Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Well-Known Member
Well stated? Seriously? And, you have been trying to say this in this thread? Look, you have said this over and over about this case.

The problem with your hypothesis is that you rule out Martins rights to "self defense". What did Martin do to waive his rights to self defense?

Martin wasnt the one following Zimmerman. Martin knowing that Zimmerman was chasing him has a right to feel that "his" life may be in danger. He had a stranger with a gun chasing him in the dark. Martin has the right to defend himself, even if that meant lethal force.

Zimmerman had NO RIGHTS to pursue Martin, none whatsoever. Zimmerman over reached his "authority" ( and i say that mildly ) by pursuing Martin into the dark, and when confronted, you had TWO MEN with no idea what the other was going to do.

YOU both want to discount Trayvon Martins right to be left alone, he had committed NO CRIMES and all he had done to raise suspicion was to be BLACK in a white neighborhood.

You say Zimmerman is not a racist? Yet all his phone calls to the police over two years were for suspicious black guys. You BOTH say that Trayvon Martin wasnt a glowing example?


Here's a little something for you to digest. On that rainy night, the only one of the two with a confirmed criminal record was GEORGE ZIMMERMAN.

Zimmerman has had troubles with the law for years and Trayvon did not have a criminal record.

If you are attempting to make Zimmerman into a hero, then you are both fools. The real criminal on that night, was G. Zimmerman.



Thats a pretty loose definition of self defense. How do you function in society when you are running around sucker punching anyone who you feel may be following you and claiming self defense when that person has probably said nothing to you or tried to physically harm you in any way? Also, Zimmerman having a gun can't be a factor in any of this because there is no way Martin would have known he had a gun, but if he did I doubt this would have occurred.


Master Loader

Tos, bro...

The people on this forum have only been discussing and debating the issue. If this were an issue of race, why hasnt the kid who shot a baby in the face and the mother; hasnt gotten more coverage? The only reason this has gotten the race card is because the media and the public have made it that way.

To me, its more of a gun control issue. And in time we will see this come around again in examples why we shouldnt have guns. Secondly, Zimmerman was beat to hell. Those marks didnt happen a week ago, they happened that night. We cant claim anything on Martin because they wont show us his injuries. I bet you why they wont, the only injury he had was the gun shot.

Ive been reading, people on here have been watching. They, I act like a jury, they go by what has been brought up by both sides. And for me, the family of Martin seem only after money, not justice, in this case. The jury on this case might go either way, not on facts, but to prevent riots and violence. Which would deem the system flawed in this system.

The reason he had cause for alarm for blacks, because the reports of people in that housing block. Blacks, wearing hoodies, so he was acting like a good neighborhood watch member and acted on a subject of interset. He had a concern for what had been reported. He tried and he obviously got attacked for it.

There were blacks in that hood, his dad lived there. So did others, so stop trying to pull a fast one on people.

Then it was all about blacks being hurt by whites/ spanish / everyone. Hell, a quarter of a million blacks did violent crimes on whites last year. Do we have a cause for concern? Or are white people trying to stay alive, smart or just damn careful. Hasnt the media and others made whites the minority by now? You bet they have! The work force hates whites males under the age of 35, which I am apart of. Do you see me up in arms over this? Nah, water under a bridge. Life sucks and is boring, better get used to it.


golden ticket member
Via Broward Sheriff’s Office:
Date: July 8, 2013

PIO Number: 13-7-9

The Broward Sheriff’s Office, working closely with the Sanford Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies, has coordinated a response plan in anticipation of the verdict.

Freedom of expression is a constitutional right. While raising your voice is encouraged, using your hands is not. BSO has created a public service announcement with the help of kids from the Jason Taylor Foundation, H.A.N.D.Y. (Helping Abused, Neglected, Disadvantaged Youth) and basketball star James Jones of the championship Miami Heat team urging young people not to let their emotions get the best of them.

“We don’t have information about a specific event that might take place at the conclusion of the trial, but we encourage everyone to keep any protests peaceful,” Sheriff Scott Israel said.

Members of the BSO Strategic Investigation Division have been monitoring the pulse of the situation, maintaining open lines of communication with community leaders, civic activists, members of the clergy, as well as local, state and federal agencies.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why would that matter? This is a free country and we can do, look, smell, taste or touch what we like. No matter how many times you guys try to "incriminate" TRAYVON, it always comes back to an UN REASONABLE suspicion and unfortunately, that suspicion comes to the forefront of YOUR minds because the kid was black.

What is it, about that premise that you dont understand? TRAYVON is a free citizen and he can look where ever he wanted to look. Backwards, forwards, upside down or sideways, which way is illegal in this country?

