“The Body of Christ” with Integrity (On Topic Only”


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I am sorry for you.
I never limited God. It's very clear God set the boundaries of how salvation would be brought to the world and how one would obtain salvation. It is the same for every one.
You have decided to make up and believe your own.

Human experience , what a person feels and thinks, is very important.
But, it is not the defining standard of one's salvation.
Human reason, conscience, and emotion as has been pointed out in scripture , can be wrong.

According to Gal. 3: 26 -27 , is one "in Christ" before baptism?

Saul of Tarsus was told to "arise, and baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord" (Acts 22:16).
Did Saul have sins that need washed away before he was baptized?
In case you’re confused.


Binge Poster
No you don’t.
You take God job your “direct experience “.
I no more rely solely on direct experience than do I rely solely on what is written in the Bible.

They are both useful and profitable in conjunction with each other for assisting me in hearing from God along my spiritual journey.

Jesus is the Word of God.

To God be the glory!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I no more rely solely on direct experience than do I rely solely on what is written in the Bible.

They are both useful and profitable in conjunction with each other for assisting me in hearing from God along my spiritual journey.

Jesus is the Word of God.

To God be the glory!
You refuse to answer direct questions.
Why is that?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I no more rely solely on direct experience than do I rely solely on what is written in the Bible.

They are both useful and profitable in conjunction with each other for assisting me in hearing from God along my spiritual journey.
When your experience does not agree with what God says, your experience is a lie.
In other words, in the words of the Apostle, “you deceive yourself “


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Wouldn’t let me in.

But, the statement itself is a false premise.

The church of Christ is the only biblical church. It is the only one the Lord built and the only one found in the NT.
Please find in scripture the denomination you’re involved with and give me the verse.

You continue to deflect.
There are rules of discussion. It’s how we learn.
I believe every word that comes out of the mouth of Jesus.
Sounds like you’re on a red letter run.
Jesus said, “ He that believes and is baptized shall be saved “
You say, “ He that believes is saved “

uh oh
So be it.
okey dokey


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
is what you believe, that is your choice.
You know what I believe from an article that is full of projection, false teaching, and the twisting of scripture? Lol
You know nothing. Nor, do the writers of these articles.
I would address each these passages for you, but as in previous comments, you show no interest in having an honest discussion about the scripture. Besides, many aren’t “red” so it’s out for you anyway.
Seems the red ones are a matter of choice for you, too.
You are a trip.

Jesus is the Word made flesh.
This is not a response to what I said .
You always deflect.
Jesus is the Word made flesh.
Why introduce something else before you address what is being discussed?

You are the trip. A long one. You keep running.

Again, whenever you get serious enough to actually discuss what the Bible says and at least follow some of the rules of discussion so people can learn and benefit, let me know.

All of your spinning is wearing. It speaks volumes.


Binge Poster
You know what I believe from an article that is full of projection, false teaching, and the twisting of scripture? Lol
You know nothing. Nor, do the writers of these articles.
I would address each these passages for you, but as in previous comments, you show no interest in having an honest discussion about the scripture. Besides, many aren’t “red” so it’s out for you anyway.
Seems the red ones are a matter of choice for you, too.

This is not a response to what I said .
You always deflect.

Why introduce something else before you address what is being discussed?

You are the trip. A long one. You keep running.

Again, whenever you get serious enough to actually discuss what the Bible says and at least follow some of the rules of discussion so people can learn and benefit, let me know.

All of your spinning is wearing. It speaks volumes.
Duly noted.