Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Staff member
If they tried to defuse the situation that would be good but when they try to hide their expenses and cover up they were involved it looks suspicious. And "Though the agency claims to use “impartial mediation practices and conflict resolution procedures,” press reports suggest that the unit deployed to Sanford took an active role in mobilizing against Mr. Zimmerman."

Don't you become the least bit suspicious with a vague reference to "press reports suggest..."? That could mean anything. Reference that source. That could be Glenn Beck, could be David Gregory, could be a quote from Michelle Bachman.


nowhere special
Helped himself. He had no need to testify so if he did it would only potentially hurt his case when the prosecutor grilled him on cross examination. The prosecution already let him testify with no cross examination when they played the tapes of his interviews.


Strength through joy
The actions of the judge repeatedly asking GZ if he was going to testify was illegal .
His attorney already had answered that question and objected to the judge's line of questioning . Yet the judge continued with her personal attack .
That alone is grounds for a mistrial .


golden ticket member
The actions of the judge repeatedly asking GZ if he was going to testify was illegal .
His attorney already had answered that question and objected to the judge's line of questioning . Yet the judge continued with her personal attack .
That alone is grounds for a mistrial .
I heard Greta's comments this morning......she's a lawyer and she said the judge was way out of line.


Strength through joy
This is not the first attempt by bhos & his goons to railroad someone.
Look into the Martin Lee Anderson case from 2006 .
Funny how bhos never mentioned the fact that he had a prior relationship with Martin's attorney Benjamin Crump .
Breitbart News reported on the Obama connection to the 2006 story of Martin Lee Anderson. Attorney Crump said publicly that he was following the same media 'playbook' as the Anderson case. Tactics included using a photo of Anderson as a child, the same way the media used the Crump-supplied photo of Trayvon Martin as child and shows the involvement of Senator Obama , Sharpton and Jackson as well as other usual suspects from the far left.


nowhere special
The judge was out of line but I think technically she was allowed to do that even though the way she asked Zimmerman was very unusual. I think she was in full cover her butt mode so on appeal Zimmerman couldn't claim he didn't have a chance to testify. The way the judge badgered Zimmerman repeatedly and wouldn't let him consult with his counsel does seem to demonstrate bias though. If Zimmerman gets convicted of anything it looks that there are many other things that could be grounds for appeal.


nowhere special
This is not the first attempt by bhos & his goons to railroad someone.
Look into the Martin Lee Anderson case from 2006 .
Funny how bhos never mentioned the fact that he had a prior relationship with Martin's attorney Benjamin Crump .
Breitbart News reported on the Obama connection to the 2006 story of Martin Lee Anderson. Attorney Crump said publicly that he was following the same media 'playbook' as the Anderson case. Tactics included using a photo of Anderson as a child, the same way the media used the Crump-supplied photo of Trayvon Martin as child and shows the involvement of Senator Obama , Sharpton and Jackson as well as other usual suspects from the far left.

The Obama, Sharpton, Jackson - Crump connections came out very early but the media won't talk about it.


Strength through joy
I'm not sure what the impropriety was. The article lists amount spent admits that it is in the DOJs job description to have such outreach programs but then becomes vague in exactly what they did that was anti Zimmerman. Instead the article refers to "certain press release" or similar language. Sounds like the same people wringing their hands about a Rodney King reaction are upset that the government has stepped in to defuse such a possibility.

Actively supplying the buses to transport college student from 40 miles away to protest in front of the police station is not the proper way to defuse the situation .


golden ticket member
Many others within the court system have never seen anything like it before .
Now I heard Judge Jeanine and she is siding with the judge......gee, balanced presentation by Fox. (it's what they are known for)

Now, I get to pick with whom I agree . I'm with Greta on this one. Nobody told me what to think.


nowhere special
The judge allowed the manslaughter charge. Now they are haggling over lesser charges. The prosecution is even bringing up child abuse.


golden ticket member
To me, the prosecution is trying to get him charged with anything now........why not trespassing too !!
I just picture someone drowning (prosecution) and grabbing anything in sight so they don't go down. What a circus !!


Well-Known Member
The judge allowed the manslaughter charge. Now they are haggling over lesser charges. The prosecution is even bringing up child abuse.

Its the old "lets throw everything at a wall and see what sticks" method. This is getting pathetic, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it gets released that the Obama administration had their hands in it in some way. Although that won't come out till years later if ever.


nowhere special
The judge even stated in court that if she is found to have made a mistake then Zimmerman can appeal. It seems to me she wants to get him convicted on anything then if he wins on appeal she won't get blamed. Instead of trying to conduct a fair trial the first time. And the defense has very valid complaints about not being allowed enough time and she refuses to grant more time. The prosecution notified the defense about the child abuse charge at 7:30 this morning and had a fully prepared case to argue it this morning. The defense wanted more time and the judge just said you have lawyers so you have to argue it today before closing arguments start at 1 pm. The defense only has 2 lawyers ( the other is was busy working on his closing argument) and 4 interns who aren't even lawyers. The defense already filed 6 complaints against the prosecution about evidence not being given to them until the last minute. Like one thing the prosecution knew about in January and the defense only learned about in June (and that was after a freedom on information request discovered the evidence the prosecution didn't share).

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wow, it looks like you all learned how to speak "WHINE-NEESE"....

Now you want to whine about charges?

Aww, too bad. Your gun toting "weakling" ( as described by his own defense team and defense witnesses ) is going to be convicted on something.

He isnt going to walk away. A manslaughter charge carries the same time in prison as the 2 degree murder charge. So, I hope he enjoys prison food as much as he enjoys the court jail food.

Maybe by the time his appeal comes around, he'll weight 500 lbs? Jus sayin.

Today, the judge insured that Trayvon Martin would have justice in the court room.




nowhere special
Some justice, yes. She threw out that silly child abuse charge. Just don't cry when justice does prevail and Zimmerman is found not guilty.


Für Meno :)
Up in Canada, he would face mandatory manslaughter charges, with up to 10 years in prison.
He didn't even defend his own home, and I don't think even his own life !
Why doesn't the 9/11 tape include a sentence like this : "Ok, I give up - you win" !
Nope, just screaming and asking for help !
And, I still don't believe a 17 yr old could over power Zimmerman, in a way that he would be beaten to death.
Without a presence of that gun, no one would have been killed ! Period !
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