You cant escape the fact that George Zimmerman did not have the "probable cause" to make the phone call to the police in the first place. Being black, wearing a hoodie in the rain while on the phone isnt a crime. Looking in any direction isnt a crime. Walking to and fro isnt a crime. Other than being black and wearing a hoodie, what "probable cause" did Zimmerman have for making the phone call to the police department?

Oh yeah, because according to zimmerman, there have been a bunch of breakins in the neighborhood, and since this kid was black and in a hoodie, then he "profiled" right into a burgulary suspect.

George Zimmerman could not have possibly "FAILED" to see a can or arizona ice tea in TRAYVONS hand, yet he doesnt mention this to police, but does mention that Trayvon is "reaching for his wasteband".... giving the implication to the police that maybe Trayvon was armed, when in fact, both hands were occupied with candy and a drink.

If george zimmerman had been honest with the police on the phone and told them Trayvon had a huge aluminum can in his hand, the police would have told him to buzz off. Instead, Zimmerman "exaggerates" his phone call to create urgency.

Then after being told to go to the mailboxes, Zimmerman on tape says " they always get away"... upset that he was being directed to not follow Trayvon. He makes a bad decision to follow Trayvon anyway and ends up in a confrontation that Zimmerman created for himself.

Trayvon has the same right to self defense as any other human being in this country. He was being followed by an unmarked, unknown and unauthorized person with a gun. The man following him is now on foot after leaving his vehicle. What is Trayvon to think at that moment?

If Zimmerman was in a marked security vehicle and in a uniform, I am sure Trayvon would have acted differently. But in this case, he has a stranger in plain clothes with a gun in his wasteband for whatever reason giving chase on foot and at that moment, how is Trayvon NOT suppose to fear for his life?

He has a right to self defense as soon as zimmerman approached and got within arms reach.

Zimmerman created a situation for himself that did not need to happen. He took an INNOCENT persons life with a weapon in an act of UNEQUAL force.

Just because Zimmerman put himself into a situation where he was going to get beat up doesnt mean he has the right to take a persons life.

You guys can try to make Zimmerman a hero, just because you dont like Blacks, and in your minds, Trayvons innocence has no meaning to you, because other blacks have caused crimes, therefore, justifying the killing of Trayvon Martin an innocent american citizen.

Its pathetic how you cling to hopes of putting Trayvons slight weed content onto the record, as if that changes the circumstances of this killing, yet, dont want Zimmermans own criminal record in front of the jury.

Its sad that race plays a huge part of this story, yet you want to eliminate race while attempting to prove that somehow Trayvon was nothing more than your average black criminal teenager.




The defense brought out their big gun. Dr. Vincent Di Maio (who literally wrote the book on forensic pathology) totally sliced and diced every point the prosecution tried to make. Nothing to do with opinions but scientific facts that totally supported Zimmerman's story. And nothing about race since science is color blind.

TOS , when you are out at night walking in the rain do you look behind yourself to see if anyone is following you ?
TM did , the girl he was talking to on his cellphone said so .
Now why would he be doing that ?

Tos, bro...

The people on this forum have only been discussing and debating the issue. If this were an issue of race, why hasnt the kid who shot a baby in the face and the mother; hasnt gotten more coverage? The only reason this has gotten the race card is because the media and the public have made it that way.

To me, its more of a gun control issue. And in time we will see this come around again in examples why we shouldnt have guns. Secondly, Zimmerman was beat to hell. Those marks didnt happen a week ago, they happened that night. We cant claim anything on Martin because they wont show us his injuries. I bet you why they wont, the only injury he had was the gun shot.

Ive been reading, people on here have been watching. They, I act like a jury, they go by what has been brought up by both sides. And for me, the family of Martin seem only after money, not justice, in this case. The jury on this case might go either way, not on facts, but to prevent riots and violence. Which would deem the system flawed in this system.

The reason he had cause for alarm for blacks, because the reports of people in that housing block. Blacks, wearing hoodies, so he was acting like a good neighborhood watch member and acted on a subject of interset. He had a concern for what had been reported. He tried and he obviously got attacked for it.

There were blacks in that hood, his dad lived there. So did others, so stop trying to pull a fast one on people.

Then it was all about blacks being hurt by whites/ spanish / everyone. Hell, a quarter of a million blacks did violent crimes on whites last year. Do we have a cause for concern? Or are white people trying to stay alive, smart or just damn careful. Hasnt the media and others made whites the minority by now? You bet they have! The work force hates whites males under the age of 35, which I am apart of. Do you see me up in arms over this? Nah, water under a bridge. Life sucks and is boring, better get used to it.

Thats a pretty loose definition of self defense. How do you function in society when you are running around sucker punching anyone who you feel may be following you and claiming self defense when that person has probably said nothing to you or tried to physically harm you in any way? Also, Zimmerman having a gun can't be a factor in any of this because there is no way Martin would have known he had a gun, but if he did I doubt this would have occurred.

