Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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golden ticket member
If someone is having their head smacked into anything other than marshmallow fluff with no clear sign that it will stop, it's reasonable for a person to conclude they may suffer serious harm up to death.

I don't think this situation ever should have happened if both parties were in a clear state of mind with completely civil actions, but we know that wasn't the case. As such hindsight is 20/20, and it's very possible that Zimmerman who may have been on the ground with Martin on top of him was fearful for his life while he did not know for sure if Martin wanted to subdue him through making him give up, beat him senseless and unconscious or kill him.

Zimmerman isn't 100% innocent in my book, but with everything I've heard, if I was a juror I would have a hard time convicting him on murder 2 at this time.
Reasonable doubt is there. The jury, if they follow instructions, can only deal with the facts presented.
Judicial experts from both sides say that the prosecution case is weak.


Staff member
I believe the prosecution charged murder 2 with hopes of getting manslaughter. Charging manslaughter would have opened the door for getting a conviction on a lesser charge and that is what they want to avoid.


nowhere special
I think the prosecution charged Zimmerman with murder 2 trying to get him to plea bargain down to manslaughter and it backfired on them. I see odds of maybe 10% of getting a murder 2 conviction but maybe 50% for manslaughter.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good bet --if you are not Zimmerman ---his life has been and will be forever changed --no matter the verdict.


golden ticket member
If he should get acquitted, he should move as far away from Florida as he can. New Mexico is a good state, my friend tells me.


nowhere special
A rational fear that has him shooting people who give him a dirty look?

No. And he shot Martin after Martin started the fight. Following him even if he was a creepy @ss cracker was perfectly legal. Now he will be in fear of those wanting revenge for Martin and a shot from the dark.


Staff member
No. And he shot Martin after Martin started the fight. Following him even if he was a creepy @ss cracker was perfectly legal. Now he will be in fear of those wanting revenge for Martin and a shot from the dark.
and you don't think he will have a paranoid itchy trigger finger? Hmmmm.


Well-Known Member
A rational fear that has him shooting people who give him a dirty look?

No. And he shot Martin after Martin started the fight. Following him even if he was a creepy @ss cracker was perfectly legal. Now he will be in fear of those wanting revenge for Martin and a shot from the dark.

Hell he'll have to totally relocate! No golfing for this white @ss cracker like OJ did. You kidding? Paleez.


Engorged Member
The guy with the gun needed to listen to the authorities when he was told to stand down.

Zimmerman had repeatedly called 911 ever since he joined Neighborhood Watch. My guess is that the police probably considered him something of a nuisance because he was so prolific in his amount of calls. Zimmerman sounds like precisely the type of person you don't want monitoring a neighborhood. Cop wannabe who couldn't qualify (why might that be?), ignoring instructions not to follow Martin, and then taking matters into his own hands. I definitely don't want untrained non-professionals performing Neighborhood Watch duties in MY neighborhood because some zealot like Zimmerman might kill my innocent kid....or me.


Well-Known Member
No. And he shot Martin after Martin started the fight. Following him even if he was a creepy @ss cracker was perfectly legal. Now he will be in fear of those wanting revenge for Martin and a shot from the dark.
and you don't think he will have a paranoid itchy trigger finger? Hmmmm.

If Casey Anthony can go on with her life when most of us agree is guilty then its safe to assume that Zimmerman can do the same. I do think that he would be smart to move to a free state where personal protection is revered rather than punished.


Well-Known Member
The guy with the gun needed to listen to the authorities when he was told to stand down.

Zimmerman had repeatedly called 911 ever since he joined Neighborhood Watch. My guess is that the police probably considered him something of a nuisance because he was so prolific in his amount of calls. Zimmerman sounds like precisely the type of person you don't want monitoring a neighborhood. Cop wannabe who couldn't qualify (why might that be?), ignoring instructions not to follow Martin, and then taking matters into his own hands. I definitely don't want untrained non-professionals performing Neighborhood Watch duties in MY neighborhood because some zealot like Zimmerman might kill my innocent kid....or me.

Ugh, no crime here either. "Might" kill someone is about as judgmental as you liberals typically are. I guess that's why they have no problems passing hate crime bills since they are mind readers and the thought police of the planet.



Got the T-Shirt
"What is ‘polar bear hunting’?

It’s a racist assault by blacks (mostly young men) on whites (mostly men of any age). Most often it involves more than one attacker on a lone victim, and usually from behind with no warning."

The New Urban Sport…’Polar Bear Hunting’ - UrbanGrounds



Staff member
"What is ‘polar bear hunting’?

It’s a racist assault by blacks (mostly young men) on whites (mostly men of any age). Most often it involves more than one attacker on a lone victim, and usually from behind with no warning."

The New Urban Sport…’Polar Bear Hunting’ - UrbanGrounds

How does this have anything to do with this case?


Well-Known Member
"What is ‘polar bear hunting’?

It’s a racist assault by blacks (mostly young men) on whites (mostly men of any age). Most often it involves more than one attacker on a lone victim, and usually from behind with no warning."
The New Urban Sport…’Polar Bear Hunting’ - UrbanGrounds

Less and less people with guns, and more and more "gun free" zones will stop this. Yeah....I got some ocean front property I could sell you in Arizona too.​
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