Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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nowhere special
Correction: I meant to say And if Martin threw the first punch ( there is no evidence of Zimmerman ever hitting Martin) and Zimmerman was in fear for his live or grievous bodily harm in post #482


Well-Known Member
I am sorry, I should have made myself more clear. I was talking about the college Professor. Not the hysterical marathon lady teacher. She was not credible due to her hysteria on the call, and what she thought she saw.


golden ticket member
The media is the guilty party in this case for making the racial divide in this country bigger than it already is. !! (thanks Greg Gutfield)


nowhere special
The judge ruled the defense can use the toxicology report that shows THC in Martin's blood. Not a good day for the prosecution.


nowhere special
Why? Will they then show the jury the documentary "Reefer Madness"?

Since the defense is not allowed to question Martin's character or mention his other questionable actions ( suspended from school twice recently, beat up a bus driver 2 days earlier, his mom kicked him out and sent him to father's because she couldn't control him, he was caught with a burglary tool, he had stolen jewelry in his possession he claimed he knew nothing about for example) the drug use was a way to sidestep and still attack Martin's character.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well stated. I've also been trying to say this throughout this thread, but the race fueled hatred harbored by posters like bbsam seem to blind him from simply facts such as these. This entire circus has been blown up from the get go by the media trying to stir up racial divides to increase ratings, and it seems they have been successful. Bottom line is George Zimmerman is not a racist, Trayvon Martin was not a glowing example of good decisions and self control, and this entire situation, while sad and tragic, is not an example of racial inequalities in this country. George is getting his day in court, and most experts agree he will walk out of their a free and innocent man as he should. Its just sad that after the dust has settled some people will continue to believe the spin put on this case from the beginning and George Zimmerman better be aware of this every remaining day of his life.

Well stated? Seriously? And, you have been trying to say this in this thread? Look, you have said this over and over about this case.

The problem with your hypothesis is that you rule out Martins rights to "self defense". What did Martin do to waive his rights to self defense?

Martin wasnt the one following Zimmerman. Martin knowing that Zimmerman was chasing him has a right to feel that "his" life may be in danger. He had a stranger with a gun chasing him in the dark. Martin has the right to defend himself, even if that meant lethal force.

Zimmerman had NO RIGHTS to pursue Martin, none whatsoever. Zimmerman over reached his "authority" ( and i say that mildly ) by pursuing Martin into the dark, and when confronted, you had TWO MEN with no idea what the other was going to do.

YOU both want to discount Trayvon Martins right to be left alone, he had committed NO CRIMES and all he had done to raise suspicion was to be BLACK in a white neighborhood.

You say Zimmerman is not a racist? Yet all his phone calls to the police over two years were for suspicious black guys. You BOTH say that Trayvon Martin wasnt a glowing example?


Here's a little something for you to digest. On that rainy night, the only one of the two with a confirmed criminal record was GEORGE ZIMMERMAN.

Zimmerman has had troubles with the law for years and Trayvon did not have a criminal record.

If you are attempting to make Zimmerman into a hero, then you are both fools. The real criminal on that night, was G. Zimmerman.




Staff member
Since the defense is not allowed to question Martin's character or mention his other questionable actions ( suspended from school twice recently, beat up a bus driver 2 days earlier, his mom kicked him out and sent him to father's because she couldn't control him, he was caught with a burglary tool, he had stolen jewelry in his possession he claimed he knew nothing about for example) the drug use was a way to sidestep and still attack Martin's character.
I doubt that it will work. THC stays in the bloodstream for nearly a month. Even if it is shown that the THC entered the body an hour before the altercation, it isn't going to have the desired effect on the jury. Too many people know others or know kids who smoke weed. They don't believe like raving maniacs. If it is the defenses desire to portray Trayvon being afflicted by "Reefer Madness", they will look weak and ridiculously out of touch. They will seem, well...old and gray.:wink2:


nowhere special
I doubt that it will work. THC stays in the bloodstream for nearly a month. Even if it is shown that the THC entered the body an hour before the altercation, it isn't going to have the desired effect on the jury. Too many people know others or know kids who smoke weed. They don't believe like raving maniacs. If it is the defenses desire to portray Trayvon being afflicted by "Reefer Madness", they will look weak and ridiculously out of touch. They will seem, well...old and gray.:wink2:

The prosecution has a problem because their own expert ( the medical examiner who performed the autopsy ) stated there was enough THC in Martin's blood to have an effect on him. It just couldn't be presented to the jury before now. How much effect is very debatable but it does show that Martin wasn't the innocent little kid the prosecution tried to make him out to be.