I have a question for each of you. Individually, why dont you tell this board "what rights Trayvon Martin had on that day" and "what rights did he waive by his actions on that day".

Then tell us why you only concern yourselves for Zimmermans rights and disregard everything Trayvon Martin was entitled to as an american citizen.

1) Brett
3) Orly
4) OldnGray




Well-Known Member
Why would that matter? This is a free country and we can do, look, smell, taste or touch what we like. No matter how many times you guys try to "incriminate" TRAYVON, it always comes back to an UN REASONABLE suspicion and unfortunately, that suspicion comes to the forefront of YOUR minds because the kid was black. What is it, about that premise that you dont understand? TRAYVON is a free citizen and he can look where ever he wanted to look. Backwards, forwards, upside down or sideways, which way is illegal in this country? You cant escape the fact that George Zimmerman did not have the "probable cause" to make the phone call to the police in the first place. Being black, wearing a hoodie in the rain while on the phone isnt a crime. Looking in any direction isnt a crime. Walking to and fro isnt a crime. Other than being black and wearing a hoodie, what "probable cause" did Zimmerman have for making the phone call to the police department? Oh yeah, because according to zimmerman, there have been a bunch of breakins in the neighborhood, and since this kid was black and in a hoodie, then he "profiled" right into a burgulary suspect. George Zimmerman could not have possibly "FAILED" to see a can or arizona ice tea in TRAYVONS hand, yet he doesnt mention this to police, but does mention that Trayvon is "reaching for his wasteband".... giving the implication to the police that maybe Trayvon was armed, when in fact, both hands were occupied with candy and a drink. If george zimmerman had been honest with the police on the phone and told them Trayvon had a huge aluminum can in his hand, the police would have told him to buzz off. Instead, Zimmerman "exaggerates" his phone call to create urgency. Then after being told to go to the mailboxes, Zimmerman on tape says " they always get away"... upset that he was being directed to not follow Trayvon. He makes a bad decision to follow Trayvon anyway and ends up in a confrontation that Zimmerman created for himself. Trayvon has the same right to self defense as any other human being in this country. He was being followed by an unmarked, unknown and unauthorized person with a gun. The man following him is now on foot after leaving his vehicle. What is Trayvon to think at that moment? If Zimmerman was in a marked security vehicle and in a uniform, I am sure Trayvon would have acted differently. But in this case, he has a stranger in plain clothes with a gun in his wasteband for whatever reason giving chase on foot and at that moment, how is Trayvon NOT suppose to fear for his life? He has a right to self defense as soon as zimmerman approached and got within arms reach. Zimmerman created a situation for himself that did not need to happen. He took an INNOCENT persons life with a weapon in an act of UNEQUAL force. Just because Zimmerman put himself into a situation where he was going to get beat up doesnt mean he has the right to take a persons life. You guys can try to make Zimmerman a hero, just because you dont like Blacks, and in your minds, Trayvons innocence has no meaning to you, because other blacks have caused crimes, therefore, justifying the killing of Trayvon Martin an innocent american citizen. Its pathetic how you cling to hopes of putting Trayvons slight weed content onto the record, as if that changes the circumstances of this killing, yet, dont want Zimmermans own criminal record in front of the jury. Its sad that race plays a huge part of this story, yet you want to eliminate race while attempting to prove that somehow Trayvon was nothing more than your average black criminal teenager. Pathetic. peace TOS

You mention -average black teenage criminal --what does that mean?
Sounds like you should talk to the Mayor of New York --that right wing nut Bloomberg.

In the Metro N.Y. area --Manhattan,Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island Black and Latin/Hispanic make up 54 percent of the Population---White , Asian and all other make up 46 %

Bloomberg has stated the 54% are responsible for over ninety percent of all crimes committed and therefore -profiling or not will receive more attention from the police. I guess he is just a Racist ?? The other 46 % account for LESS than 10% of the crime --go figure !!


Strength through joy
So TOS, just how did TM know that GZ was carrying a gun before he confronted him ?

GZ lived there , so he would have known all the locals , but TM was unknown to him .


Well-Known Member
Trayvon was a punk who wouldn't have lasted a day in the 'hood.

Um, if you believe Zimmerman's story, Martin was a stone-cold killer/thief/gangsta-thug...

Zimmerman, who allegedly had some MMA training, still got his :censored2: handed to him by this 'punk', and clearly felt his life was in danger. The way GZ tells it, Martin was a sociopath.

The only way to stop Martin from his Skittles/iced tea RAGE was to shoot him, obviously. :wink2:


Strength through joy
TOS from the first reports TM made it safely back to his father's house , all he had to do was go inside . Yet he didn't . I wonder why ?

