Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Well-Known Member
I sure know Zimmerman could whip my butt ! He's a big man !

All that kid wanted to do is go back to Daddy's condo - yet was interferred by Zimmerman and couldn't get "home" with his skiddles and soda and was forced to take other routes (within the condo area) to get there. Zimmerman got really crazy about that - followed him (against 9/11 directions/advice) and confronted the poor kid instead.
Well, I was 17 once, and I would have defended myself to get "home" too !

Klien if you think you going lose, then you already lost.


Strength through joy
(TOS) Most gun owners have mental problems ????? Did you forget to site your source of that little gem ???
Poor , poor TOS.
Seems everyone who uses a weapon upon another person has mental problems . Maybe that explains all the daily murders in Chicago , all those decades of democratic control have left all the residents mentally disabled .
All this fuse and rage about one shooting in FL , yet no media coverage about all the other more serious violence crimes happening around the country .
With a sharp increase of black youths being bored and randomly attacking helpless victims { the knockdown game , polar bear hunting } anyone who has not seriously considered carrying some sort of weapon is foolish .


golden ticket member

I was watching some of the defense's closing
statement in the Martin / Zimmerman trial. Those lawyers (both sides) go on
and on and on.

All he needed to say is..........."I know
everything that happened that night." If you can say that, then you have no
reasonable doubt. No one on the jury was there, so they probably all have
reasonable doubt and need to vote not guilty.



Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, like most gun owners, GZ has a mental problem that forces him to have to carry a weapon as if he lived in somalia. Where did he think he was patroling anyway? South central los angeles?

He lived in a gated quiet neighborhood, and there is NO EVIDENCE that a gun was necessary to tote around while driving through the streets of his complex. There is NO evidence of shootings, there is NO evidence that burgulars were running around armed and there was NO evidence that GZ was even QUALIFIED to carry a firearm.

The maroon (by his own attorneys case) was such a weakling, they made him out to be a COWARD with a gun.

Personally, as Ive said before, I think anyone who has to carry around a gun in their everyday lives is a coward, but thats another story.

Look, GZ forced a bad hand. This weaking followed someone bigger and stronger than him in the dark. GZ had two forms of courage with him that night:

1) the fact that he knew the police were coming
2) he had a gun on him.

What he "didnt" have with him that night was Common sense and good judgement. He made a giant mistake in MIS IDENTIFYING Trayvon for a criminal. He made a giant mistake by not following police instructions to go to the mail boxes and meet the police there, so they could put GZ into the squad and drive him around looking for the "suspect". He made the BIGGEST mistake and MIS CALCULATION of getting out of his vehicle and pursuing TM in the dark.

He furthered that MIS CALCULATION by placing "FEAR" into TM to the point where it was TM who had to defend himself. Sucker punch or not, TM had no way of knowing what GZ's intentions were, and TM has NO OBLIGATION to ask him either.

Once GZ established to TM that he was following, chasing or stalking him, TM had every right to defend HIMSELF. At no point does TM waive his rights to GZ as GZ has NO AUTHORITY to apprehend, capture or detain TM.

Once he confronts TM, everything after that Falls SQUARELY onto the shoulders of GZ.

The death of TM becomes WRECKLESS and WONTON.

TM has the presumtion of innocence and every right to free travel. GZ had no right to become JUDGE, JURY and Executioner of TM on that night.

At the end of the day, an innocent man was killed. To me, TM is a person, a free person. A person with rights to self preservation. To you all, he may ONLY be BLACK, and that may ( in your minds) disqualify TM from having any rights and that is simply WRONG.

I hope you all take a step back for your hatred of TM long enough to recognize that he was a human being first.



But it is ok for you to appoint yourself judge and jury? What about Zimmerman's presumption of innocence until proven guilty? Perhaps you should take a step back from your hatred of Zimmerman...


Für Meno :)
Klien if you think you going lose, then you already lost.

I looked at Zimmermann in the courtroom yesterday (on TV), he must weigh around 275lbs.
Those are a lot of pounds to tackle down to the ground. Hard to believe a 17yr old was capable of doing so.


Staff member
I looked at Zimmermann in the courtroom yesterday (on TV), he must weigh around 275lbs.
Those are a lot of pounds to tackle down to the ground. Hard to believe a 17yr old was capable of doing so.
You mean a 17 year old thug coward who attacked him from behind?


nowhere special
I looked at Zimmermann in the courtroom yesterday (on TV), he must weigh around 275lbs.
Those are a lot of pounds to tackle down to the ground. Hard to believe a 17yr old was capable of doing so.

Zimmerman gained over 100 pounds the past year. He is over 300 now but was a lot smaller then. Zimmerman was around 180-200 ( heard different numbers in the range and the heaviest was 204) and Martin was about 158 ( that was at the autopsy so only approximate to what he weighed during the fight).


Legio patria nostra
god this argument always gets to me. When I did mma, we would have guys like zimmerman come in all the time. They sucked and no matter how hard they tried they never got better. Size does not matter over physical capibality. I would put a 100 bucks on trayvon vs George if you stood them next to each other. That being said.... I think he's getting manslaughter.

If only there was a top rope close by for a flying head butt, followed by the always effective "sleeper hold", things would have probably turned out differently.


nowhere special
Something I didn't realize until today is the 3 alternate jurors who sat in the jury box during the entire trial did not know they are alternates. Of the 9 in jury box they all assume they will be voting on the verdict so are treated exactly the same, until the end of the trial when the 3 extras are told they are just alternates so won't deliberate.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that. I just don't think Zimmerman even considered self defense aside from his gun. He wasn't thinking of a wrist grip or a choke hold or a body throw when he followed Martin and the confrontation ensued. He didn't have to. He had the gun.

I guess he should have waited until he lost consciousness before resorting to deadly force? Like that would be reasonable. Zimmerman yelled for help and the thug kept wailing on him. Martin had it coming and Zimmerman was only protecting his own life.

Zimmerman gained over 100 pounds the past year. He is over 300 now but was a lot smaller then. Zimmerman was around 180-200 ( heard different numbers in the range and the heaviest was 204) and Martin was about 158 ( that was at the autopsy so only approximate to what he weighed during the fight).

I would think given the safety risks involved going out wasn't an option for Zimmerman. Gaining that weight was expected when all he could safely do was stay out of sight till the trial.


nowhere special
The defense closing summed it up perfectly. If you follow the law and ignore emotion ( as the law tells you to do ) then Zimmerman is not guilty. The Prosecution case was that this "could have happened" or "that is possible" and so on. Trying to argue doubt is what the defense normally does. The prosecution is supposed to prove "this happened" not "could have happened". Strictly following the law there is no doubt about Zimmerman should be found not guilty. The prosecution tried to rely on emotion and instead of facts and even in the jury instructions from the judge she said follow the law. Not emotions such as sympathy or hate for either side. John Guy who closed for prosecution tried to play on emotions instead of evidence with statements such as calling Martin a "child". If Zimmerman had only wounded Martin then 17 year old Martin would have been tried as an adult on felony 3 aggravated assault.


Staff member
Alot of young men have those criminal records expunged when they turn 18. Just sayin'.


nowhere special
There are already protesters outside the Sanford Courthouse. Totally uncalled for and looks like they are there expecting an acquittal.
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