Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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nowhere special
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

The NAACP doesn't have the power itself to bring any civil rights charges......only the DOJ....so that would be Holder's move.

If NAACP screams about civil rights what do you think Holder will do? He already sided with Martin family to force the trial when there was not enough evidence for a conviction.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Yeah. Those Goldmans were rat bastards. Just couldn't let OJ walk. Just had to sue the poor guy.

Don't ya just love the irony between these two cases....in the OJ trial, reasonable doubt was shown, and he walked. The black community cheers and celebrates in the streets at our wonderful justice system imperfect as it may be.

Fast forward to Travon...the same system was able to show that a cop wannabe had the right to defend himself against a thug wannabe, and the thug wannabe lost, boohoo America is racist.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Yeah. Those Goldmans were rat bastards. Just couldn't let OJ walk. Just had to sue the poor guy.

Is this the same "poor guy" that, years later, was convicted of a burglary at a hotel because he thought someone had some items that belonged to him? He apparently also thought he was above any laws as he committed the crime.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Is this the same "poor guy" that, years later, was convicted of a burglary at a hotel because he thought someone had some items that belonged to him? He apparently also thought he was above any laws as he committed the crime.

Yes. I was being sarcastic.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Don't ya just love the irony between these two cases....in the OJ trial, reasonable doubt was shown, and he walked. The black community cheers and celebrates in the streets at our wonderful justice system imperfect as it may be.

Fast forward to Travon...the same system was able to show that a cop wannabe had the right to defend himself against a thug wannabe, and the thug wannabe lost, boohoo America is racist.
The reverse could be said about a certain white segment of the country that is well represented on BC.


Strength through joy
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Any civil trial by the Martins would a major failure .
All testimony not allowed by the judge in the criminal trial could be used .
No more pictures of him as a baby .
How many parents copy right their son name ?


Well-Known Member
Don't ya just love the irony between these two cases....in the OJ trial, reasonable doubt was shown, and he walked. The black community cheers and celebrates in the streets at our wonderful justice system imperfect as it may be.

Fast forward to Travon...the same system was able to show that a cop wannabe had the right to defend himself against a thug wannabe, and the thug wannabe lost, boohoo America is racist.
The reverse could be said about a certain white segment of the country that is well represented on BC.

Ha! Regardless of your inability to make a point here. Truth can be such a bitch I know.


Well-Known Member
George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I'm just pointing out the obvious irony. Make all the assumptions you like.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Zimmerman may sue Florida for malicious prosecution. And NAACP is already screaming for a civil rights suit. And Martin family will probably sue Zimmerman in civil court. The criminal trial is over and people should just drop it now and move on.

well that's hardly realistic.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Ha! Regardless of your inability to make a point here. Truth can be such a bitch I know.

Are you trying to say that it isn't ironic that many here insist that OJ got away with murder are not the same insisting that Zimmerman was somehow a victim? Really? Why is one ironic and the other not?


Well-Known Member
George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I'm not trying to say anything of the sort about anyone here.

I just got back from running a few errands. I was out no more than one hour and twice, I hear on the radio station that I listen to classic rock on, announces "breaking news, George Zimmerman has been found not guilty in the MURDER of Travon Martin."

Really now, why is a man that's been found NOT GUILTY still being announced as a murderer in the media? Easy, because we have an agenda driven media that's out of control trying to control you. And it's working.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

You are making the incorrect assumption that this saga is complete. I hear some news outlets proclaiming absolute vindication in the self defense killing of the hooded thug Trayvon Martin.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

You are making the incorrect assumption that this saga is complete. I hear some news outlets proclaiming absolute vindication in the self defense killing of the hooded thug Trayvon Martin.
Well Im watching MSNBC now and that's not what Im hearing.... Lets see what CNN is saying at the moment.....


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Are you suggesting they should be?
not really.... just responding to the immediate conversation.... I will stay consistent though.... I told people that OJ was found not guilty and should be left alone (unless the family went the civil court route). Same should be true here.... but the media wont let it go.....

YEP.... CNN pretty much the same as MSNBC...... racial profiling


Well-Known Member
I would buy the book, and I bet the body guards, and Zimmerman himself would have the right to use self defense once more, thank god- for the law, and justice was served- Zimmerman NOT GUILTY!

One more thing parents need to step it up, and raise real men, parents have to stop glorifying the THUG life. Parents need to glorify good morals, and values, develop good ethics, focus on a good family foundation.


Many people will not understand how right on your post was related to this case.

I do not know truly what happened in Sanford -because I was not there. Listen to the media --in particular the Liberals --they have no concept that the fact of 10 out of twelve children are born to single mothers in the Black Community-this leads to crime and a whole host of problems!! They have made this about racism.Lets try to create more hate -rather than real solutions.

This leads to lack of guidance and accountability ---drop-out of school --get involved in gangs and drugs-go to prison --come out and father children out of wedlock -to start the cycle over again.

This cycle I described has 12.6 % of the population --committing a vastly higher percentage of the crimes in this country.

The unfortunate result --is the profiling and many times even the deadly result of the extremely innocent black child --because of fear that is borne out of hard statistics.

Instead of dealing with the obvious problem --the left and the media --just jump to RACISM.

People HAVE no reason TO FEAR a young Black Man they happen to see at night ---that is just RACIST ?? The very sad truth are the Statistical facts that are staring you right in the face.

No trials in the inner cities --deaths and shootings every day --gives bad "rep" to the innocent ---Dopey liberals call for control of the gun in my safe ????

While a person on B.C. that I often disagree with -but highly respect --because of how he describes himself as a man, a hard worker and a Great Parent --will agree that I am not a Racist --but come at this problem from a biased approach.
My only defense --statistics and facts are color blind ----Truly in my heart I want the killings to stop ----especially for the young innocent Black Male --who is in danger from the Black gang member --as well as from the police who fear all even the totally innocent Black-- because of the high percentage of crime--that is coming generational.:sad-little:
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