Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Got the T-Shirt
"What is ‘polar bear hunting’?

It’s a racist assault by blacks (mostly young men) on whites (mostly men of any age). Most often it involves more than one attacker on a lone victim, and usually from behind with no warning."

The New Urban Sport…’Polar Bear Hunting’ - UrbanGrounds

How does this have anything to do with this case?


Actor Jamie Foxx said of his role in the film Django Unchained.... On Saturday Night Live

"I kill all the white people in the movie... How great is that ?"


Well-Known Member

Actor Jamie Foxx said of his role in the film Django Unchained.... On Saturday Night Live
"I kill all the white people in the movie... How great is that ?"
Why do you point out the hypocrisy and liberal left leaning of the media in the US?

Only Paula Dean and Zimmerman should be posted, and do not quote that which makes
no headlines, indignation and 24 hour over and over again coverage.

Oh wait he was on the left leaning Saturday Night Live, and it was "COMEDY"

He gets a pass.

"And I got a movie coming out, "Django," check it out. Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson. “Django Unchained”
I play a slave. How black is that?

And in the movie I had to wear chains. How whack is that? But don't be worried about it because I get out the
chains, I get free, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How great is that?
And how black is that?

But I'm going to tell you right now, speaking of blackness, my President, President Obama is back up in the
White House four more years. How black is that?

And not only that, he’s so black, he was playing basketball during the Election Day. How black is that?
But he was also late for his acceptance speech. Okay, all the white people, this is your turn - how black is that?

"I kill all the white people in the movie... How great is that ?"[/QUOTE]


Master Loader
Trayvon Martin’s Mother Testifies That It’s Her Son Screaming in 911 Tape — But What Did the Brother Say? | Video | TheBlaze.com

The mother is a bias person to be asking this question. It shows how desperate the prosecution is. To me the voice on the phone call sounds more like a grown man then a teenage boy, the voice is deeper. The mother thinks here baby boy can do no wrong, yet she kicked him out of the house for doing drugs, fighting and being a thug. Thats why he was there at the fathers.

Last year, there was about 770,000 violent attacks on whites from blacks. Yet you never hear of it, perhaps only as another violent crime in the US. It is never sought after as a race crime, then again they targeted whites.

Also watch this...

'He punched me and broke my nose' | Fox News Video


Well-Known Member
Martin / Zimmerman case

Sheesh. The prosecution now has nothing left but a punks grieving mother. Oh yeah, nothing but the facts there.


Strength through joy
No the defense should call TM's mom as a witness,
To explain just why he was forced to go live with his father And to force her to open the books on all the money they have made off their dead son .


nowhere special
After watching most of the trial it became obvious the judge was on the side of the prosecution. I thought she was fair the first couple of days when she made rulings that favored both sides but the past week every decision of hers favored the prosecution. Like allowing Zimmerman's school history which wasn't relevant but once she did Martin's history should have also been fair game but she wouldn't allow it. She also banned things like the toxicology report that showed THC in Martin's system which should be relevant because on the 911 tape Zimmerman said it looked like the guy he was watching was on drugs. Several other issues she ruled on but all were in favor of the prosecution. If Zimmerman loses he should easily have grounds for an appeal. But at this point I think the worst Zimmerman could be convicted of is manslauter ( which would depend of the judge instructing the jury they could convict on a lesser charge than murder 2 but with her bias in court she certainly will do that). The defense is just starting their side so it should just take a few witnesses to finish destroying the prosecution's case though.


Well-Known Member
More for the jury to contemplate :

Travon called his girlfriend with his cell-phone.

Zimmerman called the police with his.

Whom was afraid of who ?


Well-Known Member
I have watched this trial pretty close. I am man enough to admit that GZ best friend is an idiot, and makes GZ look like an idiot. I also believe the teacher was an OK witness for the prosecution. Not good, but OK. Other than that, every other witness for the prosecution was either not credible, or a good witness for the defense. I can see in no way how the state has proven beyond a resonable doubt that a crime was committed. Bad decisions, yes, but not a crime.


nowhere special
I have watched this trial pretty close. I am man enough to admit that GZ best friend is an idiot, and makes GZ look like an idiot. I also believe the teacher was an OK witness for the prosecution. Not good, but OK. Other than that, every other witness for the prosecution was either not credible, or a good witness for the defense. I can see in no way how the state has proven beyond a resonable doubt that a crime was committed. Bad decisions, yes, but not a crime.

I agree with you that Zimmerman and his best friend did some stupid things but I disagree with you about the teacher. She seemed very calm and rational on the stand but on the 911 tape she was completely losing it and so upset she could hardly tell what she was seeing or saying. For instance she asked the 911 operator whether she should open the window to try to hear things better yet on the witness stand said she had already opened the window. And she was screaming any crying on the 911 tape and so upset she was barely aware of events in my opinion.. Also she shaded her own history a little. She claimed she would have qualified for the boycotted Olympics but while she had very good times ( in top 100 I think), still not good enough to make the team.


Staff member
Bad decisions that end in somebodies death are often categorized as crimes. Unlawful discharge, 2nd degree murder, child endangerment, statutory rape. All bad decisions, all crimes.


Staff member

???? --only if the "look" caused a broken nose and lacerations to the head. Just a little bias and disinformation there !!
island--if you read in context of the thread, that was in response to Zimmerman if he is acquitted. Future Z, not past.


nowhere special
Bad decisions that end in somebodies death are often categorized as crimes. Unlawful discharge, 2nd degree murder, child endangerment, statutory rape. All bad decisions, all crimes.

The key factor is who started the physical confrontation and everything else is just distracting noise. And if Martin threw the first punch ( there is no evidence of Zimmerman ever hitting Martin) and Martin was in fear for his live or grievous bodily harm ( how bad his injuries actually were make little difference. He doesn't have to wait until his head is squashed like a watermelon before he has a right to defend himself) then Zimmerman can claim self defense. If Martin was on top pinning Zimmerman to the ground as most witnesses agree to then Zimmerman had no option to flee either. If Martin didn't like Zimmerman following him he still had no right to sucker punch him and jump on him.


Well-Known Member
The key factor is who started the physical confrontation and everything else is just distracting noise. And if Martin threw the first punch ( there is no evidence of Zimmerman ever hitting Martin) and Martin was in fear for his live or grievous bodily harm ( how bad his injuries actually were make little difference. He doesn't have to wait until his head is squashed like a watermelon before he has a right to defend himself) then Zimmerman can claim self defense. If Martin was on top pinning Zimmerman to the ground as most witnesses agree to then Zimmerman had no option to flee either. If Martin didn't like Zimmerman following him he still had no right to sucker punch him and jump on him.

Well stated. I've also been trying to say this throughout this thread, but the race fueled hatred harbored by posters like bbsam seem to blind him from simply facts such as these. This entire circus has been blown up from the get go by the media trying to stir up racial divides to increase ratings, and it seems they have been successful. Bottom line is George Zimmerman is not a racist, Trayvon Martin was not a glowing example of good decisions and self control, and this entire situation, while sad and tragic, is not an example of racial inequalities in this country. George is getting his day in court, and most experts agree he will walk out of their a free and innocent man as he should. Its just sad that after the dust has settled some people will continue to believe the spin put on this case from the beginning and George Zimmerman better be aware of this every remaining day of his life.
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