Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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nowhere special
When Zimmerman got his concealed carry permit he was told to carry it everywhere and he automatically did. There was no extra reason for him to be carrying that night other than he always carried. And it was holstered so didn't enter into the equation until the fight started. It looks to me like Martin jumped him and started the fight not knowing Zimmerman had a concealed handgun. And if Martin saw the pistol that makes him a Darwin winner. And Zimmerman was never told to "stand down" and even if the dispatcher said that it would not be a lawful order.


Well-Known Member
The guy with the gun needed to listen to the authorities when he was told to stand down.

That's irregardless of the facts. The evidence suggests he did. But as fate would have it the suspicious person was seen again. No one will ever know Zimmermans intent or wtf Martin was up to either. The fact is, Martin ended up on top of Zimmerman beating him telling him he was going to die tonight.

He was wrong. And as tragic as the whole thing is I'd still be more compassionate towards the gun owner no matter what color anyone's damn skin is!!!!!!!

But that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Martin / Zimmerman case

Wow....for the record....the Mobil app for this site really really really needs help. Sigh...ugh.


Staff member
Don't get me wrong----I think Treyvon was a punk----but did he deserve to die just for being a punk?
Might set a good example for other punks....

I've been wondering if crime has dropped in that neighborhood either because of the example set OR that Treyvon was indeed the thief.
​Anyone know?


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong----I think Treyvon was a punk----but did he deserve to die just for being a punk?

He did make the mistake of attacking an armed victim telling him repeatedly he was going to die that night. Its akin to stepping in front a moving bus, very stupid.


Staff member
He did make the mistake of attacking an armed victim telling him repeatedly he was going to die that night. Its akin to stepping in front a moving bus, very stupid.
Ever consider that Zimmerman might be embellishing that story a bit?


Well-Known Member
The guy with the gun needed to listen to the authorities when he was told to stand down.


If you have listened to the testimony mainly from the prosecution --the re-enactment --When the police told him to stand down there was a question of his exact location at the time --as Zimmerman walked to look at the closest address and then proceed to walk back to his car --he claims he was attacked and punched and knocked to the ground. This could very well constitute the compliance to "stand down" Certainly gives cause for REASONABLE doubt.

You can believe this testimony --or not --but the "being told to stand down" does not convict Zimmerman---- I am not a cheerleader for either side and truly wish the entire tragic event ---that not only left a dead teenager but now looks as it has legs to continue to divide us racially.:sick:

While I am not a cheerleader --and may even Question the Florida stand your ground law ---I have paid attention to the evidence presented to this point and absolutely ---unless there is much more evidence presented --no way second degree murder-----involuntary manslaughter -I would have to consider ---I firmly believe because of our dopey Liberal Media --and them trying to make this a Black vs White Issue --the State OVERCHARGED Zimmerman.:dissapointed:

A very poor analogy --not comparing a dog to any Human being --do not go there ----If Dave UPS man was delivering a package and your entered a yard the owner yelled for you to get back as you were approaching a dog --as you turned to go back to the package car --the dog attacked and knocked you to the ground --you feared for your life --you smacked the dog in the head with your diad---the owner now claims --because you did not "stand down" --you are guilty of murdering his dog !!

The owner claims you are guilty because you were told to "stand down" and leave the yard. You claim that you were returning to the package car and killed in self defense !


Master Loader
Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com

It just gets more cartoony each and everyday. Zimmermans address posted by Spike Lee.

It was even said someone order the address a pizza, when they didnt call for one, and the name read Zimmerman. As well the tweets from people about the address.

This is... it will get crazy here.

Edit: Btw, wasnt Zimmerman doing the right job as the neighborhood watch?
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nowhere special
The prosecution tried to make an issue of Zimmerman having a round in the chamber of a DAO pistol which is exactly how it is designed to be carried. Doubtful it will affect the jury but another prosecution attempt to show Zimmerman as a vigilante out to bag his limit. And the defense did fail in my opinion to force the expert to distinguish between a double action pistol and a Double Action Only pistol. Most double action pistols have a decocker (not a safety) but the CZ75 clones are double action and can be carried cocked and locked like a single action. Which Zimmerman's pistol was not.


golden ticket member
They said that the last witness called for the prosecution will be the mom. That play/ploy is not lost on the fact that the panel is 6 women.

They gave the breakdown as all women but I've never heard any further breakdown.....like how many blacks, Hispanics, whites, Asians etc.

I hope the jury remembers they are only to decide things on the FACTS presented......not a sobbing momma on the stand. I would prefer professional jurors.


nowhere special
Prosecution is supposed to rest today. My question is
: What have they proved?

and the jury is 5 white women + 1 mixed race/Hispanic woman


Staff member
Prosecution is supposed to rest today. My question is
: What have they proved?

and the jury is 5 white women + 1 mixed race/Hispanic woman
Proved Z lied to Hannity. Proved he knew what story to tell to get off on self defense. That when he got out of the car, it wasn't to look for a street number that wasn't there. That Zimmerman's wounds were not.nearly as life threatening as he suggested. That he refused medical care when asked at police station. That his state of "fear" is questionable with a loaded and ready to fire hand gun at the ready. That Trayvon had every right to be where he was when he was.


Well-Known Member
Prosecution is supposed to rest today. My question is
: What have they proved?

and the jury is 5 white women + 1 mixed race/Hispanic woman
Proved Z lied to Hannity. Proved he knew what story to tell to get off on self defense. That when he got out of the car, it wasn't to look for a street number that wasn't there. That Zimmerman's wounds were not.nearly as life threatening as he suggested. That he refused medical care when asked at police station. That his state of "fear" is questionable with a loaded and ready to fire hand gun at the ready. That Trayvon had every right to be where he was when he was.

Hardly. But I guess if hearsay is worthy of charging a man with murder in some people's eyes, then maybe so.


nowhere special
Hannity interview wasn't under oath. Prosecution is about to rest and all I am hearing from the talking heads who were just demanding Zimmerman's blood is lesser charges. There has been no defense yet and people are already backing away from murder charges. At this point the prosecution has had their say so it should be a low point for the defense. I think the defense could rest now and walk way with an acquittal because the prosecution's case is so weak.There is no way the prosecution proved murder 2 so the only question is whether they will convict on a lesser charge.
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