“Change” vs “Draining the Swamp”


Inordinately Right
Oh my!. How back slapping "good ole boy, I was just joshing with you", you've suddenly become.
Sorry fren I overestimated your ability to think rationally about the state of the media in the age of Trump. You apparently have slipped into total TDS with Rachel.

Carry on my good friend.


Inordinately Right



Well-Known Member
I insulted Rachel Maddow. You for some reason took that as a personal attack. Then you proceeded to insult me, displaying a complete lack of self awareness.

You feeling okay today good buddy?
It was a personal attack against Maddow. You MAGAts ALWAYS turn to personal attacks when the facts are in contradiction to your core beliefs. When your core beliefs are shown to be false, your brain turns to other defensive measures without you even knowing what you are doing. You either lash or or ignore the facts, and in reality, your mind doesn't even see them for people like you who have huge egos that refuse to accept ever admitting you are wrong.

I have no ill will for you and your ilk, you don't even know you are doing it, any more than you think that not feeding the poor or allowing them medical isn't deplorable, but it really is.


Well-Known Member
And Lincoln said “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”

You can keep talking, but you’ve already proven Lincoln right.
And that's why I keep saying that you need to stop posting some of the nonsense you think makes you seem smart. It doesn't.


Inordinately Right
It was a personal attack against Maddow. You MAGAts ALWAYS turn to personal attacks when the facts are in contradiction to your core beliefs. When your core beliefs are shown to be false, your brain turns to other defensive measures without you even knowing what you are doing. You either lash or or ignore the facts, and in reality, your mind doesn't even see them for people like you who have huge egos that refuse to accept ever admitting you are wrong.

I have no ill will for you and your ilk, you don't even know you are doing it, any more than you think that not feeding the poor or allowing them medical isn't deplorable, but it really is.


Well-Known Member
It was a personal attack against Maddow. You MAGAts ALWAYS turn to personal attacks when the facts are in contradiction to your core beliefs. When your core beliefs are shown to be false, your brain turns to other defensive measures without you even knowing what you are doing. You either lash or or ignore the facts, and in reality, your mind doesn't even see them for people like you who have huge egos that refuse to accept ever admitting you are wrong.

I have no ill will for you and your ilk, you don't even know you are doing it, any more than you think that not feeding the poor or allowing them medical isn't deplorable, but it really is.
True story: I knew a guy who was homeless for 17 years. At the time I met him, he had been sober for 11 years. He said, "Do you know why I was homeless for all those years?" I said, "No, why?" He said, "Because people kept giving me money... I'd go buy a 40oz, pound it, get drunk, and pass out behind the dumpster next to 7/11. I did that every single day, for 17 years. Now I have a wife, a 2 story house, two cars that are paid off"

What seems like help, isnt always helpful my dude, and youll learn that as you get older. But right now youre either really young or really naive. You want to be the hero of your story but you arent, so you just tell a story that makes you the hero, in your mind anyways.


Well-Known Member
True story: I knew a guy who was homeless for 17 years. At the time I met him, he had been sober for 11 years. He said, "Do you know why I was homeless for all those years?" I said, "No, why?" He said, "Because people kept giving me money... I'd go buy a 40oz, pound it, get drunk, and pass out behind the dumpster next to 7/11. I did that every single day, for 17 years. Now I have a wife, a 2 story house, two cars that are paid off"

What seems like help, isnt always helpful my dude, and youll learn that as you get older. But right now youre either really young or really naive. You want to be the hero of your story but you arent, so you just tell a story that makes you the hero, in your mind anyways.
Do not believe former homeless people who tell you the reason that they were homeless is because people wouldn't stop giving them money.


Well-Known Member
Do not believe former homeless people who tell you the reason that they were homeless is because people wouldn't stop giving them money.
He was homesless. Now, he isnt. He solved the problem that lefties cant seem to comprehend.

Giving people money for doing nothing, gives them incentive, to do more nothing...


Well-Known Member
I'd go buy a 40oz, pound it, get drunk, and pass out behind the dumpster next to 7/11.
Who passes out drunk after pounding down one 40oz? You would think after doing that for a month you would build up some kind of tolerance and it would eventually take 2 40oz, then 3, etc.....But to go every day, for17 years passing out drunk on one 40oz....I would say he has other things to worry about than being homeless.


Well-Known Member
He was homesless. Now, he isnt. He solved the problem that lefties cant seem to comprehend.

Giving people money for doing nothing, gives them incentive, to do more nothing...
So did people just suddenly stop giving him money, and he recovered instantly????? Sounds like pure BS. Another MAGAt recently posted about cause and effect. And I never said anything about giving people free money- I said feed the poor and care for the sick. Something that MAGAts- who claim that religion is so important and that they follow Christ- don't want to do.


Well-Known Member
So did people just suddenly stop giving him money, and he recovered instantly????? Sounds like pure BS. Another MAGAt recently posted about cause and effect. And I never said anything about giving people free money- I said feed the poor and care for the sick. Something that MAGAts- who claim that religion is so important and that they follow Christ- don't want to do.
No. He went to AA and stayed there for 11 years. *shrug*

Btw, Im not religious. Spiritual, sure. Just to bring it to your attention.

Too many homeless shelters offering food and churches handing out bowls of gumbo at night. Homelessness is ALMOST always due to poor choices. Its kinda hard to feel bad given we are currently a Capitalist country with mountains of opportunity out there.

I remember one time I actually offered to buy a homeless guy some food and he said flat out, "Na, I just want the money for some beer". Which, Im not hating. If I was sleeping next to a trash can Id want to be drunk too...