“Change” vs “Draining the Swamp”


Well-Known Member
There’s no evidence that drug usage increases with decriminalization.
Maybe not. But some things dont really need statistics for the ramifications to be understood. If murder was legal, would you restrain yourself on moral grounds or act on it? Florida's "stand your ground" law shows that when given the ability to shoot, people will. In other states where the criminals are treated like victims, people are hesitant to shoot. Buddy of mine had someone break in his house at 11pm, dressed in all black with a ski mask on. He unloaded a clip on him, killed him, and got sent to the penn for 7 years for murder. Courts said it was an unreasonable amount of force... do you think he will ever do that again if someone breaks in his house?

Laws and consequences go hand in hand in decision-making.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Maybe not. But some things dont really need statistics for the ramifications to be understood. If murder was legal, would you restrain yourself on moral grounds or act on it? Florida's "stand your ground" law shows that when given the ability to shoot, people will. In other states where the criminals are treated like victims, people are hesitant to shoot. Buddy of mine had someone break in his house at 11pm, dressed in all black with a ski mask on. He unloaded a clip on him, killed him, and got sent to the penn for 7 years for murder. Courts said it was an unreasonable amount of force... do you think he will ever do that again if someone breaks in his house?

Laws and consequences go hand in hand in decision-making.


Well-Known Member
Maybe not. But some things dont really need statistics for the ramifications to be understood. If murder was legal, would you restrain yourself on moral grounds or act on it? Florida's "stand your ground" law shows that when given the ability to shoot, people will. In other states where the criminals are treated like victims, people are hesitant to shoot. Buddy of mine had someone break in his house at 11pm, dressed in all black with a ski mask on. He unloaded a clip on him, killed him, and got sent to the penn for 7 years for murder. Courts said it was an unreasonable amount of force... do you think he will ever do that again if someone breaks in his house?

Laws and consequences go hand in hand in decision-making.
Show me that case in the news where intruder broke in and homeowner killed him and homeowner got 7years. YOU ARE A LIAR. Trust me that would be all over FOX


Well-Known Member
Show me that case in the news where intruder broke in and homeowner killed him and homeowner got 7years. YOU ARE A LIAR. Trust me that would be all over FOX
First of all, this was nearly 20 years ago. Second, I couldnt care less if you believe me, agree with me, disagree with me... has no bearing on the reality. He did 7 years in Greensville penitentiary, got out as a convicted felon for defending his home, his wife, and his newborn baby. Thats current day Virginia.

The good news however is that the perp is still currently dead as a bish


Well-Known Member
First of all, this was nearly 20 years ago. Second, I couldnt care less if you believe me, agree with me, disagree with me... has no bearing on the reality. He did 7 years in Greensville penitentiary, got out as a convicted felon for defending his home, his wife, and his newborn baby. Thats current day Virginia.

The good news however is that the perp is still currently dead as a bish
Cool story bro.


Well-Known Member
I'll make a brief comment here about Critical Thinking skills. If you support the Con Man in the White House, you don't have any demonstrable ability to discern fakery and lies from reality. I can understand why you might support him on one issue (abortion, for example), but this presidency has been an utter disaster. If God were real, He (capitalized for you, not me) would have struck Trump dead years ago. The existence of such a thug as the most powerful "leader' in the world speaks volumes about an impotent god (small "g") who either tolerates evil or is incapable of stopping it. Either way, Trump's mere existence and rise to power point to a feckless group of cuckold Republican voters who want an authoritarian to "lead" them because they lack the ability to think and reason for themselves. Too much work for lazy Conservitards who want government checks. Far too easy to watch FOX or read Breitbart and be led like lambs to the slaughter. Blame the "socialists" who happen to be far more patriotic than the 8th grade idiot with the jacked-up 4x4 who thinks only in terms of Guns, God, and Trump. Sorry, but Trump is all on you. Fecal matter has a higher standing than the draft dodging, P-grabbing loser who won by lying like the orange rug on his head.

Is Biden a great candidate? No. But, at this point, anyone other than Donald Trump is a better choice. I'd even vote for Fred ahead of the man who wants to be the next Stalin.

Eff you, Orange Fuhrer. I await the Bible-loving haters.
Is this an opinion or a fact?


