Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Well-Known Member
Tonight 6 jurors found a man innocent, I thought the trial was fair. I have many mixed emotions about this case. I don't think George nor trayvon were bad people. I think trayvon made a bad choice by attacking George bit you have to remember he was a 17 year old. Teenagers always do dumb things I'm certainly guilty of it myself. George was a wuss and had no other alternative in his mind but to use deadly force. George did nothing illegal and was found innocent. I still have simpathy for both of trayvons parents and trayvon himself. When i was a teen I had a bad past I'm not so proud of but grew out of it. Trayvon may have had the same fate. I think what we can all get out of this is that every action has a reaction and we can not tell what the reaction will be.

quamba 638

Well-Known Member
Another embarassment for the USA ! :sad-little:

Back to back.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Another embarassment for the USA ! :sad-little:
What are you talking about? That's the justice system in America, people may not like result, but what are they going to do? Nothing, yell, scream, drink away the anger.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

At least the criminal justice system still has some integrity. Kudos to the jurors who saw this for what it was which was a poor case not based on fact, but politically motivated emotion.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Another example of mandatory sentencing and the unintentional effects of a law.

In Georgia, a jury can nullify the law in a case like this and it has been done.
I've met nothing but *******s in Georgia, and nothing but nice folks in Alabama. Just a side note.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I'm sad for trayvon and his mother and father what a tragic event. Having said that I feel the justice system prevailed with there being no evidence to convict George zimmerman being guilty. A win lose situation.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

​I take it we have met?
Lol possibly do you live in Georgia or Alabama. I stopped at a convenient store in Georgia on the way to gulf shores and they accused me of stealing Tylenol. I put the Tylenol down at a counter when I reliazed my wallet was in my vehicle. When I came back with my wallet the cashier said are you sure we are not going to come up short on one less Tylenol. Having said that I stopped at a crystals on the way back from gulfshores in Georgia. Best customer service I've ever had.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

sounds like they bad mouthin Ga there Hoax..... what cha gonna do now?


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Must've been Dawg fans...
The only fan I'm guilty of is the st.louis cardinals. I stated that I had a good experience in Georgia. The majority of them were bad..... Especially the driving. I felt nothing but southern hospitality in Alabama though. If my words sting than so be it.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Must've been Dawg fans...
The only fan I'm guilty of is the st.louis cardinals. I stated that I had a good experience in Georgia. The majority of them were bad..... Especially the driving. I felt nothing but southern hospitality in Alabama though. If my words sting than so be it.

Don't sting me brotha, I'm a Gamecock. I share your sentiment for my southern neighbors.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Fair enough.

What the verdict means is that the prosecution failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman was guilty of the crime of murder or manslaughter, and based upon the limited information I have I would tend to agree with the verdict.

Zimmerman is guilty of being an idiot however, and of violating one of the fundamental principles of legal civilian concealed carry, which is to avoid confrontations at all cost. He never should have gotten out of his car and he never should have confronted Martin in the first place.

He may have been acquitted of the criminal charges, but in all probability his legal bills have bankrupted him, he faces civil litigation, he faces death threats, and his prospects for future gainful employment are dismal. So it certainly would be a mistake to say that he got off "scott free", and I gurantee you that if he could go back in time and replay the events of that evening he would have remained in his car and let the police do their job.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I do not normally make personal comments about fellow BC members, but I'm just wondering how long it will take for the veritable avalanche of TOS's venomous wrath on this topic to make its way past the moderation queue and spew forth upon the forum in all its righteous fury.

If this comment violates TOS and gets pulled, I will accept it with grace. I've had about 3 posts pulled or moderated in the 5 yrs I've been here so I'd say I'm doing pretty good at following the rules. :-)


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I agree. And while I think manslaughter would have been an appropriate conviction, that was not the determination of the jury. But the process was followed. Fair enough. My entire objection to the day Martin was killed was that Zimmerman went home. The process was skirted around with a claim of self defense by an individual with all the reason in the world to lie and the other individual unable to tell his side of the story. The process has determined that Zimmerman is not criminally responsible for Martin's death. Fair enough. And while I don't wish Zimmerman any I'll will, I don't feel sorry for him one bit. His actions put him in this spot, nobody elses. He is no victim and if he really meant what he told Hannity about "God's plan", well, maybe he'll come to embrace the totality of that concept.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I hold 2 concealed handgun licenses and can legally carry in 36 states. That being said, if I ever decided to participate in a neighborhood watch group, I would probably choose to be unarmed while doing so although I might consider a Taser. The only way I would consider being armed is if there were other members of the watch group with me to act as witnesses. Ideally, a neighborhood watch would have at all times a minimum of two people, one of whom was armed with non-lethal weapons such as a Taser or pepper spray, and the other member providing "lethal cover" if needed with a legally carried handgun. It is important to remember that Tasers and pepper spray do not always work, and standard police procedure for dealing with a violent subject is to not attempt the use of non-lethal methods unless there is an additional officer present who can employ lethal force as a last resort.
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