his word of what was said by whom. Why ever would he lie?


Well-Known Member
That's where Zimmerman's prior law enforcement fascination comes into play. He knows what the threshold is for self defense and we are now left with only his word of what was said by whom. Why ever would he lie?

It doesn't matter waht he "says he said." He obviously didn't give himself black eyes and a bloody head wound. Give it up race baiters.


The Nim
If someone is having their head smacked into anything other than marshmallow fluff with no clear sign that it will stop, it's reasonable for a person to conclude they may suffer serious harm up to death.

I don't think this situation ever should have happened if both parties were in a clear state of mind with completely civil actions, but we know that wasn't the case. As such hindsight is 20/20, and it's very possible that Zimmerman who may have been on the ground with Martin on top of him was fearful for his life while he did not know for sure if Martin wanted to subdue him through making him give up, beat him senseless and unconscious or kill him.

Zimmerman isn't 100% innocent in my book, but with everything I've heard, if I was a juror I would have a hard time convicting him on murder 2 at this time.


Staff member
I am skeptical of a murder 2 conviction as well and if it is allowed, I could see the judge instructing the jury to consider a lesser charge. However, everyting has context and part of the context is that we are left with only Zimmerman's description of what happened, he has the knowledge and motivation to lie and his misguided actions led to the other participant not being able to give his version of the confrontation.


nowhere special
I am skeptical of a murder 2 conviction as well and if it is allowed, I could see the judge instructing the jury to consider a lesser charge. However, everyting has context and part of the context is that we are left with only Zimmerman's description of what happened, he has the knowledge and motivation to lie and his misguided actions led to the other participant not being able to give his version of the confrontation.

Even if Zimmerman has knowledge of the law and might know how to fabricate a story that is no proof he actually did so. The prosecution has to prove he did and that they did not accomplish. It looks like the prosecution will close tomorrow by putting Martin's mother on the stand to end on a big emotional note to attempt to sway the jury. And remember, this is just the prosecution phase and there is serious doubt of a conviction. The defense still hasn't had its turn. It just seems that way because most of the witnesses helped the defense more than the prosecution.


Staff member
Anything is possible with a jury. I think the jury is going to want to do something. It's very possible that they think Zimmerman has some culpability and it is in their power to demand he take responsibility.


nowhere special
I think Zimmerman being found guilty of a lesser charge is very possible if the jury is allowed to. I am not sure how it works in Florida and keep hearing different things. At first I heard it was all or nothing with murder 2 but now I am hearing the jury can convict on a lesser charge ( but that may require the judge to instruct them of that possibility).


Staff member
I haven't watched the entire thing, but what I have seen it has seemed like the judge is sympathetic to the prosecution's case and rather testy with the defense.


Got the T-Shirt

"George Zimmerman did take Trayvon seriously. That’s why Zimmerman is alive, and being persecuted by the State of Florida, while Trayvon Martin’s parents lost their son, a sweet little boy who had clearly turned to the dark side by the time he was a teenager."

Video of Trayvon Martin Hosting “Fight Clubs”, Photos of Guns, And Marijuana // Mr. Conservative


nowhere special
I haven't watched the entire thing, but what I have seen it has seemed like the judge is sympathetic to the prosecution's case and rather testy with the defense.

The judge has made several rulings that favored the prosecution. About all she did to help the defense was not allow that voice expert who claimed he could prove the voice on 911 tapes was Martin. Not that the expert would have been credible because the defense was ready to shred him for his bogus scientific methods. Still it would be up to the jury to decide if he was credible if they heard him. Her rulings like allowing Zimmerman's old school records which were not really relevant and then when she did that she should have allowed Martins records to also be introduced but she would not allow it. Unfair on her part but not very damaging to Zimmerman anyway.
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