Told the story earlier. You can look it up. Condensed version, I felt a presence come upon me, I believe this was God.
Since that moment I have been a completely new creation, not perfect just new.
God immediately gave me victory over some of the most glaring things I was trying to resolve for years in my own strength.
God is good!
The apostle Paul's experience:
He "felt" he was doing the right thing persecuting Christians. Doing it for God.
He was blinded on the road to Damascus. He never "felt" a presence but actually saw and spoke with Jesus. ( a qualification to be an Apostle) He was told to go and it would he be told what to do. After 3 days , he was told to "arise and be baptized and was away his sins. He became a Christian.( this account appears more than once in Acts)
He was now "in Christ" Gal.3:26&27 ( how the Bible says one gets to be "in Christ")
Mark 16:15&16 He was to preach the same gospel to the Gentiles.
To be a "new creation" one must be "in Christ".
" not according to the flesh. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a" new creation." The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling" -- 2 Cor. 5:16 -19
Faith comes by hearing the word of God. ( Romans 10:17) In other words. he works the same with everyone.
Why did you get the presence of God and the other guy struggling with addiction did not?
"God immediacy gave me victory", sounds miraculous. Was your "experience " a miracle?
God is not "a respecter of persons" ( Acts 10:34) He works in our lives through his son, Jesus Christ, and His Word.
People claim all sorts of things and say it was God.
But, the Bible is very clear how God works in the lives of people today.
This is one of the reasons God is good. He has leveled the playing field.
There is no doubt you had an experience.