Staff member
There isn't a mom alive that doesn't know that a 17 year old young man is not an innocent babe. I think the defense should tread lightly here.


nowhere special
So many "experts" are jumping on the defense for the way they questioned Martin's parents. Its a murder trial. The gloves come off. And What is getting less press coverage but what I think will effect the jury more is the ex chief of police on the stand testifying how the mayor and city manager took over and pushed aside the police and made it political.


Staff member
The gloves come off. Fine. But both the prosecution and defense KNOW they are putting on a show. You think the defendants lawyer wasn't putting on a show when he expressed condolences to Martins mother, knowing that was strictly out of bounds? Of course he did. But he got it out there for the jury to hear.


golden ticket member
The gloves come off. Fine. But both the prosecution and defense KNOW they are putting on a show. You think the defendants lawyer wasn't putting on a show when he expressed condolences to Martins mother, knowing that was strictly out of bounds? Of course he did. But he got it out there for the jury to hear.
The real show was the girlfriend......I don't care how it comes out, I didn't know that such ignorance exists in today's world. No wonder the young people of today can't get any jobs...... if that's the way they come across in a job interview. Explains a lot !!!!!!!


Strength through joy
TOS , when you are out at night walking in the rain do you look behind yourself to see if anyone is following you ?
TM did , the girl he was talking to on his cellphone said so .
Now why would he be doing that ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS , when you are out at night walking in the rain do you look behind yourself to see if anyone is following you ?
TM did , the girl he was talking to on his cellphone said so .
Now why would he be doing that ?

Why would that matter? This is a free country and we can do, look, smell, taste or touch what we like. No matter how many times you guys try to "incriminate" TRAYVON, it always comes back to an UN REASONABLE suspicion and unfortunately, that suspicion comes to the forefront of YOUR minds because the kid was black.

What is it, about that premise that you dont understand? TRAYVON is a free citizen and he can look where ever he wanted to look. Backwards, forwards, upside down or sideways, which way is illegal in this country?

You cant escape the fact that George Zimmerman did not have the "probable cause" to make the phone call to the police in the first place. Being black, wearing a hoodie in the rain while on the phone isnt a crime. Looking in any direction isnt a crime. Walking to and fro isnt a crime. Other than being black and wearing a hoodie, what "probable cause" did Zimmerman have for making the phone call to the police department?

Oh yeah, because according to zimmerman, there have been a bunch of breakins in the neighborhood, and since this kid was black and in a hoodie, then he "profiled" right into a burgulary suspect.

George Zimmerman could not have possibly "FAILED" to see a can or arizona ice tea in TRAYVONS hand, yet he doesnt mention this to police, but does mention that Trayvon is "reaching for his wasteband".... giving the implication to the police that maybe Trayvon was armed, when in fact, both hands were occupied with candy and a drink.

If george zimmerman had been honest with the police on the phone and told them Trayvon had a huge aluminum can in his hand, the police would have told him to buzz off. Instead, Zimmerman "exaggerates" his phone call to create urgency.

Then after being told to go to the mailboxes, Zimmerman on tape says " they always get away"... upset that he was being directed to not follow Trayvon. He makes a bad decision to follow Trayvon anyway and ends up in a confrontation that Zimmerman created for himself.

Trayvon has the same right to self defense as any other human being in this country. He was being followed by an unmarked, unknown and unauthorized person with a gun. The man following him is now on foot after leaving his vehicle. What is Trayvon to think at that moment?

If Zimmerman was in a marked security vehicle and in a uniform, I am sure Trayvon would have acted differently. But in this case, he has a stranger in plain clothes with a gun in his wasteband for whatever reason giving chase on foot and at that moment, how is Trayvon NOT suppose to fear for his life?

He has a right to self defense as soon as zimmerman approached and got within arms reach.

Zimmerman created a situation for himself that did not need to happen. He took an INNOCENT persons life with a weapon in an act of UNEQUAL force.

Just because Zimmerman put himself into a situation where he was going to get beat up doesnt mean he has the right to take a persons life.

You guys can try to make Zimmerman a hero, just because you dont like Blacks, and in your minds, Trayvons innocence has no meaning to you, because other blacks have caused crimes, therefore, justifying the killing of Trayvon Martin an innocent american citizen.

Its pathetic how you cling to hopes of putting Trayvons slight weed content onto the record, as if that changes the circumstances of this killing, yet, dont want Zimmermans own criminal record in front of the jury.

Its sad that race plays a huge part of this story, yet you want to eliminate race while attempting to prove that somehow Trayvon was nothing more than your average black criminal teenager.





nowhere special
The defense brought out their big gun. Dr. Vincent Di Maio (who literally wrote the book on forensic pathology) totally sliced and diced every point the prosecution tried to make. Nothing to do with opinions but scientific facts that totally supported Zimmerman's story. And nothing about race since science is color blind.
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