Well-Known Member
First of all, this was nearly 20 years ago. Second, I couldnt care less if you believe me, agree with me, disagree with me... has no bearing on the reality. He did 7 years in Greensville penitentiary, got out as a convicted felon for defending his home, his wife, and his newborn baby. Thats current day Virginia.

The good news however is that the perp is still currently dead as a bish
20 years ago. When we had horse a buggy. U are Full if it Dear Sir


Well-Known Member
No. He went to AA and stayed there for 11 years. *shrug*

Btw, Im not religious. Spiritual, sure. Just to bring it to your attention.

Too many homeless shelters offering food and churches handing out bowls of gumbo at night. Homelessness is ALMOST always due to poor choices. Its kinda hard to feel bad given we are currently a Capitalist country with mountains of opportunity out there.

I remember one time I actually offered to buy a homeless guy some food and he said flat out, "Na, I just want the money for some beer". Which, Im not hating. If I was sleeping next to a trash can Id want to be drunk too...
Now I remember what Jesus said about feeding the poor--"Feed the poor, but only if they have a physical reason for not working that is obvious."


Well-Known Member
I disagree. Ive never met a single person who had mental health issues that were not in some way related to drugs. However, I have never met a person with drug or alcohol issues who didnt exhibit what some might interpret as mental health issues.

Psychiatry is a pseudo-science. Hocus pocus...
Have you EVER EVER EVER considered that some underlying, not readily noticeable mental problem might be the reason for the drug use, which then made the mental issue more obvious????? I sometimes can't believe the shallow level of thinking shown in this type of response. It explains why 30% of the country is willing to follow Trump over a cliff.


Well-Known Member
I love it when people who don't understand even the most basic tenets of Christianity use their own ignorance as proof of no God.

Feed the poor Jesus pleaded, while someone who claims to understand Christianity demands they all be clearly disabled and be screened for drugs before feeding them. THAT show a real lack understnading of the "most basic tenets of Christianity"


Well-Known Member
Feed the poor Jesus pleaded, while someone who claims to understand Christianity demands they all be clearly disabled and be screened for drugs before feeding them. THAT show a real lack understnading of the "most basic tenets of Christianity"
Right, but Jesus got Crucified so maybe his decision-making skills werent really all that great. Not everyone worships Jesus, you are aware of that right? He is one religious figurehead among literally thousands. You may benefit from the Zeitgeist documentary...



Well-Known Member
Gas under $2, interest rates under 3%, housing and auto sales booming, and I have seen a huge wave of minorities (not illegals) hired into a solid middle class jobs at UPS. How and why would anyone think of going back to the status quo. Colorblind facts
Gas is under $2 in some place BECAUSE of the economy. And it would be even lower if Trump hadn't stepped in to protect his big oil donors.
With the government giving money away with an already huge federal debt and deficit, the Fed Reserve Bankers have to keep interest low. It has NOTHING to do with positive action by Trump. Global competition in the auto market is keeping prices for cars from skyrocketing, and Trump wants to end global competition. Just because the sky is blue doesn't mean an earthquake isn't coming.


Well-Known Member
Right, but Jesus got Crucified so maybe his decision-making skills werent really all that great. Not everyone worships Jesus, you are aware of that right? He is one religious figurehead among literally thousands. You may benefit from the Zeitgeist documentary...
So you don't believe in feeding the hungry unless you know why they are hungry???? Do you propose spending billions of tax tax dollars to question why someone didn't go out and panhandle instead of using food stamps???? And then billions more enforcing rules that say if a person can stand on a corner, they must? Would you rather have everyone on food stamps out panhandling, like during the Great Depression????

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Feed the poor Jesus pleaded, while someone who claims to understand Christianity demands they all be clearly disabled and be screened for drugs before feeding them. THAT show a real lack understnading of the "most basic tenets of Christianity"
First off, Jesus didn’t ‘plead’, He instructed. He also didn’t confiscate wealth in order to do so. Even Jesus discerned the difference between those who needed help and those who brought suffering upon themselves.

“The poor you will have with you always”


Well-Known Member
This FEELZ like trouble for Dear Leader Fox News poll: Biden leads by 15 points on who is more 'honest and trustworthy'