Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Master Loader
Trayvon Martin, no criminal record.

George Zimmerman?

The jury wont be seeing Martins drug test, tweets or facebook page. Both sides agreed to hold things back. Yet, peoples past doesnt make them who they are today. He wanted to be a cop and we can see why he wasnt allowed to. Zimmerman wanted a change in life to good instead of bad, is what he comes off as in my opinion. Dont judge a person by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character; Dr. Martin Luther king.

Martin lost his rights when he acted out like an animal instead of just talking to Zimmerman. If I were Martin, I wouldve came up to Zimmerman and asked what he was in need of. Told him " I live right over there, I'm visiting my father, and you can even come inside if you like ". Yet he choose to become wild and beat him down. And you would think the father would have let his boy know whats been going down in this hood.

As Zimmerman losing to Martin in the fight. Size, weight, reach, age and other factors dont really mean the bigger guy, stronger guy and all of the above will win in that fight. Speed, movement, endurance, creativity, surprise etc etc play a larger role in a fight then the expected measurements.

You always think the big guy is going to win, do ya?

600lbs Sumo Vs 169lbs MMA Fighter - YouTube


nowhere special
It does seem like they tried to rig this show trial. And I noticed the judge was very very much on the side of the prosecution today. She wasn't even pretending to act impartial.


Master Loader
It does seem like they tried to rig this show trial. And I noticed the judge was very very much on the side of the prosecution today. She wasn't even pretending to act impartial.

It could be that the judge only gives those on the ropes the slightest of chance to win a case. * recalls the Anthony case *... This guy is going to walk, unless unfair bias. Gear up kids....


Staff member
It does seem like they tried to rig this show trial. And I noticed the judge was very very much on the side of the prosecution today. She wasn't even pretending to act impartial.

Why does it matter? You thought last week that the defense didn't even have to defend because the prosecution was so weak.


nowhere special
Why does it matter? You thought last week that the defense didn't even have to defend because the prosecution was so weak.

The defense could have rested last week but they called a few more witnesses this week to strengthen their case even more. Nobody can predict a jury. The prosecution never did prove murder 2 and there is no chance of a conviction for that. Its just ehether the jury will compromise and choose a lesser charge. And the prosecution kept changing their explanation of events when their theories they stated in the opening statement were thoroughly discredited (at least 3 times). It shows the case was backwards with the prosecution trying to poke holes in the defense story intread of proving their own case. The burden of proof is on the prosecution and they totally failed to prove their case. Its only a question of whether they will get a conviction on a lesser charge.


Got the T-Shirt
What a shock


UNREAL: Documents Show DOJ Helped Organize And Support Anti-Zimmerman Protests Including Al Sharpton’s… | Weasel Zippers
Again, assigning guilt by association to the black kid while ignoring GZ's criminal record that speaks for itself. What culture would you associate to GZ given his criminal record?

You can attempt to defend the GUN OWNER all you want. This is your "real" intent, regardless of the circumstances.

"its only a black kid" seems to be what you are communicating to us. And further, because he "appears" like inner city teens, he's most likely a thug.

But hey, your not profiling TM either, right?

There are plenty of white trash teens who dress identically to TM and I dont see any wannabe security guards shooting them to death.



hahaha.. I wondered in here this evening to see what was the hot topic these days. I see that some people here are still twisting what others say, misrepresent facts and out right lie. Not much has changed.

To answer you're failed attempt at diverting the real topic by proclaiming,

" There are plenty of white trash teens who dress identically to TM and I dont see any wannabe security guards shooting them to death.".

The reason you don't see this going on is because it doesn't give the liberal racist media a black person to put up front as a victim.


Well-Known Member
Simple....."Jury of your peers"......Zimmerman is a MAN....the panel is all WOMEN !! Quit trying to think so deep and prove everybody a racist.....it's much simpler.

Yah, I think you're still unclear on the concept of 'jury of your peers'.

And I'm not sure where I'm trying to prove that everybody is a racist, that's clearly not true.

But clearly race is involved, and simply talking about race doesn't make one a racist.

Think about it.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, the phrase 'jury of your peers' is a little out of date.

The US Constitution says this in the sixth amendment:

"...the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district etc..."


Well-Known Member
To those that doubt due to a Weazel Zippers post...
DOJ helped facilitate anti-Zimmerman protests in Florida: FOIA docs - Washington Times

The Community Relations Service (CRS), a unit of the Department of Justice, was deployed to
Sanford, Fla., following the death of Trayvon Martin to help organize rallies against George Zimmerman.



Staff member
I'm not sure what the impropriety was. The article lists amount spent admits that it is in the DOJs job description to have such outreach programs but then becomes vague in exactly what they did that was anti Zimmerman. Instead the article refers to "certain press release" or similar language. Sounds like the same people wringing their hands about a Rodney King reaction are upset that the government has stepped in to defuse such a possibility.


nowhere special
I'm not sure what the impropriety was. The article lists amount spent admits that it is in the DOJs job description to have such outreach programs but then becomes vague in exactly what they did that was anti Zimmerman. Instead the article refers to "certain press release" or similar language. Sounds like the same people wringing their hands about a Rodney King reaction are upset that the government has stepped in to defuse such a possibility.

It seems more like the DOJ stepped in to organize protests in Sanford. Little known government agency created by the Civil Rights Act. And since they consulted with NAACP they seemed to be trying to make it a racial issue. It wouldn't be so suspicious if they didn't try to hide their actions.


Staff member
It seems more like the DOJ stepped in to organize protests in Sanford. Little known government agency created by the Civil Rights Act. And since they consulted with NAACP they seemed to be trying to make it a racial issue. It wouldn't be so suspicious if they didn't try to hide their actions.
So, what did they say or do? Did they transport marchers? Make signs? Bring in the Black Panthers? Take talking points from Al Sharpton? It seems like the entire objection is that they were involved in communicating with the public in, at the very least, a strong sense of injustice. Again, what is the anti Zimmerman action taken? Somehow we need to ge past the idea that if you talk to the "other side", you are the enemy.


nowhere special
So, what did they say or do? Did they transport marchers? Make signs? Bring in the Black Panthers? Take talking points from Al Sharpton? It seems like the entire objection is that they were involved in communicating with the public in, at the very least, a strong sense of injustice. Again, what is the anti Zimmerman action taken? Somehow we need to ge past the idea that if you talk to the "other side", you are the enemy.

If they tried to defuse the situation that would be good but when they try to hide their expenses and cover up they were involved it looks suspicious. And "Though the agency claims to use “impartial mediation practices and conflict resolution procedures,” press reports suggest that the unit deployed to Sanford took an active role in mobilizing against Mr. Zimmerman."

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