Also his own father did not report him missing until the next day .
Why wasn't anyone in his father's house concern ?
Could all that rain have muted the sounds coming from the police cars that did respond ? What were they about 100 ft away ?


Well-Known Member
Trayvon was a punk who wouldn't have lasted a day in the 'hood.

Um, if you believe Zimmerman's story, Martin was a stone-cold killer/thief/gangsta-thug...

Zimmerman, who allegedly had some MMA training, still got his :censored2: handed to him by this 'punk', and clearly felt his life was in danger. The way GZ tells it, Martin was a sociopath.

The only way to stop Martin from his Skittles/iced tea RAGE was to shoot him, obviously. :wink2:

The evidence does lead one to believe Martin was your typical inner city teen who was immersed in a culture of violence who just so happened to try practicing his way of life on the wrong individual.


Well-Known Member
The evidence does lead one to believe Martin was your typical inner city teen who was immersed in a culture of violence who just so happened to try practicing his way of life on the wrong individual.

And the evidence does lead one to believe that Zimmerman was a wannabe law-enforcement individual who got in over his head and needed a gun to solve the predicament he put himself in.


golden ticket member
Just let the panel do it's job.
Tonight was the first I heard of the make-up of the panel. I knew it was 6 women, but it's 5 white and 1 Hispanic. Not what I would say is a jury of his PEERS !!


Well-Known Member
Just let the panel do it's job.
Tonight was the first I heard of the make-up of the panel. I knew it was 6 women, but it's 5 white and 1 Hispanic. Not what I would say is a jury of his PEERS !!

Which part do you object to, that it's six women, or that it's five white women and one Hispanic woman?

Jury of one's peers : a guaranteed right of criminal defendants, in which "peer" means an "equal." This has been interpreted by courts to mean that the available jurors include a broad spectrum of the population, particularly of race, national origin and gender. Jury selection may include no process which excludes those of a particular race or intentionally narrows the spectrum of possible jurors. It does not mean that women are to be tried by women, Asians by Asians, or African Americans by African Americans...

Of course, both the Prosecution and the Defense have a certain amount of 'eliminate-this-potential-juror-for-free' cards, and certain potential jurors eliminate themselves, but this is the jury for this case, and I'm not sure that it matters what the makeup of the jury is.

The case will be resolved on it's merits, one way or another.

Randomly, Zimmerman (a German surname) looks Hispanic and self-identifies as 'white'. Wanna talk race?

You can't make this $ up.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The evidence does lead one to believe Martin was your typical inner city teen who was immersed in a culture of violence who just so happened to try practicing his way of life on the wrong individual.

Again, assigning guilt by association to the black kid while ignoring GZ's criminal record that speaks for itself. What culture would you associate to GZ given his criminal record?

You can attempt to defend the GUN OWNER all you want. This is your "real" intent, regardless of the circumstances.

"its only a black kid" seems to be what you are communicating to us. And further, because he "appears" like inner city teens, he's most likely a thug.

But hey, your not profiling TM either, right?

There are plenty of white trash teens who dress identically to TM and I dont see any wannabe security guards shooting them to death.




Strength through joy



Well-Known Member
The evidence does lead one to believe Martin was your typical inner city teen who was immersed in a culture of violence who just so happened to try practicing his way of life on the wrong individual.

And the evidence does lead one to believe that Zimmerman was a wannabe law-enforcement individual who got in over his head and needed a gun to solve the predicament he put himself in.

Really? If that is true you need to call the Florida prosecutor's office and point that evidence out to them. So far their case has been ripped to shreds by their own witnesses trying to prove your very statement.


nowhere special
Martin didn't have iced tea anyway. It was a 23 oz can of AriZona Beverage Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail.



golden ticket member
Which part do you object to, that it's six women, or that it's five white women and one Hispanic woman?

Jury of one's peers : a guaranteed right of criminal defendants, in which "peer" means an "equal." This has been interpreted by courts to mean that the available jurors include a broad spectrum of the population, particularly of race, national origin and gender. Jury selection may include no process which excludes those of a particular race or intentionally narrows the spectrum of possible jurors. It does not mean that women are to be tried by women, Asians by Asians, or African Americans by African Americans...

Of course, both the Prosecution and the Defense have a certain amount of 'eliminate-this-potential-juror-for-free' cards, and certain potential jurors eliminate themselves, but this is the jury for this case, and I'm not sure that it matters what the makeup of the jury is.

The case will be resolved on it's merits, one way or another.

Randomly, Zimmerman (a German surname) looks Hispanic and self-identifies as 'white'. Wanna talk race?

You can't make this $ up.

Simple....."Jury of your peers"......Zimmerman is a MAN....the panel is all WOMEN !! Quit trying to think so deep and prove everybody a racist.....it's much simpler.
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