Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Amatuer Malthusian
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I do not normally make personal comments about fellow BC members, but I'm just wondering how long it will take for the veritable avalanche of TOS's venomous wrath on this topic to make its way past the moderation queue and spew forth upon the forum in all its righteous fury.

If this comment violates TOS and gets pulled, I will accept it with grace. I've had about 3 posts pulled or moderated in the 5 yrs I've been here so I'd say I'm doing pretty good at following the rules. :-)

Wait for it....it's coming.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

. My entire objection to the day Martin was killed was that Zimmerman went home. The process was skirted around with a claim of self defense by an individual with all the reason in the world to lie and the other individual unable to tell his side of the story. .

In fairness to Zimmerman, I must point out 2 facts;

1. He was injured, his face was bloody, so his claim of self defense plus his recorded 911 call to the dispatcher would on the surface at least tend to lend credence to that claim.

2. His posession of a valid Concealed Handgun License meant that he had spent several hundred dollars on certification and training, and had submitted to an extremely rigorous NCIS criminal background check which includes a computerized nationwide search of both his fingerprints and palm prints. The types of people who voluntarily undergo (and pass) such extensive background checks tend to not be criminals and are, generally speaking, going to be given a bit more credibility by the police when being interviewed. In some circles at least, Concealed Hangun Licenses are nicknamed "good guy cards" and for good reason.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

In all honesty, I am certain I could obtain such a "good guy card". That doesn't negate my ability to lie, exaggerate, or whitewash my image. Maybe with the coming civil concerns for Zimmerman, the state of Florida, the city of Sanford, and individuals around the country, the "good guy card will be a bit less a shield.


Pineapple King
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

​Seemed the obvious verdict but if I lived in Sanford, FL I would feel a bit on edge knowing the Zim-man was free to patrol the streets again.
I'd bet he move's from Sanford quick if he hasn't already.

What the verdict means is that the prosecution failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman was guilty of the crime of murder or manslaughter, and based upon the limited information I have I would tend to agree with the verdict.

Zimmerman is guilty of being an idiot however, and of violating one of the fundamental principles of legal civilian concealed carry, which is to avoid confrontations at all cost. He never should have gotten out of his car and he never should have confronted Martin in the first place.

He may have been acquitted of the criminal charges, but in all probability his legal bills have bankrupted him, he faces civil litigation, he faces death threats, and his prospects for future gainful employment are dismal. So it certainly would be a mistake to say that he got off "scott free", and I gurantee you that if he could go back in time and replay the events of that evening he would have remained in his car and let the police do their job.
I beleive under the "Stand your ground law" or "Castle Doctrine law" that you can't be sued in any civil litigation at least in Florida. Also wasn't there a ton of cash donated to him for his defense? I think he got in trouble early on for not telling the judge and claiming he had no money for his defense? Florida Castle Doctrine

In fairness to Zimmerman, I must point out 2 facts;

1. He was injured, his face was bloody, so his claim of self defense plus his recorded 911 call to the dispatcher would on the surface at least tend to lend credence to that claim.

2. His posession of a valid Concealed Handgun License meant that he had spent several hundred dollars on certification and training, and had submitted to an extremely rigorous NCIS criminal background check which includes a computerized nationwide search of both his fingerprints and palm prints. The types of people who voluntarily undergo (and pass) such extensive background checks tend to not be criminals and are, generally speaking, going to be given a bit more credibility by the police when being interviewed. In some circles at least, Concealed Hangun Licenses are nicknamed "good guy cards" and for good reason.
Unfortunately it is quite easy to get a CCW in Florida. $50 at the local gun show for the course(includes your fingerprinting,picture) and $75 background check that's it. I know of a person once convicted of assault have his rights restored and now carries legally. Welcome to the Gunshine state. I believe we have more CCW licenses than any other state.
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Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I think there was a determination early on that this was not a "stand your ground" case but rather self defense and therefore open to civil litigation. Furthermore, other than Zimmerman, the state, and city may find themselves liable.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I think there was a determination early on that this was not a "stand your ground" case but rather self defense and therefore open to civil litigation. Furthermore, other than Zimmerman, the state, and city may find themselves liable.
Is that not the modern left method of operation?
When you do not get your way, sue everyone you can.


Pineapple King
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I think there was a determination early on that this was not a "stand your ground" case but rather self defense and therefore open to civil litigation. Furthermore, other than Zimmerman, the state, and city may find themselves liable.
Self defense,Stand your ground, isn't that pretty much the same thing? I'm sure or at least hope his lawyers didn't leave him open for civil litigation.


Pineapple King
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Don't get me wrong I think they will sue(Travon's family) I just don't think they will get anywhere with it. O.J. to this day I don't think has ever paid a dime to Nicole's family.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Is that not the modern left method of operation?
When you do not get your way, sue everyone you can.
Yeah. Those Goldmans were rat bastards. Just couldn't let OJ walk. Just had to sue the poor guy.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Don't get me wrong I think they will sue(Travon's family) I just don't think they will get anywhere with it. O.J. to this day I don't think has ever paid a dime to Nicole's family.
I think they will. Especially if getting that CC permit is as easy as you say. The state may want to get that settled quickly and review its policies.


Pineapple King
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I think they will. Especially if getting that CC permit is as easy as you say. The state may want to get that settled quickly and review its policies.
Why sue the state? If Zimmerman passed the background check they are in the clear. I guess you can try and sue about the law and Florida's CCW policies but good luck with that.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Why sue the state? If Zimmerman passed the background check they are in the clear. I guess you can try and sue about the law and Florida's CCW policies but good luck with that.
Famously, you sue the state because that's where the money is. It happens all the time. The argument will be that the states lax regulation in distributing the permits was complicit in violating Martin's civil rights.


Well-Known Member
He'll need it -- regardless of the verdict his life is over. He'll have to write a book to afford body guards for the rest of his life. A win win for the oh so tolerant in the world.

I would buy the book, and I bet the body guards, and Zimmerman himself would have the right to use self defense once more, thank god- for the law, and justice was served- Zimmerman NOT GUILTY!

One more thing parents need to step it up, and raise real men, parents have to stop glorifying the THUG life. Parents need to glorify good morals, and values, develop good ethics, focus on a good family foundation.


Staff member
George did nothing illegal and was found "not guilty". George also chose the path he has been on the past year and will continue on for years to come. God's plan is still in action. It certainly didn't end the night Martin died. How it ends up for George is still up in the air and he has as much to say about it as anyone.


golden ticket member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Why sue the state? If Zimmerman passed the background check they are in the clear. I guess you can try and sue about the law and Florida's CCW policies but good luck with that.
malicious prosecution ??


golden ticket member
George did nothing illegal and was found "not guilty". George also chose the path he has been on the past year and will continue on for years to come. God's plan is still in action. It certainly didn't end the night Martin died. How it ends up for George is still up in the air and he has as much to say about it as anyone.
I think heshould move far away from Florida ........... I'd sure rather have George in CA. than that Napolitano broad!!


nowhere special
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

malicious prosecution ??

Zimmerman may sue Florida for malicious prosecution. And NAACP is already screaming for a civil rights suit. And Martin family will probably sue Zimmerman in civil court. The criminal trial is over and people should just drop it now and move on.


golden ticket member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Zimmerman may sue Florida for malicious prosecution. And NAACP is already screaming for a civil rights suit. And Martin family will probably sue Zimmerman in civil court. The criminal trial is over and people should just drop it now and move on.
The NAACP doesn't have the power itself to bring any civil rights charges......only the DOJ....so that would be Holder's move.
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golden ticket member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

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